TopShelf Blogs

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2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, ... -- What's the pattern of this sequence?

2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, ... -- What's the pattern of this sequence?

In a contest, such as "Are You Smarter than a Fifth-Grader?", you might be asked, "What's the next number in this sequence? 2, 3, 5". Can anyone figure out the answer?

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Fun Fun Fun

Well. Over the weekend, I found that my cousin, who I take care of, had a sore on his toes.

He's had problems with this foot for as long as I've taken care of him, and he's lost 2 of the toes because of frostbite and diabetes.

Thankfully, he has no feeling in that foot, but it's a problem as well. He's developmentally disabled, and thinks, since his foot doesn't hurt, it's fine. He also has no comprehension of sweets being bad for him, and it's always been a problem keeping his glucose level down.


I hit a big one today!

April 1... April Fool’s Day. I find the day to be quite appropriate and feel blessed that it is my birthday. It gives me an excuse to be wacky... what else could you expect from someone born on April Fool’s Day? Today I hit another milestone, one I never expected to see... the big 70. Hopefully my muse will wake up this year!


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got my sleep study done, and some personal care

so I got a sleep study done last night, which basically forced me to have a shower today.

Showers are my bane. but personal care in general is always a struggle.

The shower thing is a legacy of my stepfather, I suspect the other stuff is a mix of causes.

Just got to keep fighting, I guess

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So it's OK to be trans in the US military again

So apparently transgender people are no longer considered pariahs when it comes to serving in the American military. Most of us knew this was coming, it was pretty much a campaign promise of the current administration, but the Pentagon formally announced its change in policy today. This from the Associated Press:

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I've received a huge honor

so Shylo At AffirmingMinistries has asked me to be a speaker at a livestream for International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia & Biphobia. It will be held on May 17th, 2021 from 2:30-3:30pm.

My talk will be livestreamed on both the Affirming Ministries and Robertson-Wesley United Church Facebook Pages. The stream will be recorded and posted on additional social media for both ministries such as Instagram and Youtube.

I'm amazed and staggered to be considered for such a thing.

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Hard to say goodbye

Yesterday I had to say goodbye to my little tuxedo princess kitty, ripping a hole from my heart. She had been with us for over twenty years, a kitten acquired from a shelter to give to my daughter when her illness unfortunately re-occurred. The poor little thing eventually became 'my' kitty, latching herself to me and needing me in her sight at all times possible, even crying out if she woke up to find I'd moved to a different room. But her advanced age finally caught up to her beyond what could be treated and we had to let her go.

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Not Gender Conforming.

A quick heads up.

BBC has a story on that is quite heartening. "The Pre-Colonial Genders We Don't Talk About". It is toward the bottom of the Internet page and shows that Cross Gender, Third Gender, or Two Spirit behavior has been with us for a very long time. It is a very interesting article and encourages me in the idea that there is hope.

Much peace


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Butterscotch -37- On BC and -40- on Patreon for early look

Kissy's life is complicated but so much fun!

kissy tiara_0.jpg

Now on BC, in Butterscotch 37, Princess Kissy is introduced to the ladies at the salon... and to her date!

And for a glimpse into the future, Butterscotch 40 on Patreon features Kissy telling the other girls about her adventures in middle school!

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Big surprise. Just when I think my life is back on track, I get FUCKED OVER AGAIN.

NYSEQ increased my Budget Billing to $210 a month, which I can't afford half of on top of the $80 a month I shell out for internet. Add insult to injury, I'm supposed to pay $400 by the end of April. For some stupid reason.




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14 - Legacy of Earth: Birthright - A Good Frisking

In case you are unaware, Battle for Earth, the prequel to this series is now available on Amazon Kindle. Please consider supporting me if you enjoy my work.

Sorry for another late posting, my mother fell last night and I spent the evening checking in on her and helping her out. She's banged up, but I think she should be fine.

Legacy of Earth: Birthright

A Good Frisking

By Daniela A. Wolfe

A trip through security hits a snag and Kayde finds herself at the mercy of spaceport security agents.

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Moderna Vax Update

Well, I promised to relate my experience with the Moderna vaccine, so here goes. This is better than 2 1/2 days since I was vaccinated.

Day One Vaccinated at 6:30 AM CDT. The nurse was excellent, I didn't feel a thing. This was at the local Wal-Mart so after the waiting time (15 minutes) was up I decided to do a little shopping. Got home about 10 AM. All during this time I only had a small amount of pain in my upper arm, left arm BTW.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 


some good news from a doctor's visit

So I saw an internist today because my doctor was concerned about me having a high white blood cell count, and I got some good news.

First, my BP today is 107/70, which is fantastic.

Second, my white blood cell count has been going up and down, from above 15 to 11.7 (11 is normal), so odds are its not anything like cancer.

The internist is sending me for some more tests, but for now, I'm gonna call this a win.

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Is it my Computer or the BCST Site?

I'm reading "No Half Measures" and am almost finished. It is a very good story.

I notice that if I pause reading for more than a minute or two, the page freezes. It could be my Computer. It is aging and I'm getting ready to get another one. It runs on Win 10, and we all know that I am most certainly no Geek.

I am wondering if the issue has something to do with where the story is stored?

Any ideas?


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New stories

I, after several years, noticed that I had forgotten to post all of the chapters of "I Need To Remember." so I will post them this week.

The story includes a visit to "Silks" a lesbian nightclub and I have posted elsewhere several "Tales From Silks" stories.

They are all non-TG stories and I'm not sue whether to post them here. Please let me know what you think.


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Raliegh and replacement parts.

Just a warning to those that either have or plan to get a Raleigh bike. Getting ORIGINAL replacement parts, such as a rim, can be a huge pain the rear. Sure you can get knockoffs that are pretty close to original on amazon and such. But getting something that actually looks the same as original...nope.

I sent a complaint to about this as raleigh usa is a pain in the rear.

On that note.

Raleigh detour 1 hybrid bike.

If for nothing else the seat setup on this is brilliant. I would recommend getting one just for that seat setup alone.


What I need.

Sorry for the silence, executive dysfunction + depression makes just typing hard.

A couple of people asked what I need. A short list:

- Money. I've been unable to get work because of my mental health and I'm trying to get treatment (nobody will hire me after an interview) and I'm applying a disability pension. But the system is fighting me every step of the way and I just don't have the spoons to do that fast.


I hate to be doing this...

Hi there, Big Closet family.
I've finally managed to get the emotional help I need to kick the abusive asshole out of my life (I was doing the usual abused person thing of circling back to their abuser, hoping they will be better...). But as my housing was with him, I'm needing to find a place again. I'm sick and tired of depending on other people for my housing stability, so I am looking for a place for just me.



Shiraz vs Amazon ...

The battle lines have been drawn, will I or Amazon be the victors?

My problem is that Amazon seems to object to my books living anywhere else on the internet. This isn't a new issue, and many published authors have hit the same problem, but usually it is a simple issue to fix.

Not this time, I loaded Testing Times onto Kindle a week back and that took a day to be authorised, but it's the paperback that's giving me trouble. To be honest, I'm only putting a paperback option on Amazon for completeness (plus so I can have a dead-tree edition on my bookshelf!)

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Small donations make big contributions

No one must sacrifice everything just to make a donation. It would be wrong to give one's meal ticket if it meant they had to do without. But that is what I'm going to suggest. Daddy always told me to watch the pennies because the dollars will take care of themselves. Give that one some thought. Daddy was a very smart person. BCTS has a physical address (mailing address) listed. If one could drop five dollars in an envelope and send it. If you don't think it counts, think again. It counts very very much. Add the numbers and say a hundred people do the same. Are we getting there?


Removing a story

Does anyone know how to remove a story? I want to completely remove my Huntress story. I don't like it and I'm intending to completely rewrite it after I finish "In the Darkness is the Light"

It's going to be waaaay different and better because the original was just dismantling tg tropes in fiction and just... I hated it so much. I wanted to kill certain characters just because of all the crap that happened. I hated using those tropes but I just kept doing it, well now I'm fixing it.

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An update on coming out

Well, I emailed my coming out letter to my mother's email address, I heard back from my mother and her initial response was pretty hostile and well not exactly ideal. She actually called me back a short time later and apologized, which shocked the hell out of me.

I had intended to tell my father after he got home from work... well... right about now, but I think I'm going to wait. My mothers turnabout seems very encouraging and I think I may be able to turn her into an ally. That'll make coming out to my father much easier. He's a Pro-trump conservative and very transphobic.


No Legacy this week

So I am sad to say, there will be no Legacy of Earth this weekend. This week I came out to my manager and tomorrow afternoon I plan on coming out to my parents. I just don’t have the energy or desire to get any editing done.

I do apologize and hope you have a delightfuly devious weekend,


P.S. Please wish me luck, I am nervous as hell about telling my parents.

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the deep dive

If you know my story, you probably know the only way I could find to survive my childhood was to disassociate. To withdraw deep within myself, become as much of an empty shell as I could.

Well, this morning I had the urge to do so again, as strongly as I have had in decades.

My best guess as to why is a combo of a massive PTSD response to a serious depressive spike, with a bit of dysphoria thrown in for good measure.

I'm hanging on, but boy could I use a break from being me . . .

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A Borg

I'm sitting in a parking lot right now, waiting for my daughter to get done with an appointment. I'm sitting directly across from the door, so I can see when she comes out.

A little bit ago, someone walked out with tattoos all over his face. Now if someone wants a tattoo or two, thats fine. They're an expression of ... diversity, I guess, but as you can tell, I don't have one. Were I to transition, I might do eyeliner. That's about as far as I'd go, however.

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You Are a Meany Update and a little more

Chapter 27 will be done by sometime next week. Then it will be sent to my great editor and an even better friend. I usually don't like giving these updates about my stories. I am doing so because of that long delay I had. I wanted to let people know it is still being worked on.

The reason for this delay is a good one. I had a short story in my mind which demeaned my attention each time I went to write. So in a couple of days that story, Guilty Until Proven Innocent, will be up.

Love N Hugs

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Do Writers do Art Too?

Being a total recluse only partly because of Covid 19, I just find things to do that are pleasing to me. I write a fair amount of the time but most of that will never be seen by others. Lately I've been thinking about Art. Not the style of famous people, but most likely Native American Navajo and Shawnee Art. I have some plasticized art paper and I don't even know which side gets the art. I started to use colored markers but the fumes from them almost put me in a Coffin. So, now I have some Acrylics and have no idea what to do with them, or what side of the paper they go on either.

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Busy week

Hey everyone,

I've had a busy few days. Between that, not sleeping much again lately, my thumb still slowing things down, and a busy weekend ahead I just don't think that I'll be able to post chapters of either I Wish or MSPD this week. So I'm going to try to get a solid night or two of sleep and rest my thumb and brain between getting things done over the next few days.

*big hugs to you all*



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There is hope!

There is hope!

A Native American has been appointed by President Biden to head the Department of Interior. And to make it even better the appointee is a woman, Deb Haaland, who is a member of the Laguna Pueblo. By being the Secretary of the Interior it puts her over :

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I was messaging my therapist today, when it hit me that while I thought I had moved on from guilt about my rapes, apparently I have not.

You see, I told the doctor how I wanted to grow up to be as pretty as my mom, and that gave him the wedge he needed to break me utterly.

So if I had hid that truth, would I have been spared?

My mind knows the answer is no. He'd raped my brother and at least one of my cousins, if I had managed to convince him I was a regular boy I'd be no different than they were.

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Comes in Threes

Selected for jury duty. I was laughing as I read I had been summoned for jury duty and when I had to report to the court house. Called the court clerk and explained my circumstances and told her I would be more than pleased to attend. Although I believe I have an excellent sense of fashion I would be bringing the past X number of years of medical files in my briefcase. I'm sure the judge and lawyers wouldn't be pleased.


Crisis averted

OK, false alarm.

I check a graphic heavy story (One Dozen Roses) and found all the graphics in place. That means they were still where they were supposed to be. So I poked around in the insert picture routine and found that some how Drupal had sent my search to the wrong folder. Sorry for crying wolf. Who knew there was more than one folder.????

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HELP!!!! BCTS Techies; My pictures have disappeared.

HELP! Just now I was trying to insert a picture in a PM. When I tried to preview the message, the message disappeared and when I tried to reconstruct it, all but three of my pictures have disappeared.

Is there any way to get them back? There are a lot of them that need to appear in current stories, both mine and other authors.

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I just watched a movie named Predestination (on Netflix). I won't give too much away or I will be spoiling.

It is a time travel story but its interest to many of us is that one of the central characters is born and grows up female and then becomes male. The part is played by the same actress, who received an award for her performance and, in my opinion, deservedly so.

It may not be to everybody's taste but I found it intriguing.

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My Patreon

I am not really sure how Patreon works.
I have had a Patreon site for almost two years and I post all of my new material on it every week, sometimes in a raw state, before it goes anywhere else. I thought that is was all about sharing my art and my creative process, but I am just not getting any engagement. I get some likes but very few usable comments and no real interaction.
I think that Erin is suggesting that it is because I am not known but I really have no idea how to promote it.
I would be interested in hearing from others who have a patreon platform.

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Whilst reading Chapter 7 of 'Emma and Sam' for posting, much to my horror I realized that I never finished it even though Chapter 8 was nearly done. Therefore I had to break it into two parts...something I hate doing. The second part of 7 is still being written. Meh... Andrea Lena has been of tremendous help in 'pulling me off the ceiling' during this process. the good graces of the Gods and Goddesses, the second part will be read by this coming weekend.

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I'm still here

Hello out there,

As you know I've been gone for a while. Chapter 6 of Walker's Path was pretty tough to write but Chapter 7 is even harder. It's not a whimsical or fun Chapter. It's difficult to write because it's emotional.

Because it's so emotional it takes a lot out of me. Pulling emotions out of my brain is pretty taxing. It makes me face feelings that I don't want to deal with.

Walker is following a similar path. Where he doesn't want to face the truth of what happened to him. He's lucky though because he's found a support system by accident.

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JDrama "Life as a Girl" (on Youtube)

So, in the course of my rambles about the Internet, I became aware of this

"Life As A Girl" ( from 2018, 1 season (only 4 episodes) (I've only seen 2. English subtitled. Said to be on SOME Netflix, although evidently not the North American feed.)

Watching it, I find a bit of a mixed bag.

She is living and working as a female, only interested in female partners. "she wants to becomes a girl, hasn't done any thing about her body 'yet'".

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It's weird

It's weird; these days when I do a word search, I'll find something I don't remember reading before, and then I'll realize it's one of MY stories...

(In editing my own stories, I develop a familiarity that seems to prevent me from recognizing the individual sentences, as there are alternate versions in memory, too.)


Bad news

So last I had posted was before Dad came home for Hospice. Well, he passed away on January the 5th. Since then I have been dealing with the vultures in the family. I got my brother and his younger son both wanting to move in, but I can't afford to live here myself. I really can't afford to have them move in and not pay anything. My brother keeps insisting everything should be his, but dad did a living trust and gave me almost everything except his van, all because my brother only visited him once in the past 15 months.

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13 - Legacy of Earth: Birthright - Leave Well Enough Alone

In case you are unaware, Battle for Earth, the prequel to this series is now available on Amazon Kindle. Please consider supporting me if you enjoy my work.

Sorry this week's part is a bit late, I've had a busy weekend.

Legacy of Earth: Birthright

Leave Well Enough Alone

By Daniela A. Wolfe

After her tumultuous day at the conclave, Kayde isolates herself in the Briggs' family estate, but life finds a way to intrude.

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adulting accomplishment

So yesterday my new bed frame arrived, and with a little help from mom I was able to get it together, and throw the old frame out.

Not a difficult task perhaps, but considering my lack of stamina, my wonky leg, and my even more wonky brain, I feel like it counts as a reasonable adulting accomplishment

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A line from a book I was reading really hit me tonight.......

“It’s true that love can be hard on a person—the act of loving someone the way they need to be loved instead of how you want to love them, I mean. It takes a lot of effort to make someone else’s desires and troubles your own. You have to want it more than anything. And you have to want it whether they notice or not. Because that’s the nature of the thing: to care so much that it doesn’t matter if they ever reciprocate. If you really feel that way, you can’t hurt them. You just can’t. And when they hurt you, you forget it right away.”

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Gone, but not forgotten, yet?

Gone, but not forgotten, yet?

There are a few websites that have ceased to function in my Bookmarks, my question is, are they gone permanently?

Bev's Balcony
Sapphire's Place
I Know, I Know, but... (Joy Phillip's site)

Just wondering if I should delete them, so if anyone can confirm they are officially history, it would be appreciated.
Loving Hugs, Talia (Taarpa)


The follies of my youth come home to roost........

The past several weeks have been......... well, let’s say interesting. You remember the old Chinese curse about living in interesting times? Yeah......... interesting.

A few years ago I noticed a mole on the back of my left shoulder, just above the scapula. It was unfortunately in a location that was visible in certain styles of clothing (annoyingly and unflatteringly so), and over time it became large enough that it occasionally caught on my bra strap or rubbed on my clothing uncomfortably.

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Ashleigh Blayze, Legacy of the Anari

I just finished reading "Legacy of the Anari", again. Looking back on things written about this Author, it seems they have been adequately admired. It seems that they were moving South, but that is the latest entry I see about them. Apparently there was intention to write more but it seems that it did not get to BCTS. Sad that.

I wish them well.


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Farewell Jan Morris

Have been re-reading Jan Morris’s wonderful memoir “Thinking Again”
She was an inspiration to many of us from that era when things were somewhat more challenging than they are nowadays.

She underwent surgery back in 1972 but before that as James Morris, she was a member of the 1953 British Mount Everest expedition, which made the first ascent of the mountain.


A good day

Lately, I've had to classify many days as "bad". Yesterday, was a pleasant surprise.

I don't know why, but I actually slept most of the night, rather than only a small portion of it. So, I was actually able to get up at around 8:30, which is VERY early for me.

The first thing that happened after that was the new tablet which wasn't supposed to be here until the earliest the 11th, arrived on the 10th. While I was setting it up, everything was going great, then I saw I had a voicemail.


We have a LAW!!! Stimulus checks are LAW now!!

I've done something like this before but no one bothered to check it out. Well, Our President JUST signed the stimulus/covid relief bill into law!!!! As of 11:11 today!!! Go to the url I'm providing to get info on how to apply for OTHER things like EIDL loans and GRANTS as well as PUA/FPUC and Unemployment extensions!

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How to Turn Just Fifty Words into Green Eggs and Ham

There’s been a lot of discussion in a different thread about the decision to pull several Dr. Seuss books from publication.

Much of the chatter seems to regard a book as “art” or “history of a certain time.”

I certainly agree. Books like “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” and “Huck Finn” are examples of books that are offensive by today’s standards -- that should never be lost to readers.

What that other discussion seemingly misses – and a point that should never be missed on this site – is that books are chattel.

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State of the Iron Tiger

_Face desks._

Ok, it's been a long, long, long, long, long, long time and I'm sorry for that.

While I haven't managed to catch COVID, I've been busy with mental health, finances and other survival issues, including a two-week spate of homelessness last year (don't worry, it was the white version of homelessness not 'living off the street').

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Dr. Seuss NOT Banned

There seems to be a misconception that some Dr. Seuss books have been banned and that the US Government is responsible.


The books are not banned and it has nothing to do with the US Government despite attempts to make it appear so by some so-called conservative politicians.

The books in question are still available but the family company that controls the publishing has decided that in today's society some of the characterisations may appear racist and so they have decided not to sell any more of those particular books.

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Looking for a story

I'm looking for a story that I read on here some time ago but I never thought to book market.

The story begins as always with a young boy who happens to be the town Tara who lives with his grandparents that just doesn't care. The Grandparents win in a vacation somewhere and leaves him with the next door neighbour and their daughter. Down to the fact of their daughter leaves her underwear in her dressing jacket and he has none decides to put it on and find that out who he really is.

