TopShelf Blogs

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It's late but it's done.

Hello out there,

I finished writing chapter 7 of Walker's Path today. It took a lot longer than I anticipated. I was going to finish it quickly but then Camp NaNoWriMo happened and I started working on the sequel to Adrian. That didn't end up going anywhere either so I ended up distracting myself.

I want to do a quick edit on it before I release it. Most of my work here is first draft material so I'm sorry if it's not that well done.

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not the way I expected to spend this night.

I just finished a chapter and had gotten up to lock my kitchen (my cousin will raid it if I don't), and my wife asked me to help her out. She's got a migraine so bad that we ended up in the ER. She's never had a migraine before, so seemed like the most prudent move. Now I'm sitting in an overheated room and waiting.

Quick update the doc just came in, so giving Norma a few meds.


Lilith Langtree...where are you?

I've been reading some of Lilith's stories...well, re-reading them and I'm wondering where she's been.

I seem to recall some sort of schmozz where she got a little...or more... peeved and took her ball and went home? I've tried her website, which won't load. I tried her twitter account...nothing there past 2014 she still around? Is she okay?

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April 30th will be

The 30th will mark the second anniversary of actually allowing someone to crack open my skull to remove a meningioma from my brain. I suppose the benefits of it being gone outweigh the problems I had before it was removed, but there are times it's hard to see how.

I used to sit down and compose music with no trouble, but now, I find that the creativity just isn't there. I can orchestrate a pre-existing piece, certainly, but to make something new doesn't seem possible.


I think I've become afraid of my bed

I think I've become scared to go to bed.

my latest adventures - which included pulling a muscle in my back trying to keep myself from falling off my bed - has left me with an extreme reluctance to go sleep on my bed.

As if I didn't have enough issues to deal with . . .

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Be Careful

So the VA Caregiver seems anxious to get me on Psych Drugs again. It is chilling. They talk about Borderline Personality Disorder. They have grown so condemning and intransigent that I use a private provider when I can. My private Psychological Nurse Practitioner seems more up to date and we've developed the idea that whatever personality problems I have come from Childhood abuse. The VA is very concerned that I not own a gun, and that is confusing since I have no history of violence, and was Military Police in the Army. If I had a broken arm, I would take that to the VA.

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a (non) writing update

In case anybody was wondering how my writing is going, here is an update.

I can't even get near my latest story idea cause its way too triggering right now
which leaves me with a sequel I'm blocked on, an essay nobody will care about, a D&D story that is simply not working, and TTSD 4 and 5, which are also at a standstill.

so bottom line, nothing is gonna come out for a bit, sorry.

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No postings for Wolfjess7 stories this week

To those who follow Jessie Wolf's stories. I'm sorry to report that my mother will not be posting any new chapters this week for either Speed Demons or Wolff of the endless waltz. As much as she loves posting her stories here at Big Closet. I must put a halt until further notice. Please do not blame mom. Blame me. I know I'm being selfish but i want to keep her around until I graduate college and get married. (Wolf daughter growl) Hopefully she'll be back home in a few days from the hospital and in a few weeks back to posting her stories.

Thank you for understanding.

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Ten years!

Wow, I just looked on my profile and saw that I've been a member of BCTS for ten years and five days! It's been quite the ride and it seems so very long ago that I first posted Virtually Twusted. I was so early into my journey and it took me so long to come to my senses and accept I'm trans. Look at me now, 6+ months into HRT and still writing.

Much love to you all and have a deliciously devious night,



Friendship and Agony with 15 more Tales

Book 1.jpg
It's a big day, because Doppler Press have just posted the first of what I hope will be a series of collections of my stories on Amazon Kindle
The link is:
Thanks to Erin and the team at Doppler Press and to Sigh for some edits and the foreword, at to Bronwen for all of her tireless editing work.

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(My) Upcoming name change. . .

So as the title of this blog alludes to, I'm finally close to filing my legal name change.

Kirstyn Piper Plummer

I managed to change my gender marker in New Jersey and I've been waiting to get my birth certificate changed till I also had my name change so that I only have to pay one fee to the state of California (where I was born).

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Publishing Yourself

To Ms. Leslie Moore and all authors, you do understand you are the author, book agent, publisher, and promotional team when you don't have the other mentioned agencies in a contract. As before I mentioned I could be sitting in my pasture giving away hundred dollar bills. No one knows so at the end of the day I pack up my table and tent and go home with all my money having gave away nothing.


It's all over but the crying

I was hoping that I'd be able to get some writing done this month, but between the depression, anxiety, and sleeplessness it's been difficult to get anywhere Things were bad enough, but Martin broke up with me on Saturday and I've spent most of the time since crying my eyes out. We're going to keep living together for the summer, and I'm going to spend a lot of that time working on myself but now I have to figure out what to do from here. I can't stay in Quebec, hell it hurts too much just to stay with Martin and I need to go somewhere where I can get my medical needs addressed.


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"Collected" an IGNORED book by Leslie Moore

While The Big Books of Wildcats and Taylor and being received in such a positive light, one of my books has fallen through the cracks. I'm hoping that you will take another look at the preview pages of this Kindle book on Amazon.

Why, you ask, am I writing this blog? Well, in my mind, this was the book I worked hardest to make 'good.' It's got a great body swap, some swash-buckling characters, a nice love story, and a happy ending. It even has a talking AI.

Thanks for humoring me.


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April 19th

Today is April 19th. Twenty-six years ago today, at 9:02 AM a truck bomb, constructed by disgruntled ultra right wingers Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, was detonated in front of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Bldg in Oklahoma City. 168 people, including 19 children, were killed in the attack.

We Okies made a solemn vow after the bombing. This vow has been used other times in other incidents, but we will honor it every year.

We Will Never Forget

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 


charlie's wish list...

I have been disappointed, lately, with the lack of good transgender novels to read. I will admit that I am kind of fussy about what I like to read. I like character-driven stories. Not magical, or gender-swapping types, but more down-to-earth things; like plotlines which show how we cope with the intricacies of life. The struggles to fit in; not necessarily in dramatic movie-of-the-week ways, but how to fit in with "normal" society and be whole. I like mysteries and thriller elements, too.

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"Meet the local queens taking ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race’ by storm"

The insights and life experiences of these girls is worth noting.

The LA Times recently caught up with Gottmik and Symone, now vying for the “Drag Race” title... we can all learn from their experiences and unique insight into drag.

Some of the questions: How has drag helped you grow? - What makes your drag representative of the L.A. scene? - Why is activism an important facet of your drag? -

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Transport Evolved Video Statement about Texas and the rest.

I just had to post another video link. Here is Nikki Gordon-Bloomfield making an on point statement that is completely off topic for their You Tube channel.

I know that we have been pushing more political commentary than is probably appropriate on this forum. Still we all share a set of interests, experiences and perspectives, as well as some level of activist spirit.


WunderBoy -7- by Shauna Rousseau on Patreon for Members

I stumble down the stairs and find Jules and Sam in the kitchen giggling. “Good morning…girls…what’s going on?” I’m still getting used to calling Sam…antha…a “girl.” Not that I have…much…doubt…anymore.

WunderBoy -7-
by Shauna Rousseau
on Patreon for Members


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02 - Legacy of Earth: Genesis - Ghost from the Past

In case you are unaware, Battle for Earth, the prequel to this series is now available on Amazon Kindle. Please consider supporting me if you enjoy my work.

Legacy of Earth: Genesis

Ghost from the Past

By Daniela A. Wolfe

After recalling the events following her grandmother's passing, Kayde finds she needs to blow off some steam. Khala is all too happy to oblige.

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a memory has been on my mind

okay for some reason a moment from when I was in junior high has been on my mind lately.

It's possible I've mentioned it before, but since I've been thinking about it, I'm gonna bring it up now.
See, in junior high, I thought it might be possible for me to find a way to fit in, as I was now more actively engaged in my life, recovering from my "dead kid" phase.

So I looked into athletics.

Now I wasn't strong, fast, or really all that coordinated, so this was a bit of a faint hope, but there is one athletic endeavor I thought I could master - track and field,

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So drained

Hey everyone,

It's been a really rough week and a half since I last blogged. I've been having trouble fighting off the anxiety and depression, I've had hope given and taken away again on the medical front, and now I have a terrible cold on top. I've really tried to write chapters this week, but I just haven't had the spoons for it. Sorry everyone, but I'm going to head back to bed and hope that I can shake all of this off.

*big hugs to you all*



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Porno Site

Be very very careful checking out text messages. Received a text message with the return add coming from .hotmail. Didn't open it, and did a search on the web It is a porno site. Never linked on to it but getting close they dropped four cookies on me along with adding two more web sites to my surfing history. So much for add blockers, java blocker along with virus filters. Dug in and erased all of off and out of my computer. If by any stretch of the imagination my computer was seized because someone swated me, there would be no history or records of getting close to a porno site.


Three Dystopian Tales

Not long ago it was suggested that people should quit blogging about political matters. The suggestion went on to opine that if a person wanted to make a political point that should be done through fiction. . .which is the mission of this site.

I’ve always enjoyed a good dystopian story such as Nineteen Eighty-Four, Handmaid’s Tale, Brave New World, Animal Farm, Hunger Games, Welcome to the Monkey House, or Atlas Shrugged.

Those are great stories about society run amok.


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I'm looking for two stories

Hi hi. I'm looking for two stories that would like to read again. I believe both of them are posted on BCTS.

For the first story a kid transitions and goes to a new high school as a girl. She gets involved with the band and/or media department. She creates some songs which she submits to be played on the school radio. Her father is a music producer who has a studio underneath the garage. Eventually many of her friends wind up being invited to the studio where they make and record music. Some of her songs make it onto radio stations.



I mentioned part of this a month ago on Facebook, but not here. So I'll go ahead with the whole announcement.

Late in December, after getting over COVID, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Just having a prostate was bad enough, but it had to grow a cancer as well. Early in March, the doctor and I agreed on surgery to remove it.

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Avoiding Plagiarism

I watched "Deep Impact" last night and found it so moving that I deeply wept until I thought I might pass on. I finally consoled myself sufficiently to gain some dignity back. I doubt that the movie will get awards but parts of it touched on things that inflamed Abandonment Issues and other things.

I've seen a few movies that carry the story to a sort of conclusion, but as I think about them, I have seen no sequels. I am very unfamiliar with so called "Fan Fic", so know nothing of the danger areas. Most certainly, I do not want to get anyone into trouble.

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The Duel

Back in the 1990's I heard this game soundtrack at the local BX and tried to think of a different, and high school rendition of the plot and started writing a plotline of two enemies who work to acquire their driver's licenses before the summer was over. Originally, it dealt with two guys...but, how would it be if two teenage girls were in a battle to be road-worthy before the other?

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Short quiz for those who casually think about speed when they are driving or even when they see a vehicle speed by. Maybe they don't give it any thought.

Wolfjess' Speedway Demons brought to mind something I have contemplated since I was little. Only we are going to ramp up the speed from so long ago.
1: A vehicle is traveling at 200 mph. For simplicity's sake discount tire slippage on the surface.
2: How fast is the apex (top) of the tire traveling?
3. How fast is the bottom of the tire traveling where it fully contacts the surface?



Okay so yesterday Mike and Carol bought a new dining room set, and in order to get it in the house, we used a device called a "forearm forklift" you put these straps under the table, and then the other end around your forearms, and lift it in.

I was less helpful than I wish I could have been, a consequence of my non-athletic lifestyle, but we did manage to get it in,

But last night, I noticed I had a line of bruises across my forearms and for a second couldn't figure out how I had gotten them until I remembered the forearm forklift.

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The Shady Post: 2021 Expectations!


The Shady Post
Shadowed's Personal Blog
From the Depths of Her Mind

My thoughts on the world and what is coming about for the future! Expect at least one post from the Shady Place of my mind at least once a week or once every two weeks when I'm busy.

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01 - Legacy of Earth: Genesis - Bloodborne

Today marks the beginning of Genesis, Part 2 of Legacy of Earth.

In case you are unaware, Battle for Earth, the prequel to this series is now available on Amazon Kindle. Please consider supporting me if you enjoy my work.

Legacy of Earth: Genesis


By Daniela A. Wolfe

Several weeks after her grandmother's passing, Kayde is still struggling to come to grips with the repercussions.

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Are We All George Floyd?

“There ain't no sin and there ain't no virtue. There's just stuff people do.”
John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath

I live in the Twin Cities. My attention to the George Floyd trial might exceed that of the average BC visitor. My anger at what occurred has gone up with each new bit of prosecutorial evidence.

It seems George Floyd died because the police officer who killed him had marginalized him.

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Avon Township candidate's victory hailed as win for transgender community

4/7/2021 8:31 PM
Kristal Larson's election to township clerk in central Lake County is being celebrated by proponents of LGBTQ rights across the Chicago area and the nation.

Larson, chosen by voters Tuesday as Avon Township's next clerk, is the first openly transgender candidate to win elected office in Lake County and only the second in Illinois' history. Larson previously served as an Avon Township trustee but was not openly transgender at that time.

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My Stalker Is Back

My Stalker is back! Strange guy. Older man. First time I met him was in a discount clothing store. I was checking out some shirts and he sorta struck up a conversation with me. At first it seemed okay, but then it started to get a little strange. For one thing he stayed with me as I browsed. I walked away and started looking at blouses on another aisle and when I turned around he was right there. Then he started commenting on my choices, quite as if he had a say-so on what I wore. I finally grabbed a few blouses and ducked into a lady's changing booth.


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Character Creation

This is Sam. Whether the mission is to be sweet and find the betrayer, or to be spicy by BEING the betrayer, Sam is ready.

And his favorite color is clear to all who can see.


(Ran into a new Among Us type game, had some fun with character creation. Entertaining reactions after "Dora and Boots" successfully killed everyone, with Sam obviously being "Dora". But I made sure to leave it visible in the attached photo that Sam is in fact a male character.)

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I'm just done

I've given up fighting unwinnable battles.

The power held by the unscrupulous, the bullies, the downright evil will not fall to any action of mine. I've spent too much of my life tilting at windmills and its getting harder and harder to get off the mat.

I am just too tired of spending my spoons with no hope of making any difference.

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Surgery went well.

This morning I had to get up at the unholy time of 4:30. I packed up my cousin and took him to the hospital. 6 hours later we were home.

The doctor said, even with toes freshly amputated, he can walk as much as he can bear.

We'll see how things look Friday at the checkup. Just praying that it goes well this week and he doesn't overdo it. He has no feeling in the foot, so no way to know if he's pressing too far, and I'm not to change the dressing.

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"I Just Became A Girl And I Thought It Was Great"

I've been following the news (and live video) of the new volcano in Iceland. In the course of that, I've taken the chance to poke around RUV's (Iceland's State-Run Television Channel) website for other news stories. Interesting place. I don't speak or read Icelandic, but if you open the web pages in Chrome, there's usually a translate button on the right end of the Location bar (where the URL is) that will get you a somewhat-decipherable English translation. Some words are wildly wrong, but you can't have everything. (Guess!

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PS3/PSVita/PSP store shutting down in July/August. My recommendations.

The PS3/PSP store will be closing in July with the Vita one closing in August.

My recs...Getting these out of the way pretty much ALL Square and Enix titles then Atlus PSOne/PSP/PS2 Classics.
After this, Popolocrois 1 and 2 on JP PS store as well as Sega Ages 2600 PS2 remakes with Phantasy Star 1 and Fantasy Zone. Both of these are PS2 classics on the JP PSN with Fantasy Zone being a remake of Super Fantasy Zone as if it had been developed on the Fantasy Zone arcade board, go M2!!!
Those are it so far but I''ll find more games on JP PSN store to recommend.

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And At the Same Time. . .

. . .this happened.

I've always voted a split ticket -- voting for the candidate who I believe represents my values -- rather than voting for an R or a D. My business partners have included staunch Rs and Ds. One was an R governor, one was a D attorney general.

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15 - Legacy of Earth: Birthright - Death Spiral

In case you are unaware, Battle for Earth, the prequel to this series is now available on Amazon Kindle through Doppler Press. Please consider supporting me if you enjoy my work.

Legacy of Earth: Birthright

Death Spiral

By Daniela A. Wolfe

Things take a turn from bad to worse when Kayde and crew arrive at the orbital defense platform and they must contend with an unexpected threat.


Not Getting It.

The recent news about T folk laws... I am frightened.
It seems that I have never understood being Transgender. Lately, in my reflections it seems clear that as a child I was very mild. The constant violence and hate I faced then caused me to fear and mistrust males, perhaps even hating them. I saw that my older stepsister was treated well and got to wear pretty clothes. I wanted to be treated nice like her. Did I feel like a female? Who knows, it is doubtful.
Perhaps I do not know what Transgender folk feel?

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Are Trans children now a political target in US?

Three stories from the Guardian, looks as if transgender children are now being targeted by the right-wingers In the US. Not that we have anything to brag about in the UK as the High Court has stopped the easy prescription of blockers to transgender teens.

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