It's a long time since I've felt such a strong urge to write but this latest series of The Joiners seems to make me want to write instead of doing other things. I should be studying not writing fiction while listening to Carpenter's CDs.
I have nearly completed part 7 and the emotions are flowing freely. I hope you all appreciate how much these things sometimes take out of their authors, but then if I can't feel what I'm writing how can I expect you, the reader to do so. I see no end in sight at the moment but they take quite a bit of time to write so once I've posted all I've got in hand, expect possible delays.
Here's something to keep you in the mood.
Definitely concur with writing being an emotional experience. Not only needing to wipe away tears when first writing such heavy-hitting scenes, but also need that box of kleenex for every subsequent editing session. And yep, if I don't feel it full force when trying to get it on a page, the reader certainly won't. :)
Explaining that to family who wonder why you came out of your writing room an emotional wet noodle can be tricky...
The cats
seem to cope quite well, but then they are miniature psychopaths.
Yes but they're utterly adorkable psychos..and good lap snugs after particularly hard sessions are quite helpful!