At the end of Wisher's Paradox Roberta asked the readers to make a small donation to BCTS as she reminded us it takes money to keep the web site up for the enjoyment of all the readers and writers. The efforts by the writers along with the efforts by the BCTS ladies takes time and money. Thus donating is returning the favor for both.
Several times I have made a donation for the stories I have read on BCTS such as The Last of the Fey, The Stations Late Night Princess, The Texas Two Step among others. There are so many excellent stories here we wouldn't find anywhere else.The talent of so many authors is unbelievable. They would be on the NYT Best Seller List if it wasn't a good ol boys club.
Thus I tossed the lint and the few pennies I found in my pockets into an envelope. I know Erin will enjoy the lint as much as I enjoy sending it. She can stuff it in her quit for extra padding and to keep warm on the coming winter months.
Hugs Roberta
Life is so screwed up. Think Fudge and have fun with it. Only way to survive.
I really hope people enjoyed The Wisher's Paradox enough to throw some money to the site for it. Nothing worthwhile in life is free, and if BCTS fails due to not enough money to keep it going, then we all lose... readers and writers both.
I contribute to the site with donations, as well as now writing to (hopefully) get more views and revenue for operations, but I felt compelled to ask that people who enjoyed the story give a little extra for it. If we all did that for each story we like here, Erin and the team would never have to worry about keeping this site afloat ever again.
Every story I publish here will include a request for donations to the site from readers that enjoyed the work.
I want it made clear that I in no way was asked to do this, nor do I get anything out of it, other than the satisfaction of knowing that I helped, in some small way. This was all my own idea... and if I may say so, not a terrible one.
When you buy a book from Kindle or such, you don't know what you're getting until you've paid for it. Unlike those authors, since I'm not a professional, I felt asking for payment only once the reader knows it was worth it was more fair. Maybe someday I'll become a professional author and do it the way everyone else does, but until that time, all I ask is that if you liked one of my stories, chip in a few bucks for the site. We could almost all afford $5 once in a while!
For those wondering about my upcoming releases, I have the following schedule planned out:
Current - 11/29/21 Lost Faith (complete)
10/25/21 - 10/30/21 {Halloween comedy; Title withheld} (complete)
12/02/21 - 01/29/22 Every Day Is Your Last (complete)
01/31/22 - 04/09/22 The Road to Hell (complete)
04/11/22 - 06/09/22 Silver Lining (20% complete)
06/11/22 - 08/13/22 For God So Loved the World... (complete, but will be getting a re-write)
08/15/22 - ??/??/?? Unsettled (outline only)
After those, I have seven other stories with outlines and most have working titles. My current project, Silver Lining, is progressing well and should be done well before the first chapter is due out next April.
Hopefully these stories will not only enrich the reader with thoughts they may not have considered, but enrich BCTS with more donations. This puts the pressure on me to make sure that each one is good enough to deserve them. :^)