TopShelf Blogs

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Attn: "One Dozen Roses" readers and those contemplating reading it.

Here is a Table of Contents that you can use to access individual stories within "One Dozen Roses" without finding the original post.

I encourage you to send the authors a message (link provided at the end of each story) for each story you liked, even if you just say, "kudos".

One Dozen Roses

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Hey, I Made Some Things!

This was originally posted on my website, but I thought I'd share it here too.

Okay, so I've been working on my Ragnarok Rising rewrite, mainly on days where I'm not feeling particularly inspired with Legacy of Earth and yesterday I was just not very productive for writing in general. So, I made the cover art which you can find below.

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A Conflict of Expectations

I had hoped to post the first installment of the next Masks serial today. However, "things happened" over the holidays (nothing majorly bad and a few things good, including some nice presents) and I'm only about halfway to the planned final length. I only just got my main villain of the piece completely fleshed out this morning! (He has connections to Rasputin, with some of my inspiration from Doc Savage and a bunch of other sources.)

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Windows 10 is Spyware

Two years earlier I purchased a new Win 10 disk from a German company in case my computer ever tossed its cookies. The unwanted upgrade MS Win 10 did on me several weeks back wiped all my files and programs. To say I was pissed is an understatement of huge proportions. Years of valuable data I had that can't be replaced was lost. Years of important and valuable email contacts scrubbed. Thousand dollar software programs scrubbed along with all the data they had cached. Basically MS wiped five years of research and hard work with that upgrade.


Emotional Viewpoints

I am not sure how long blogs remain in front of people - I suppose I should note the number of reads to work that out, but I suspect that if it is more than a few clicks on the scroll bar it is lost to most.
I like to blog about writing and I was intrigued by Gwen's blog "Which is the easiest to write about": "Out of curiosity, Is it easiest to write about a deeply flawed, even perhaps handicapped protagonist, or one who is nearly perfect, and very high IQ?"

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I'm Back - Sorta

As far as new stories go, I'm in the midst of setting up a story in my mind, but haven't put the pen to paper at this time. I have been doing a lot of proofing of my older stories as I intend to publish them during the next year. I'm thinking of reposting some of the stories that make up the Cynthia Chronicles here. I feel a couple of them are pretty good and will leave the readers feeling good. Besides working on my antique business, I don't have much else to do. I retired completely at the beginning of the pandemic.

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It Was A Very Good Year

The talking heads can't wait to put 2020 in their rearview mirrors.

Hold on!

In many ways it was the Titanic of years. But to me it represented wish fulfillment.

I'm a frustrated transwoman who for many reasons has never found the door to my closet. 2020 - the year of isolation and the delivery man - allowed me the opportunity to live fully feminine 24/7.

Without the fear of unannounced visitors, I happily expressed my true self day after day. Once it became socially acceptable to cover the camera for Zoom meetings I rarely had a need for male clothing.


New movies/shows released this year you enjoyed.

Just thought I'd ask here about new movies and shows that released this year all of you enjoyed.
I saw "Wolfwalkers" and definitely enjoyed it though the animation wasn't as polished as I like. The story and heart was there though and reminded me of what Disney use to be in Western animation. You can see it on Apple+.
Also just saw "Promising Young Woman" a smart revenge flick on sexual abuse, the main character who turns the tables on men in pick up spots. Worth a watch.

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guilt and how I'm fighting it

Mike and Carol have been generously helping me with mom, so I don't get overwhelmed, but that has led me to struggle with guilt. Mike has his own struggles, and that makes me feel like I should be taking more of the load so he doesn't have to.

Fortunately at the moment I am able to recognize that making sure I don't burn out is actually doing good for Mom, so I'm resisting the guilt.

At least, for now.

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It's complete I say; COMPLETE.

Posting author oversight corrected.

To all who may have declined to read One Dozen Roses

I apologize for failing to tag it as complete. It is indeed complete and is now tagged as such.

Again a reminder One Dozen Roses has an interactive Table of Contents. You can read one story at a time and go back to it and jump to the next story by clicking on the title of the next story. Try it here.

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wow, fast response to abuse report of a website.

I received an sms message at 22:12 pacific time yesterday. ( 10:12 PM )

tracked down the website information ( posted as an ip address by sender )
and reported the clearly fraudulent message from one of their clients. an hour ago I got a response from the service provider.


Thanks for submitting this report. We identified and terminated the user responsible for this incident.

Security Operations Center

2020-12-28 06:24:00
New Other Abuse Form Submission


a mixed bag

well, I got good news and bad news.

the good news is mom finally was able to keep something down, even if it was just a small cup of rice pudding, a liquid yogurt, and 4 spoonfuls of broccoli soup. she also has been given a new medicine which may help keep things going in a good direction.

Bad news is I'm headed in the opposite direction, as a crippling depression snuck up on me tonight.

sighs, keep sending hugs ...

Blog About: 


Ho, ho ho!

Hello out there,

This week's chapter of "Walker's Path" is up!

It's pretty late coming but Christmas and family were a top priority this week.

I feel like I'm actually fleshing out the characters now. Knitting in the little details that make the characters come alive.

Remember to leave feedback on the story and I'll get back to you if you have any questions or concerns.

Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays!

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The True Meaning of Boxing Day

December 26th is traditionally the holiday known as Boxing Day in most of the English-speaking world. In the US, it's a minor moment for after Christmas sales but elsewhere it may rival Black Friday for the retail world.

But originally, Boxing Day was when wealthy people gave gifts to servants, tradesmen and charities. It became a time for people to think of others less fortunate than themselves before morphing into a bargain-hunting monument to personal consumerism.


My mom is getting worse

My mom's condition is getting worse.

she's had 4 or 5 delusional episodes today, thinking Mike was fighting a fire in the roof, and Carol was not letting him come down., even though we went upstairs and opened gifts together this morning. Plus, she's not eating more than a couple bites of food. we tried fruit cups and yogurt, but its not her teeth, she simply has no apatite.

All of this stuff is complicated by the fact that: A: Its Christmas; and B: we're in a pandemic.

sighs, hugs appreciated.

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It is a funny old world

In my story, "Hot and Steamy", one of the characters is a former Industrial Steam Loco called 'Lucy'.
Little did I know when I wrote the tale that there is a small steam loco called Lucy residing on the NYMR (North Yorkshire Moors Railway). This Lucy is a formed Brussels Tramway Loco.

Strange coincidence or what?

May I wish each and everyone at BC a happy Christmas and hope that 2021 turns out to be a lot better than this.

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New short story

I shall be posting a new short story today or tomorrow, that I knocked up in the past day or two. Please don't ask for more as I didn't have time to write this one really, I have far too much university work to catch up, which is entirely my own fault, but I can't see me having much spare time in the foreseeable future, so just enjoy my Christmas prezzie to you all.

Merry Christmas.

From her and the cats.

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On the Topic of Fruit Cakes

There is a tradition involving fruitcakes which most folks currently alive are unaware of. Yes, people make fruitcakes for eating, often with whiskey of some sort, perhaps even with a small amount inside the container so that the fumes enrich the cake. However, these are not the fruitcakes traditionally given as gifts. Even if the tradition is no longer remembered by most of the people who follow it.

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Fashion Advice

Can a mature woman (60+) wear embroidered jeans?!?

If you have slim legs at (60+) can you wear skinny jeans?!?

can you also wear platform wedges (6 inch w/ 1.5 inch platforms)?!?

Is a 6 inch heel w/ 1.5 inch platform cause a similar strain on a foot as a 4.5
inch heel with no platform?!?


WunderGirl ~ Chapter 4 -- Early Posting on BC...ahead of XMas

I posted WunderGirl 4 on BC early. I'm going to be busy tomorrow and Friday...with family. YES! I will be safe--and I hope the same for all of you!

The chapter is a short one, in any case. But I hope you enjoy it.

More so, I hope you enjoy your Holidays...Christmas, Hanukah, or whatever they may be. May they be peaceful, safe, and all that you wish for!


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Today has been one of the hardest days I've had in a long time. Last night my therapist went over the whole adoption situation for the first time since the anniversary is on Thursday. She had to have told me at least a dozen times that no piece of that blame pie was mine. I know she's right there was nothing I did wrong to cause what happened. In a way it was easier to blame myself because it wouldn't hurt as bad. Since then though my mind has changed and being honest I've been crying all day over that lost time and how it could've been spent.



Merry Christmas and a little food for thought (as the Brits say)

First off Merry Christmas to all this has been a hard year for many. My husband is a nurse and like many others he has seen first hand just how bad this virus can be. At times I know for a fact he felt as though he was in combat (no disrespect to those in the military). We have seen him come home defeated during the first wave saying that he's never seen so much death.

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Even bad things can be entertaining.

I was browsing some recent news headlines. Reading articles and happened across one that made me laugh.

Backstory is a Calgary woman was beaten six months ago. Hubby is in prison for it. Dec 3 court rules in favor of woman to continue living in house till its sold.

dec 5 house is burned to ground with multiple molotov cocktails.

"Calgary police agree that fire is suspicious."

That cracked me up! Its more than suspicious! It's plain and simple arson.

Still it goes to show you that, depending on circumstance, even bad news can be entertaining.


Actually Squealed Out Loud

So, I finally got around to renting The New Mutants last night. I would have liked to have seen it in the theater, but Covid put the brakes on that idea. However, I have been really looking forward to its release. (Anyone who gets my pen name would understand why.)

I didn't expect to actually squeal out loud (embarrassingly) when Illyana, played perfectly by Anya Taylor-Joy, responded to someone warning her that her opponent was magic by replying "So am I."

Yes, I'm a big, goofy dork. But I just had to share.



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Just an idea

Had another thought. (I know that's scary in and of itself) It has now been about 7 years since Ellen has posted anything to Tuck. I have sent her emails, and left requests for contacts in a couple of places. I did not know her, outside of her writings and a couple of contacts by email, and as cantankerous as she could be, could have just blown me off. BUT, that's a long time to not even leave an update. She and her SO had split after many years and her health was not on the top line. I am truly surprised her site is still up and running.

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Kitsune adoption

Does anyone have a copy of Kaho's "A little fox tale"? It is not completely archived and was removed from BigCloset. I saw a blog where SammieT asked for it and TheAkashicTraveller replied that they had a copy. I asked because I cannot find it anywhere and it seems the new version was never finished. If you are TheAkashicTraveller and have the story I would thank you if you PM or if you send it to my email [email protected]


Blog About: 


A Dozen Roses: Breaking Out of Norms

First off, to anyone who's getting a little annoyed at all the Roses blogs, I understand. We are, as a group, collectively VERY excited about the project we've been working on, and the effort for some has been tremendous. So, bear with us for a couple more days, please, and I promise, you won't regret it.

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Merry Christmas!

This is a slightly modified version of a blog that was posted on my website.

Well, let my just start off by saying, there will not be any Legacy of Earth for the next two weeks, with Christmas and New Years two weekends in a row, I just don't think I'll have the time or desire to edit the next couple parts.


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Heartache by the Numbers

Troubles by the score.

Why do I have such a fixation on the Kudos and Total Views numbers?

That is a very good question when you consider that I’ve been saying for eons that there is absolutely no correlation between the quality of writing and these two numbers, for any given story.

The over-riding answer is this – I’ve seen too many new or impressionable writers turned off when their stories don’t receive high scores.

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I want to take a few moments to say thank you to the authors (in no special order) who participated in the production of One Dozen Roses. First and foremost, I’d like to thank Melanie E. (AKA Rasufelle) for recruiting us into this fun and challenging project. One Dozen Roses was her brain child.

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Kinky Boots on YouTube One Day Only

The Musical Kinky Boots is appearing on YouTube for one day only, today Dec 20.


It's a good show and this is the West End production.

If you haven't seen it, take a look, you might enjoy it a lot. :)


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One Dozen Roses will have an Interactive Table of Contents


One Dozen Roses is 36,046 words long. Don't let that deter you. No need to read it all in one setting.

Each story is somewhere between 2000 words and 5000 words. It is possible to read one story at a time, close the file, come back and use the Table of Contents to jump to the next story.

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Just now, I had reason to search, "cowgirls don't get mad". Along with the (single) result that I was looking for, the search system offered this suggestion: "cowgirl donut get mad".

I was surprised that the single result was a Bru story. But it had the sequence I was looking for.

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Settling on a name.

Hello out there,

It was brought to my attention that the naming I was going for wasn't the best and I agree wholeheartedly. "Magnus and the Misfits" isn't a good name especially because it uses the main character's first name. He doesn't like his first name so I really don't want it in the title.

So, I've settled on a name. "Walker's Path"

I really like this name. It really showcases the direction I want to go with the story. I'm afraid that it might be a little too on the nose though.

Please let me know what you think?

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And the news keeps getting worse

So I have an update from last blog.

Dad is getting worse to the point that the doctors gave us a choice. He stays in a care place on a machine, which he doesn't want. Or he comes home for Hospice and lives out his time at home. So as of right now he is here and resting on the bed. He has maybe a couple weeks due to them stopping dialysis.

I will try to post soon, but life is about to get hard for a while

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Mark Twain and the Power of Words

Supposedly, upon meeting Harriet Beecher Stowe -- Lincoln said about Uncle Tom's Cabin -- "So you're the woman who wrote that little book that started this great war."

A few months ago I read Uncle Tom's Cabin as part of my research to write a book about a transperson during the Civil War. I was shocked by the emotions elicited. It was frightening to think how the reader would have reacted in the 1800s.

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One Dozen Roses


Join a dozen Roses as they attend the SWEET Conference (South Western Exposition for the Embetterment of Transwomen/Transpeople, depending on who you ask.) Rose Gallagher is a registrar for the conference and notices that there are 12 Roses in attendance. On a whim, she contacts them and suggests a meeting of the Roses to share a bit about their choice of the name Rose.

Seven authors collaborate on one story to tell us about

One Dozen Roses

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Audio Recording

Back in the dark ages did some voice recording. We won't call it singing. Almost three months ago I lost my voice, my lung capacity, my taste, smell was off too. FYI read where a lady had three tests for the covid and all negative but she knew she had it. Finally her doc agreed even with negative tests. After starting treatment the test came back positive. I only had two negative tests and no medical help getting over it besides home monitoring by my doc. Over two weeks of running an elevated fever, lack of lung capacity, and I finally passed the hump.


New name and more.

Hello out there,

So I ended up renaming the story I'm working on. It was Magnus Walker and the Misfits. I shortened it to Magnus and the Misfits. I'm still not 100% sure about the name of the story so I'm just trying things out. Promise not to change it around too much.

I posted a new episode which is mostly why I'm writing this post. I like to talk with you all is the other reason. I hope you enjoy it!

With Love,

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The wages of sin

I just went through the drive-through at Jack in the Box, as I often do while dropping off my daughter somewhere. I decided to try their jalapeno cheese smothered tater tots. Alas, they didn't provide a plastic spoon to use, and my napkins got a workout. I was happy I hadn't just gotten a manicure!

As often happens, this got me thinking about other guilty pleasures with their own punishments. My wife and I used to joke that the McDLT was NOT a date meal, as you would be wearing your meal. I suppose that could make a date more interesting.... Anyway...

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A short essay on the preparation of tea (or why Brits talk about the weather)

In Tammy's latest episode the contentious issue of tea has raised it's ugly head.

This is something we Brits, quite rightly, try not to expose to the world. However the vitriol has been raised to a level in the comments that needs some explanation to our non UK members.

Preparing a cuppa in the UK has historical and regional terminologies, antecedents and traditions that rivals the Japanese Cha-no-yu ceremony.

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A challenge

I have been involved with numerous authors on a soon to be released, "A dozen Roses".

I challenge each of you to pick a favorite character and commit to letting the author know through a comment or PM.

Note you don't have to limit yourself to only one. You will have 13 characters to choose from. Why a baker"s dozen? l'll leave that for you to figure out.

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So, I just checked to see how my first book is doing on and discovered that I Wish is currently #10 in Teen & Young Adult LGBT Fiction in the kindle store. I'm really excited about this, I never really thought that many people would read anything I wrote when I started writing, much less have a book in the top ten of a category like that. So I would like to take a moment to thank Erin and all the girls at Big Closet and DopplerPress and all of my readers for your support. It means a lot to me.


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Well fuck me and my life let me start there. Earlier this morning I spent 2 hours writing a blog trying to explain my anguish and loss during this month. When I came back to reread it I found that it had never published and honestly almost threw my laptop (among other things.) Tell the truth I don't even know why the fuck I'm bothering to write anything again. I mean you know that there are just no words to describe certain situations but I had managed something.



Nasty Material

I was away for a few days but returned to read reviews on my two parting stories "Spinal Tap" and "For Daddy"
These are both objectionable scenarios I admit, which is why I posted them, and posted them when I did.
As a general rule I dislike torture of any kind. I prefer my gender-crossers to be driven by circumstance or persuasion. You will find only three other forced change stories in the 218 stories I have posted here (I think - standing to be corrected).
The thing about "Spinal Tap" is that the mother did it for love, but then there was another...

Blog About: 


A new start

It's been a long time since I've been here. Life has gotten so crazy I lost a lot of who I am. Once I saw that purple banner though all these memories washed over me. I remember all the kind people who encouraged my writing and gave me amazing advice. I missed being here and I hope to become a regular once more. Since I only wrote stories before I thought it'd be interesting to give blogging a try. The thing I seem to know the most about is just life and living. There hasn't really been many things that can happen that I haven't already experienced.


I'm re-reading the Marcie Donner Stories

These are hilarious tales about Marcie, a boy who accidentally discovered his inner girl and let it rip. They are so funny and well written, that I'd recommend them to anyone. So if you need cheering up, take a look at them, you won't regret it. And finally, thank you Kaleigh, for such a source of much amusement.

Here's the link:

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"Sissy: a Coming of Gender Story" - a book AND a Showtime movie

Todays LA Time 'Calendar' (12/14/2020) section ran a story called 'Moving Beyond he/she in TV Roles' which should be interesting to most that visit Big Closet. What caught my eye was reference to "Sissy: a Coming of Gender Story" - a book published in 2019 AND a Showtime movie.

The LA Times article speaks about the evolution of LGBQT characters becoming visible in films and to the public in general. Readers may find bits & pieces that strike a personal note with them.

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