On July 14th 1986 I crossed my personal Rubicon, burned my boats etc, and officially transitioned turning up to work in a skirt. I can still remember it, it was a pretty emotional moment but my lasting memory was of how helpful colleagues were.
So what have I achieved in those 35 years? Not a huge amount, but would I have otherwise? I doubt it. I just got on with my life, living and working as a female, which I am officially since 2004, I haven't found a cure for cancer or won a Nobel prize, just got older and fatter if not wiser.
My worst moment learning my son had died, my best gaining my dormouse licence. Pretty mundane stuff mostly, but then isn't that what we want? to fit in without too much attention like most other women (or men).
I'm retired now and have time to do some of the things I've wanted to for many years, most of which don't cost that much, such as bird watching, identifying insects and other invertebrates, and playing with my microscopes or bicycles. I've also done a bit of writing which some of you may have read, but it's only about 3,000,000 words, so nothing much.
At the end of the day, I have to say that I have been incredibly fortunate, while there are many things I would have changed, I've survived and hopefully will for a bit longer though as my joints wear out, it may be a little less actively than before. Do I want to change the world? In some ways, yes, in others no. I'd like to see people be kinder to each other and to the environment and still feel we shall ultimately pay for our hubris and folly as the Earth reacts to our over-exploitation and greed and punishes us or our descendants.
Have I learned anything? Probably not, not being that clever I sometimes make the same mistake over again, having said that, perhaps the greatest reward of getting older is learning some degree of contentment, not complacency, but being happy with what I have and being grateful for it.
Happy Aniversary Angharad
and may you enjoy many more.
Thanks for all your dabblings with the written word over the years.
Very glad for you!
You being yourself is probably the best inspiration I can derive for me!
Love, Andrea Lena
35 years
Over half your allotted biblical Ang, so that's a sort of achievement. As you say; if you achieve contentment there's little more one can rightfully ask for. So long as the bones and joints hang together functionally for the majority of the time we're allotted (by what or whom is of no consequence,) then whatever contentment we get out of that time is in no small part a function what contentment we put in.
Just hang on in there babe's and email a friend occasionally.
"The mad one."
It's No Good
Getting older if you don't get smart! One of my previous bosses used to say.
I'm sure you have shown many that that is true. Your presence here has been an inspiration and EAFOAB has become a source of pleasure for a generation (or more) of readers, not to mention all the other stories that you have contributed to this site. You may not have changed the world but I think you have made a corner of it a better place.
Don't you dare rest on your laurels. There's still lots to do.
Happy Anniversary, and many more!
Thanks for being such a consistent positive presence here,
and congratulations for having crossed that Rubicon!
- io
Thank you
for your wonderful writing and the inspiration we can all find in your personal journey. I wish you many more years of of gracing us with your literary efforts. Continue to out-race the wind.
does the time go? One minute its sexy knickers, next its granny pants!
It's what's between the ears that matters, not what's between the legs, get the former right, which i think you have and really nothing else matters - i'm certainly a long way from there.
Anyway, Happy Rebirthday, looking forward to seeing you soon.
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Happy Anniversary
HI Angharad,
Happy anniversary, and searching for some
digital equivalent of a greeting card I found one
that I think perfectly sums up why I'm so glad I know you,
and what I find inspiring + refreshing about your attitude toward life.
So many people I grew up with have turned miserable + bitter,
complaining about the most trivial aspects of how the world\ has changed
(more tattoos, for example) and feeling robbed for no reason that makes
any sense to me, since they've lived fairly comfortably and safely
by global standards. It honestly makes me sad.
Where did these friends of mine go?!!
Whereas (unless you've got us all fooled...)
the Angarad I know thru your comments, blogs + stories
reminds me of what constitutes the real and real success in life
keeping a sense of humor about it all + holding onto that sense of wonder
we started out with, a thirst for always wanting to learn new things that makes
later life an adventure + not some grumpy burnt-out trudge toward oblivion...
So anyway here's your card; hope you like it:
~hugs, Ronni
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary Angharad!
I just realized that across the channel they always have big parades and festivities on your special day. :-)
Wow! don't the years fly by
Happy Anniversary Angharad, Thank you so much for sharing your talent at storytelling with us all, Hopefully you will continue for a many a year yet,