Had a really scary moment today.
We had gone to a local mall, and on our way out, I had something like a seizure in my right leg.
It started with my leg trembling, then shaking, and then I almost fell as it felt like every part of my leg tried to go in a different direction.
It calmed down, but after I'd taken a few more steps it happened again.
I told mom, and had her take over the driving, but it didn't happen again.
sighs, didn't I have enough problems already?
That sounds so scary! Maybe ya aughta get yourself checked out, to get some idea what happened?
Talk to doctor ASAP, >please<.
My lay (I am not medically trained) diagnosis is TIA - transient ischemic attack, or mini stroke.
Even if it completely goes away - talk to doctor anyway.
I very strongly urge dietary adjustment, in addition other measures your doctor(s) recommend.
Best, easiest, and -free- guide is here: https://kickstart.pcrm.org/en.