TopShelf Blogs

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Everything we know about hormones is all wrong

A difficult pill to swallow is learning everything I have studied and researched about hormones for over fifty years is all wrong. It's been a series of follow the leader in prescriptions and shallow research that wasn't really research. Trans request hormones on what they have read and heard. Doctors prescribe hormones on what they have read and skimmed over. And no one really knew exactly what they were doing because the hormone prescriptions worked to a limited extent. Until they hit that proverbial wall and no longer helped but went into station keeping or regressing.


Out with the flu

Hey everyone,

Just a quick note to let everyone know that I've been stuck in bed with the flu the past few days, and while I'm feeling a little better today I'm still not quite up to writing so the next chapter of MSPD probably won't be posted this week. I'm hoping to be on schedule with Apocalypse Dawn though if I continue to feel better over the next day or so.

*big hugs to you all*



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a different sort of dream

Okay so last night's dream was a bit different. I was in a school, and apparently part of the the cleaning crew. I confirmed with a teacher where I was to clean, and when she said I should know already, I told her I'd been away for a while and wanted to have the expectations I was to meet clear.

I went into the room, and started moping, and then someone joined me, and a after a moment of confusion, I figured out she was a trainee I was supposed to supervise. The dream ended with the room clean and me with a sense of accomplishment.

Make of that what you will.

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The Fall of Kruhl - Two Sides of the Same Shield

The Fall of Kruhl

Two Sides of the Same Shield

By Daniela A. Wolfe

When Alexandra makes a mad dash for the new opening in the dome, Amelia, Grimes and Fredericks all take off after her, but what awaits them on the other side?

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Well still around for those following Lost in the Mists. I took Bronwen's advice and decided to write the rest of it in one fell swoop. While I have found it has helped to do so to keep continuity, it does cause problems when I when ideas pop into my head and I have to go back and add them in :) But as I am trying to have a happy ending, let's face it who doesn't want one no matter the circumstance. I have written myself into a corner and trying to find away out. But once I do there is only a chapter and half left to be written.


Morning Sky

Early morning -- before 6am.

Rising before the sun: a bright Venus. The first time I saw it, it was next to the moon. At 7am, the sky was possibly still twilight, but definitely blue. I saw the moon, and Venus in the blue -- not nearly as bright or big, but a distinct white point.

High in the sky in the other direction, almost opposite the sun. A *very* bright pink Mars. The first time I saw it a few days ago, I'd gone outside for something, and spotted that very bright pink dot. Did something go supernova? No, just Mars.

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Sweet story about twins.

I wanted to write a story about twins, girl and boy who were very close, perhaps right up through High School and longer perhaps. As twins sometimes do, they played games with their parents, switching clothes and so on.

I read this story more than 10 years ago, I think. Since the Author was so much better than I, It seems that it would be better to read their story rather than my own.

Has anyone an idea where I might find this story?

Thank you


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I think I'm loosing my mind

No really, loosing my mind. It's the little things we do when we truly shouldn't do them. A friend offered me a puppy only three weeks old. And I brought it home. Puppies chew everything in sight and a lot of things that aren't in sight. All those things lost under the couch, under the bed, behind the record cabinets? They ain't lost no more. Puppy is now eight weeks old and bigger than some grown dogs I had. You've heard the comment "human garbage disposal"? I have a dog garbage disposal. At full growth this "puppy" will weigh between 95 to 139 lbs.


TV ad for Descovy HIV-1 drug... not for use in people assigned female at birth

I wasn't sure I had heard the television ad correctly so I replayed it AND I went to their web site for clarification. It sounded very odd to my ears.

"Discovy is a once-daily prescription medicine for adults and adolescents at risk of HIV." OK, no problem.

What seemed odd is: "DESCOVY for PrEP is not for everyone: It is not for use in people assigned female at birth who are at risk of getting HIV from vaginal sex, because its effectiveness has not been studied."

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Crazy 2020

HELLO ALL!! Sorry but I have about 8 new stories/Chapters that I'll be posting soon. I wrote some on my phone and some on a tablet and some was written on a notebook. What a crazy 2020, from a fire at my house (no major damage, but lost a tablet) to Covid-19 to a broken foot. I also won $1000 in a lotto winning and working about 50 hours a week...if not more. I finally remembered my password here, so I'm cleaning up some new stories and give you (if you want to, I'm not forcing you :-) ) something to read.

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Lesson Learned

I thought I'd post a chapter on an old story that had 34,000 hits on Chapter 1 in 7yrs. It was only 6 chapters and they all had lots Hits and plenty of Kudos.
It was only a short chapter to decide if it was worth doing a few more. This chapter got more hits and more kudos than I expected and so I take this as a lesson learned.
I realised for me it's best that I should not to expect too much and just to keep stories to solo's or just a few chapters around 2000 words each.

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So Starting to write again.

So after a prolonged illness that resolved in a triple bipass and now recovery I'm back to writing again.

Several blockages and low BP issues had me compounding ills with fluid making it hard to breathe, then getting three flu bouts and adding that to not being able to sleep...everything snowballed rather insanely but this are better.

Well getting better.

Which is good considering all the stuff with covid we're all facing.

A HUGE TY goes out to all my friends here and well wishers too, you all helped.

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New story up

I just posted a new story. "Jan Comes Out to Play."

It's an older story of mine. It's my attempt at romance.

Jon is a young, over achieving software engineer. He's been a computer nerd since grade school; driven to achieve in school. As a result, he started college early at 17 and went no stop, Summer term included, and became the youngest Master candidate in the schools history. But a t what cost? He had vertically no social life, not even with other nerds, because he's got a secret... a huge feminine side.

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Breathing smoke

We've been having fires all over in Washington State. Most of the state has unhealthy air at the moment. A couple of days ago, you could see nothing of Seattle from the Space Needle. Now it's reasonably clear.

However, I live on the other side of the state in Spokane. We are in a valley, and have no wind at the moment, and none is expected tomorrow either.

Schools are closed, and many businesses are as well.

About a week ago, a town south of us was 80% destroyed. What a mess, on top of COVID.

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Hi All Its been over a year now, that I was told stardust web site be up in a month. Have we lost a valuable archive. Hopefully not, but still not seeing any progress. Does anyone have an update.

Also does anyone know anything on JulieO. I know how a loss of a close friend can effect someone. Just praying she is well. Hugs Jackie

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(Three-Ring Circus) ^2 [i.e., squared]: Need Feedback, PLEASE

So, I've been working on a side project and I am not sure what to do with it.

As you may have read from some of Barb's feedback, I have developed a somewhat unique writing style that can be as confusing to the reader as it is to me as the writer. At least I think I have that working now--thanks to my favorite work, Amadea.


FOY inc -3- Parking Lot Explorations - now on Patreon for everyone

“You need something to wear,” Gordon said as he turned the pickup into a big parking lot. “Do you know your sizes?”

“Sizes?” I said. We don’t need no stinking sizes, I wanted to say.

He shook his head, smiling. He looked at me as if measuring with his gaze. “Small,” he said. “Except—” he made a gesture at his chest.

I glanced down. I’m tiny everywhere else, and I have huge tits, I thought. “I’m going to need—” I gestured. “You know? A bra?” I blushed to say it because it was true—without some kind of restraint, I was at the doubtful mercy of my oversize accessories.

“I have no idea how to buy the right size of that. Let me get you some shorts and tops, and then you can go in and maybe try some other stuff on?”

“‘Kay,” I said. It came to me as he exited the car that he was suggesting that I go into the lingerie department and shop for a bra. Oh, hell, no. I sighed. Bra shopping looked like an existential crisis looming for someone who was convinced she used to be a man.

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productivity, pain, and purple-faced frustration

ok so yesterday was a mixed bag. First, I finally got a project done that's been bugging me for a while - I cleaned out my closet's floor and sent the stuff I dont need to goodwill.

Unfortunately, I paid for that in the evening with what felt like a strained or pulled muscle in my stomach. Fortunately, a little lie down helped that, but then after I gone to sleep for the night I had yet another dream of confusion and frustration.

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Stolen! -9- Darkness - on Patreon, Patrons Only

Moose would be back and free me. “He promised,” I heard myself say aloud. It might be hours, and he was just another of my captors, but he became my hope, my wished-for savior, even as at the same time, I knew I would not have been in this predicament if he had not stolen me from the street.


Stolen! -9- Darkness
by Erin Halfelven
On Patreon for Patrons Only


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The Short Story as a literary form

I know that Fictionmania has a less sophisticated reader than Big Closet, but this is the kind of thing that pisses me off:
Toni (a reviewer of a recent very short piece) says:
"Short stories (under 30kb) are such teasers. No substance."
My reply:
"Hello Toni

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Bailey Summers?

Several of Bailey Summers' stories were mentioned in Angela Rasch's "Abandoned Stories" blog post, which reminded me to ask this. Has anyone heard from them lately? The last thing they posted was that they were sick at the end of January 2019, and then nothing since.

I tried messaging them back in March but never received a reply. Even if they're not able to continue writing for whatever reason, I'd just appreciate confirmation that they're doing OK.


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Just found out

I guess I had been oblivious to the fact and just found out that Pennsylvania's Secretary of Health, Dr. Rachel Levine, is transgender. A news article that appeared on a web site about things happening in PA told how she was helping the trans community by being open about her status. This while working to keep everyone safe during this "plague" with reminders about mask wearing and other safety precautions.

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Gender identity - she was neither man, nor woman. She was “muxe.”

Here's another read that most will find interesting. Perhaps the story will help you or a friend. Knowledge is power.

Angela Martinez died young, her death a tragedy to the many who knew and loved her. Her death became a rallying cry. A controversy. And, ultimately, a tale about identity and being oneself.

The notion of a third gender has existed for centuries in different cultures worldwide. In some Native American cultures, the term “two-spirit” is an umbrella term describing those who fulfill a third gender.

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‘Lingua Franca’ movie - Aug. 26 Netflix debut; a unique perspective for trans movies.

This movie reflects a unique perspective... take a read.

“Movies about trans characters tend to focus on the gender transition process,” Sandoval said... “I wanted ‘Lingua Franca’ to start where these trans narratives usually end. Her transition is well behind her. That’s where I was really chronicling, in a fictional narrative, my own experiences as a trans woman living in Brooklyn.”

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Writing and Reading

It's funny how trying to get serious about writing changes your perspective.

I used to check on new stories almost daily, but now I feel like I haven't earned that privilege because I haven't done my writing homework.

Actually, there are a lot of factors including work, other projects and Covid-19.

But I was surprised and honored to learn the first part of The Princess of Venda had won third place in the recent contest.

Thanks to all of you who read it and voted for it.

So I've been trying to get a bit more written as many days as I can.

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One Dozen Roses: Calling Interested Authors!

Well, it's been a while since I did one o' these!

Okay, so here's the deal: I have a story idea. Err, more of a story *framework.* And I need help executing it.

The premise is as follows:

A TG convention is being held, and a group of women who have never met each other before are thrust together by a rather unique circumstance: they are all named Rose. What follows is a Canterbury Tales-esque series of short stories as the women get to know each other, telling their tales of how they came to be one of the dozen Roses.

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AD will be a bit late this week

Hey everyone,

I'm just posting this to let you all know that the next chapter of Apocalypse Dawn won't be posted today. My long weekend was, well long, and between being busier than I had hoped and still being in one of my insomnia/nightmares cycles I didn't have as much time or brain power to work on it or other projects as I was hoping. I will be posting a chapter, but it's only partially done and probably won't be ready and edited until tomorrow, or Thursday at the latest. Sorry about this, but I want to make sure it's done right rather than trying to rush it.


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5 Languages, two degrees

A character that I am writing, a most exceptional young lady, writes and speaks 5 languages, English, Spanish, Arabic, Urdu, and Afghani. She writes two ancient languages that she uses for scholarly study. She has a Phd. in Archeology, and Sociology, with some expertise in other ancient History.

I was a blue collar worker, so have no idea how one would accumulate that much education. She's obviously a Polyglot and has a rather high IQ.

It is obvious that there are members here who know the answer to my question.

Thank You


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Call center crisis hotline for transgender people -

Here is a topic key to many of us. Please take time to read it and share with others. Most importantly help get out the vote this election. Our vote is very important. This article appeared in today's LA Times, September 7, 2020

In six years, the hotline has answered more than 65,000 calls, with operators available 24/7.

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Oh no!

My parents love Greyhounds. They've had two wonderful girls for seven or so years. One is kind of skittish, and never raced. The other was a champion racer. Her name is Princess, short for Princess Leah (I know the spelling is wrong for the Star Wars character, but it's correct for her.) I looked up her stats on the internet after my parents adopted her, and they were impressive.

She broke a leg while racing one day, and was no longer of any use to her owner, and after her leg was pinned back together, she was sent to a greyhound rescue, and my parents got her.

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Where is the End?

When I first started writing TG fiction I thought that there were maybe six stories in me, total.

I posted my first story “Zoran” on Fictionmania in 2017 - November 11 to be exact. It was a story about a teenager blackmailed into femininity and running with it, ultimately turning the tables on his abuser, and finding happiness as a woman. It was deeply satisfying just to relate it. I got three reviews: “Really cute and sweet, I liked it”; “Nice short story, Good job”; and “Well that was a surprise! Great job!...”. That added some additional satisfaction. It started there.

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Author's Dilemma

Happy Labor Day Weekend to the Yanks! And--well, Happy Sunday to those that aren't...!

I've had a great weekend and another great day planned for tomorrow. But, like many authors, I have a(n awesome) dilemma! There are so many really great stories that others are writing that vie for my time--I just want to dig in and read them all. Then, there is the pull of my own stories that are demanding my time to keep pecking away and fleshing them out and satisfying the needs of those that deem them worthy of reading.

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One of my favorite blog entries. Another Driving Rant

While I try not to hate people, I dislike the following type of person intensely, which is why this originally hit my facebook page a few years ago.
For those who know Spokane and the south hill, I was on 57th where Hatch Road comes up the hill and merges with it. A woman in a Subaru Outback came up the hill like a bat from Hades and got right on my backdoor.

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The Infiltrator by Maryanne Peters on Patreon and Hatbox for members

Please understand—I was not a spy. But the counter-terrorism unit needed an infiltrator, a job I was uniquely qualified for.



The Infiltrator

by Maryanne Peters

A premium novelette, available on both Hatbox and Patreon for members.

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Thinking about writing again

Hi to all the people on this site, when i started writing The Girl inside the boy eight years ago i needed an Outlet for my overwelming emotians , at that stage I haden't come out to anyone about being transgendered. I have now lived as a post op Woman for seven years and have never looked back, apart from losing some famly members life has been pretty normal for me.

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Gabi Is. . .

Gabi is. . .

In my heart

This early summer I became a “covidiot” and threw a BC temper tantrum.

An amazing number of people reached out to me and either told me to revert to form or to not take things so personally.

They were all right in their advice.

I had announced that I had unpublished all my stories, which I did.

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unpublishing a story

Quite some time ago, I started a story called "the secret of M.Y.T.H.", and had high hopes for it. unfortunately I got blocked on the story, and it fell to the bottom of my stories in progress pile. Now, at last, I think I can do something with it, but rather than simply carrying on from the point where it has been sitting, I think it would be better to unpublish the unfinished version and then publish the complete one. So how can I remove the old version of the story?

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Tricks or ????

This economic collapse is destroying hundreds of thousands of small businesses. The girls guiding BCTS are struggling like everyone else. It seems donations have been in lockstep with the economy. Dwindling to a trickle in other words.
I remember Erin talking about turning tricks to survive.


Missing collaborator

Has anyone heard from Dawn Jehs (author of Stick-Her-Shock and Stick-Her-Shock 2)? She's been collaborating / co-authoring a lengthy novel I'm in the middle of. A couple of months ago, she said she wasn't feeling well, Since then, I haven't gotten any response to e-mails. I'm worried - not for her contributions / collaboration, but for her personally. With the pandemic, it's a little more worrisome than normal. If you've heard from her, please let me know.

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What kind of idiot???

There are times I think I should have been born with a much lighter hair color (before anyone gets up in arms, did I say blond?) rather than the bright red I had as a child. Yes, it darkened into a nice auburn when I was a teenager, and then went boring brown as I got older.

I mean, what kind of idiot eats ghost chili potato chips, then (even after washing hands and using alcohol wipes) checks blood sugar levels, then injects insulin?

Ow ow ow!

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For Want of a Comma-Tommy's uniform

For those who have been following my story, For Want of a Comma, below is a picture of how I sorta imagine Tommy looks after changing into his uniform. Except for the shoes, I created the uniform from scratch, imported them into Second Life, then took a photo there.

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I'm so tired of being a fuck-up

so, my car's windshield wiper fluid distributor seems to be on the fritz, and my check engine light is on. which means bye bye more of my emergency money..

I'm pretty sure whatever is wrong happened when I accidently went over a high sidewalk, so it's nobody's fault but mine.

Sighs, I'm seriously tired of being a fuck-up, and right now I'm struggling with feeling like everybody around me would be better off without me.

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Birthday Blues

Hey everyone,

So it's that day again and I'm feeling bleh. Things still aren't going great in my life and I'm in the middle of another insomnia/nightmares cycle again so I get maybe two or three solid hours a night once I finally drift off and then I wake terrified from nightmares, ptsd flashbacks, or a mix of both that are so realistic and terrifying that it takes me a good hour to shake them off and realize what reality actually is.


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FOY inc -2- Ride in Truck - now on Patreon for everyone

Gordon found the girl on the beach, naked and confused. She doesn't remember who she is so he calls her Bridget. For her part, she's fascinated by big, powerful Gordon. And even more confused because she does remember one thing: she's a middle-aged businessman, not a delicate beauty with purple-painted nails.

Previous episode here: FOY inc -1- Found on Beach

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Everythings Sunny with Sarah is now on Amazon!!

Hey guys you can now get a published version of Everythings sunny with Sarah on amazon!

If you cant patreon, but like to support us, buy our books! Or hey just send us a thank you :) *whisper* But buy our books *whisper*

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sorry to post again so soon

I'm sorry to post again so soon, but I had unfun day, as I got two different moments I could have done without. First, I discovered I have a rather odd PSTD reaction to pain in my leg. It not only sets off my anxiety, I have this terrible sensation that if I looked down at it, it would be a ruin. Then, later I had what I'm gonna refer to as a spontaneous male reaction. If you have (or had) male equipment, you know what I mean. Those always hit me a number of ways - they set off my dysphoria, they set off my PTSD, and they're bloody painful to boot.

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the struggle between justice, vengence, and mercy

For some reason, one of my old stories popped into my head last night. It's called "Payback House" and its a pretty typical example of themes that run through a lot of my work, the theme of the struggle between justice, vengence, and mercy. Its here if you wanna read it:

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Hot Peppers

When I was a child, I didn't like spicy food. The nearest I can figure is I had wimpy taste buds. At about fifteen or so, I had some hot ribs, and I realized that the flavor was wonderful.

Now, being young and dumb, like a lot of fifteen years olds are, I thought that eating spicy food would make me more 'masculine'. All I can say to that, is it hasn't worked yet.

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Two Months In

This blog was originally posted on my website, but I thought I'd share it with you gals (and guys).

Wow, has it really been two months since my revelatory little blog? Geesh my how the time flies! I just wanted to again thank all the ladies who've reached out to me and offered their support, it really has helped me pull through what has been some really challenging times.


Lazy fur baby

Mya being lazy.jpgNot exactly sure why the picture turned sideways, but my phone does that to me at times. It really can't decide which way it's going to take a picture.

Saw my girl, Mya, laying on the floor. It's a lazy day for both of us. Nothing really happening, so she's laying on the hardwood floor.

I've tried getting her a bed to sleep on, as other of my dogs have had.

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Hello there. Remember me?

Hello again, for those who recall. Yes it is Raff. Back yet again. I actually have gotten to do some writing since I've been unable to work. Keep in mind not much because dealing with family and everything else, I've been busier than when I was at work 40 hours a week. Plus all our forest fires out here. I just had to move back to California.

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Stolen! -8- Closet - on Patreon, Patrons Only

Bonnie said, "I thought you might like to go to the bathroom. You know, before I lock you in the closet." She nodded toward the door with the padlock.

I stared in that direction. "What-what happened to Moose's last girlfriend?" I suddenly asked.


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