TopShelf Blogs

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A few days ago

A few days ago, I wrote a post about an amusing situation that happened to me while driving. In the comments, we began talking about driving trucks, and I mentioned some tragedies I have seen. I got to thinking I can't leave it there, on such a sour note, so the following is my favorite story to tell about my days as a truck driver.

Driving for Uber and Lyft, I am frequently asked what my best Uber / Lyft story is.

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new Meagan's Tail up!

new Meagan's Tail up!

Well here ya go!

and if you want more??

go bug Nuuan!



We are world building and trying to fill in what would happen in a world with mutants, supers, Fae and humans mixing for decades if not hundreds of years.

But to all please read on enjoy and comment on what you see like or dislike. Every comment counts and we do use them!

ohh and Toss Nuuan and Branek some love and encouragement

comments and kudos keep the muse happy and flapping wildly!

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Lead, Don't be Led.

In these days, the spirit of a mean selfishness has drawn us into being less than we once were. People are saying and doing things in public that their scruples once prevented. I'm not afraid to say that the stories and fellowship at this site have given me the courage to keep on, and to not end it. Yes, they saved my life and I have worked so hard to make my own life worth living by being an encouragement to others.

The stories I have loved range from soul tearing to so funny that at times I thought I might just split open from heart felt mirth.

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Not a Well Man

I've been fighting an irritable bowel attack for over a week. Thought I was about it over last night. Then I ate some sunflower seeds before bed.

Pretty sick all night, and taking a lot of medicines. Which meant that by the time I got soundly asleep I was *really* asleep. Woke this morning with neck and lower back hurting so bad I was barely able to feed the cats.

Gonna to use my neck traction, now. If you folks haven't heard from me in a couple of days, send someone to cut me down. :-)

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Goodbye. Sometimes you just gotta say. . ..

. . .”What the fuck?”

In the mid 90s, I’d grown weary of the poorly written transgender stories I read on FM, Storysite, and other online locations.

My massive ego (more about that later) told me that I could write better stories. In college, I’d taken every writing course I could and wrote a humor column for the campus paper, along with sports articles.

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Well, if that wasn't fun...

Yesterday, I posted a blog about a shock when my car stereo started playing the sounds of squealing tires and breaking glass.

This evening I was working on a web page when out my office window, I heard squealing tires. I hurried outside and found that a car had been speeding on the street in front of my house, and couldn't make the turn. He had left skid marks past two and a half houses because he was driving so fast.

Thankfully, he hit the median and not my yard.

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Gender Counseling in Utah?(revised)


Well, it looks like online counseling may not be the way to go :(

Apparently, a lot of online counselors won't give letters of recommendation for hrt online because they can't visit with patients face to face. If I ever decided to go on hormones that would be a hindrance. I can understand ethics behind such a thing and wouldn't blame them for that choice.

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Computer and Role Playing Games

I am really, solidly unimpressed with Computer and Role playing games. YET the other night I saw Horizon Zero Dawn (The Movie) on YouTube and watched all 6 hours of it in one setting. I sat down to watch it at 9:00 PM, figuring that I would stop at Midnight. I was completely surprised to find the cake all gone, and my beer glass empty when the movie finished. It is brutal to try to get up after so little sleep. It felt like I had the Flu.

The Movie is soooo good.


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Butterscotch 10 Trust on BC, 18 Cowgirl on Patreon

Butterscotch 10 - Trust is up on BC. Marjorie has made Davey an appointment with a doctor. What's that all about?

And on Patreon, Butterscotch 18 - Cowgirl is up. Rory and Kissy are parked down at the beach. What are they doing in the cab of that Toyota? Patrons Only post due to 18+ content.

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"I figure Jon and I got mostly left alone..."

"I figure Jon and I got mostly left alone because trying to figure out how to insult us in French was too much work."

I've begun reading Brooke Erickson's story, as yet unfinished, in Karen Wagner's NiS Universe: Brooke Naked in School.

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Thank you!

I just want to thank all the people who reached out and offered words of encouragement from my most recent blog post! My anxiety has been through the roof since then and reading all your message and kind words have helped me so much!

I am really, truly heart-warmed.

Thank you!


What are your favorites

Summer: my favorite skirt is stretch denim mini skirt, my favorite top is a printed jersey shell. My favorite shoes are really cowgirl boots. My favorite hat is a black felt cowgirl hat with a silver band. My favorite dress is a aqua green silk Mandarin dress, and four and half inch black pumps. White pearl drop earrings go with that dress, no necklace. My favorite purse is small black with a gold chain shoulder strap.


Missing Authors

This has been hashed before but one of those missing authors worries me since it was the beginning of the corona virus she last posted anything and then went dark.
The Lost Queen Vol 3 Ch1 Shadows of the Past
Submitted by Elsbeth on Fri, 2020/03/27 - 12:59pm
Which is the last of March. By some accounts not that long and yet sixty days with all that is happening, kind of worrying. According to one of the girls Elsbeth hasn't even logged onto BCTS. If anyone has any data on the young lady it would be a kindness to let the her ardent admirers know.

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Coming out... sort of

Hi everyone at BC

I want to tell you guys a true story about myself.
I am a very religious Catholic as well as my family. I am from small town USA where i am known by almost everyone here. For this reason i have had one hell of an existence living in the closet. For many years, i have been struggling with my sexual identity and orientation.


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Sometimes I just have to shake my head

Sometimes I just have to shake my head and wonder what advertisers were thinking of, or were they thinking at all.

I was looking at Amazon for A/C prices, and got into the tiny evaporative coolers, or as we used to call them when I was a kid, swamp coolers, only in miniature size. There was one picture where the model was sitting in front of a portable A/C wearing a long-sleeved sweater.

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July 2020 Story Competition

So my muse hit me with a little bit of whimsy and out came Personal Protective Equipment. It was just a tiny bit of amusement in these strange times, or so I thought. But my muse didn't let up, and began expanding the idea in all directions. If I had tried to make a coherent story I could probably have stretched that 150 words to maybe 10 or twelve chapters. Unfortunately, I have too many balls already in the air to even consider that.

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Update on Astra

Hey everyone, it's me, again. I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm still laid up with a sore ankle and while I haven't found the stupid flash drive containing Deshima, I have been working a LOT on The Interview. It's grown from 32,000 words to about 75,000 as of right now so we're making a lot o progress. Once I've finished and edited, I'll be publishing it on Amazon and have it removed here, so that's something you can all look forward to.

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NEW BOOK on Amazon - My Fair Lady-boy


I am pleased to announce the result of just two weeks' work - MY FAIR LADY-BOY

Remember the story of My Fair Lady?
Or perhaps you recall the Book by George Bernard Shaw upon which the musical version was based - PYGMALION?
Well, this is not really a modern re-write, more like a contemporary story that borrows just a smidge from the original.

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Asking for Recommendations for Ordering Hormones Online

I have a trans-boy grandson who's desperate for testosterone. He wants to order it online and was asking me for suggestions. Can anyone here recommend a good online source for testosterone?

I have a hormone prescription (definitely not testosterone!) from my doctor and I've never ordered online.

By the way, I did try to make sure that even if he orders testosterone online, he should have his hormone levels monitored by a doctor. I've heard that from several sources so I'm thinking that it's good advice.


- Terry


Do you ever think...

Do you ever think about how disturbed your muse might be?
I was recently writing a scene, and everything was all neatly mapped out. There should have been no problems, but I was trying to come up with a nice segue, and The Dreaded Muse spoke. This is sometimes a reason to run and curl up in the fetal position, because my muse is warped. Suddenly, she told me, "you know... We could make this so much better if we just make a teensy little adjustment."
Stupid me, I asked what adjustment that might be. I should have known better.

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'Girl' a film by Lukas Dhont

I have just watched a DVD of the film 'Girl' by Lukas Dhont, with a phenomenal performance by Victor Polster as Lara a transsexual teenager who wants to be a ballerina. I found it moving, heart rending and uplifting and occasionally humorous. I don't want to spoil the plot but I do recommend you watch it.

It appears that there has been some controversy about it and using a CIS actor to play the main character, I think he plays it very sympathetically and authentically.

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help me find a story

A while ago I read a story - I THINK it was in the MORFS universe, but I'm not sure, where a boy in a group that I think called themselves something like 'the invisibles' or something transforms into a super tall beautiful bombshell. She ends up joining the football team as well, I enjoyed it but I can't find it again, anyone able to help?

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Current Events

Editors warn book writers not to include current events in works of fiction in progress, because by the time the work is finished the events will likely no longer be current. I am therefore not including anything about pandemics in the Masks story I'm working on. However, I planned months ago to have events in the story which lead to demonstrations against politician and police actions and inaction and those will still be there. There will also be at least one riot. However, all these will be due to events in the story.

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Doomed to be a Fan-Fiction author?

I've been re-reading my stuff, and realized some of my best work takes place in someone else's sandbox. My Mercy story, my Phoenix story, both (In my humble opinion) really good stories with genuine feels in them.

Now, I'm not sure what this means for me going forward. Can I take something from those stories, and put them into a unique setting, or am I doomed to only be able to do good work inside someone else's universe ?

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Please Help Me!

John Stockton was an excellent basketball player.

He was NOT a prolific scorer.

By NBA standards he was far too small and did not get a tremendous number of rebounds.

What he did, better than any other person who played professional basketball, was hand out assists.

An “assist” is a pass that leads directly to that player scoring a basket.

Stockton made nearly 16,000 assists during his career, which is almost 4,000 more than the next best player’s assist total.

I need you to give me an assist. Please!

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Sam and Del -4- My Mom Is Up to Something

Sam and Del 4 is up on Patreon for Patrons now, early next week for everyone else.

Sam And Del 4

Mom is all smiles as she takes Sam to a salon to get his hair done by a professional. Sam enjoys the attention but he's suspicious of purple vegetables in his future.

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Iconia Continuum

Last week, about this time, I posted a web link for a story that my son and I wrote back in 2014, called The Birth of Iconia. Today, I posted the link for part 2, The Rise of Iconia.
Next week, I plan on posting the link for part 3, The Fall of Iconia. When we posted Birth, it came out much better than Rise, and especially Fall. My son took off to work in the canneries in Alaska, and I ended up discussing things over the phone with him. Not the way to finish a story or 2.

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Rowling across the TERF

I was introduced to a new term today: TERF - an acronym for trans-exclusionary radical feminist.
It brought to mind a prior blog of mine called "Feminine Stereotypes" where I mentioned Janice Raymond who would certainly be one.
But it seems that TERFs are still about.
What gave rise to it was a debate on the message board at FM based on a condemnation of the author J.K.Rowling.

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my daughter won an award

My daughter Samantha has won an award from the transitions group she has been part of for the last year. It is an award based not just on her academic success, but her attitude, her kindness, and her overall progress.

When you consider we were told when she was a baby that she might never progress beyond the toddler stage, I couldn't be prouder of her.

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Woman in the Corner Office

Som readers have mentioned how they thought the story was close to ending. In a way they are correct. Though I didn't say it at the time Part 24 is the end of Book 1. Yes there will be a Book 2. There is a lot more story to tell.

On July 10th I will start posting Book 2. At the same time Book 1 will be removed for publication on Amazon. It will not be available on KU.

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dreaming of my stepfather

The causes for my C-PTSD can be separated into 2 groups. being repeatedly raped, and suffering both physical and emotionally abused by my stepfather.

Well, I dreamed about my stepfather last night. I was at a family gathering, and his name came up, and I started unleashing every bit of anger I had ever felt towards him. I woke feeling shaken, and depressed.

Hugs appreciated.

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need someone to help with an idea

okey day so!

I play a lot of SMITE, for those who don't know it's a game where the gods - and more recently, fictional/legendary figures from history and fiction - fight it out. This has inspired me to make a story. The idea is that the ancient gods and demons were shattered in a great war eons ago, but fragments of their souls and power have flitted amongst the populace, dormant.

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The Hell of Solitude.

I didn't know it, didn't realize, was unaware that perhaps the majority of my stories include the protagonist being romanced by a strong, commanding man who is handsome, strong, and regal beyond all reasonability. In the reality of my own life, I am often frightened of men I encounter to the point of paralysis. Once in a while, a man will be gentle and shepherd like with me, and a flip occurs. I am left completely stricken with the need to be obedient and held affectionately, not allowed to flee in terror. Those encounters are in my dreams and upon awakening, bereft sadness floods over me.

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The Power of the Pen

I lived in Bismarck, ND for ten years. Generally, all of my thirties.

One of the local attractions was the blockhouses at Fort Abraham Lincoln State Park.

I liked these reproductions so much that I built a one-third replica in my backyard as a playhouse for my boys who were six and ten at the time. The Civilian Conservation Corp built these repros in 1934.

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Anyone else constantly coming across those poll questions on social media that ask "What would you pick if you could have one superpower?" and finding themselves answering "Shapeshifting"?

And sometimes people will ask why not flight, or super strength, or lightning speed, or telepathy? Like those are the powers you SHOULD want to have.

But to have the ability to change yourself? Everything about yourself physically? That's a dream come true.

Then again, maybe I've just been re-reading too many comics lately.

~ Limbo's Mistress (Samantha)

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Wayward Update

Sadly there probably will be no Wayward update this week. What with the sweltering heat and crap, I've fallen a bit behind. I've only been able to write in the morning when its cooler. Its a pain in the ass when you don't have an AC :(. So hopefully I can get a few more chapters written up again before posting Ch.4. I'll update as I make progress, probably on Discord :)

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DopplerPress BigCloset Search on Kindle

Looking for a convenient list of DopplerPress books, newest first? Here's a list of 70 of our books, the ones since we changed the spelling to DopplerPress instead of Doppler Press. :)

Click image to see our latest on Kindle:

Please, buy, or read through Kindle Unlimited, and PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW! Reviews+sales are how Amazon decides which books get recommended.

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Hi Everyone

Hi BCTSers and visitors, I’m Renee M and am almost 71. GRS 1992 with Stanley Biber; yup, I'm a Biber Babe.
Some older members might remember me; I never contributed very much, a poem, a short-short, and some Beatles songs with lyrics modified. Lately, I comment and even message a little; how I say whatever I’m trying to communicate isn’t very well constructed or clear, but I try.

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Sapphires Place is GONE

It has been taken over by Sapphires Technologies still listed as
They have removed all of the stories from the WayBack Machine

So many stories scrubbed and lost forever. If we had only known, I could have downloaded her whole history to a solid state HD and saved it. But then copyright and legals get in the way of copying anyone's web without permission from the owners. The last thing I want is to get into a multi million dollar lawsuit for copying anyone's site without an okay.


let's create a third party

I was thinking about how Erin manages to keep this place civilized despite the same political divide that exists in the rest of the world. That's what we need in Washington to break the politcal gridlock. We need to start a new party, the keep it friendly party.


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a testosterone antagonist called finasteride

After trying several other drugs for prostate enlargement, my doctor prescribed a testosterone antagonist called finasteride. Is this one of the testosterone blockers spoken of in these pages? It's side effects include tenderness of the nipples, and according to my doctor, enlargement of breasts that are already there due to gynocomastia.

Is there anything else I should know before taking this drug?




Posting Help

Is there a list of color codes that can be used on this site? I have need to use two different colors but when I try using the html codes for color they won't change and I noticed that an abbreviated version is used here. I can't find anything to help me figure that out. Also what font is the default for stories as I am thinking of using it instead of what I do when I write.

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Of Masks And Marvels and Sapphire's Place.

Does ANYONE know what happened to Sapphire's Place? Is she okay?

Does anyone know if there are more chapters of "Of Masks And Marvels" than are listed at Whately? I've read all 28 that are posted and hoping to find more...or the rest?


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I've Got Your Number

Those of us who have been with Big Closet for over two decades have seen a lot of change. (I know my profile says I’ve only been here fifteen years, but that is because I left for a year when a reader said she was going to commit suicide because one of my stories made her feel so badly abut her life. She said the loving family I depicted in one of my stories was in stark contrast to hers.)

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Of Shoes and ships and sealing wax

Okay. . .there was a huge vote for LGBT rights in the Supreme Court today. Much to the surprise of some, including me, the conservative packed court voted 6-3 to acknowledge gay rights.

I’m doing my happy dance.

There’s a blog about this that has drawn some comments. I would consider most of the people who have commented to be nice people I’ve enjoyed speaking with for years. Yet. . ..

I’ve left little doubt where I stand on most issues. I’m a liberal.

Yet. . .if Erin sees fit to take down that other blog, I’m not going to be upset.

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PayPal Problems.

Hello out there,

It's me again, and do I have a story for you.

So two weeks ago I got my stimulus check and was really excited to finally have the cash to be able to get my book edited.

I remembered that PayPal had a check cashing service that puts the money directly into your account. I'm excited so I log into the app click the cash check option, take pictures of my check, and select the free same-day option. <----(this comes in to play later)

About 20 minutes later the transaction comes back as declined.

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I've given myself a project

Well I've given myself a project.

I was making another story in my "Superiors" universe (Which I used to call the "E-Girl universe") and went looking at "The Saga of E-girl for some details, and realized that I'd changed a few things in the universe other than the name. Added to that is the fact that "The saga of E-girl" was the very first story I made here, and I'd like to think I'm a slightly better author now, and I think what I need to do is totally revamp it.

Wish me luck ...

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Duck Duck Go search engine prevented from giving a discription

I use Duck Duck Go as a search engine. I did a search on T. D. Aldoennetti and the following turned up:
We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us.

Does the Big Closet website really deny Duck Duck Go from displaying a description? Clicking the link took me to T. D. Aldoennetti's author page

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