Audio Recording

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Back in the dark ages did some voice recording. We won't call it singing. Almost three months ago I lost my voice, my lung capacity, my taste, smell was off too. FYI read where a lady had three tests for the covid and all negative but she knew she had it. Finally her doc agreed even with negative tests. After starting treatment the test came back positive. I only had two negative tests and no medical help getting over it besides home monitoring by my doc. Over two weeks of running an elevated fever, lack of lung capacity, and I finally passed the hump.

Would appreciate info for a decent setup for recording. Nothing fancy or high end, mike, sound card, software program. Maybe my hearing is gone so what I think I have, I don't. Just maybe for the first time in five months I have my voice back easily hitting some notes I pushed to reach before. Don't have any cows to sing to like I did growing up. Wonder if goats appreciate singing? Hope they don't expect me to yodel.
Stay tuned. How's that for a pun?
Hugs People
Life is meant to be lived not worn until it's worn out. Is your glass half full or half empty? Are you counting all your blessings or wallowing in all your sorrows? Are you thinking of all the bad things that could happen or thinking of how to make each day better? I cried my eyes out at my BFF funeral Wed. Feeling sorry and cheated because she won't be there for me. Those feelings are for myself not her. I'll see her soon along with all my friends, including the four legged ones. We are allowed to have the "self pity party" just don't dwell in it or let it drag us down too long.

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