TopShelf Blogs

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The Interview- We're in the endgame now

Hey everyone I just wanted to apologize for the delay in publishing The Interview. There are a few things working against me, the first being that I've been working at the hospital the past few days and I don't have a day off until next week. The second is that we're near the end of the story and the last few chapters are proving very emotional for me. They're longer, they're more thought provoking, and they're triggering for me. Just give me a bit though, I'll have them out to you soon. Thanks for sticking with me!


I finished a book-length story!

It took me nearly 9 months, but I wrote a book (well over 100k words). I know there are many, many authors on here who have already accomplished this, and probably did so at higher quality, but I am pretty pleased with myself right now. I wasn’t sure I could do it when I started, but I’m happy to find that I was able to finish.

There were many people who reached out to me with encouragement or explained why my story might not be for everyone (X-Men fan fiction with lots of explicit sex, violence, and a rape scene - I can see where it's a niche market).

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No story chapters this week

Hey everyone,

Just a quick note here to let you all know that I probably won't be posting much of anything this week, if indeed anything at all. The last week and a half has been pretty rough. My PTSD, anxiety, and depression have been in high gear and playing around with my head and heart like a soccer ball, and I haven't been sleeping due to the insomnia and nightmares. This was making it hard enough to focus on writing anything, but now I've caught a cold and it's making it impossible to get anything done.


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Looking for a story

I don't remember the author nor the title or this story.

This is what I remember though:

The protagonist is a transgender student who went to another student's house. The boy tried to sexually assault the girl. She stabbed the boy with a letter opener.

The dad of the son who got stabbed wanted her charged with murder even though it was self defense.


Butterscotch -12- Home - Free on Patreon

Can Kissy go home and back to being Davey?


“I want you to take me home,” I told her.

She nodded.

“Mom is going out with friends, and if I get home before her, I’ll have time to get all—get rid of all this—stuff. And go back to being D-davey.”

She shook her head and pulled me against her. “You can’t,” she said.

I flared. “The hell I can’t,” pushing her away, or trying to. “You can’t make me do anything I don’t want to do.”

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The story has to end

My writing process is a little weird. I get into these moods of depression, anxiety, and a craving for soft pretzels that will never be appeased, and the only way out is to write. Allison's Pledge was the first time I shared my frantic writing with anyone, then came Woodcrest which was a failure because honestly, I was just trying to ride the wake of Allison's Pledge. Guess the popularity was kind of a rush but in the end, most people didn't like it. So here we are in another depressive funk, a binge drinking episode, and The Interview at the center of it.

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Tuckerspawn Forum?

Where happened to Tuckerspawn Forum? Is it archived anywhere?

I tried to use the wayback machine to get access to some of the content but I was having trouble finding the actual content despite it indicating that it did archive it. Any suggestions to access the following areas:
Future Tuck forum
Fanfic (particularly one - “after graduation”)

Thanks in advance,

[ sorry to have to ask what may be a bad question but I missed this due to a TBI and the subsequent recovery. ]

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Dot the spy?

So last night I dreamed I was on a spaceship. It was designed a little like a sub, in that every so often there was a doorway with a door that could seal off an area if a breach occurred. I was looking for something, which has been a common theme of a lot of my dreams, by the difference in this dream was that it was clear I didn't belong, as I was always trying to keep out of the sight of the crew and passengers.

Well, since recently I've dreamed of being a movie star and a superhero, I guess I can add spy to my list of dream jobs ...

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In Defense of my Drunken Blog Post

I would like to apologize for my drunken blog post last night, but I won't, because we don't always get what we want. What I will say is that when I write fast, and good, it usually means that something is horribly wrong in my life and I'm trying to sort out my internal emotions by using the written word so what you're seeing is a basic representation of the shit show going on in my head.

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The Interview - Random Thoughts

We're about 2/3 of the way through 'The Interview', with the story getting ready to start winding down, but I had planned to do some expanded meta things, like blog posts, news articles, etc, to help flesh out the story. Unfortunately, I just found out that when I do that, BC moderators will actually remove the mainline story from the front page, meaning people won't see the latest installment. If anyone cared, Chapter 15 was released yesterday...and is now moved off.

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Javascript error on home page?

I have noticed that often BCTS loads, the contents shows up for a fraction of a second before being wiped out to a blank page.

When I look into the page with my browsers "Inspect Element" the page is indeed nearly empty. But I KNOW I saw content flash by for that small fraction of time.

Could there be some JavaScript on the homepage that under some conditions, wipes out most of the page again?


Plausibility in stories

In many/most of the stories I read, even the so called, historical ones, the burden of proof is often not satisfied. But if the tale is reasonably well written, we can like it as entertainment. That goes for written work, and movies.

A point of confusion for me, the movie, "The Good Shepherd" by EM Forster was very good, rivetingly so. I thought that he was a veteran of the Navy. Much to my surprise, he was simply a good writer. He also wrote, "A Room With A View", one of my favorite stories ever.

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Maggie Finson's "Peacebringer."

I seldom do this, but I must, in this case give a rousing, heartfelt, recommendation to anyone who hasn't read this incredible epic!.

I just finished reading it at Sapphire's Place after three almost sleepless nights of reading, almost afraid to sleep, fearing I'd forget where I left off the night before.

Thank you Maggie for this and all your other works, so skillfully written and well told.


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Computers Against COVID:

Turn your computer against COVID.

Your computer can turn its other-wise unused processing power to the fight against COVID. Researchers attacking COVID are turning to us, ordinary people, to supply some of the computing power.

The University of California at Berkeley offers “BOINC”, (, a science manager that runs in the background on your machine, managing research programs to fight COVID. These science research programs won’t hurt or slow your machine (they step aside when you use your machine.)

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14 years a few months

Been around a long time...feels like longer but the official counter must know better...

If you wish to honor this achievement, donations to food banks, Humane Society, and the ASPCA are all welcome...don't want to feed anyone or animals, consider a donation to the site :)


P.S. Don't feel obligated to give to anything you don't believe in or can't afford, I'm just being silly :)

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You Are a Meany Chapter 17

Greeting and Salutations everyone
I am posting an update on when the new chapter of You Are a Meany will be up. It will be this weekend. I sent it to be edited and it looks like the editing is finished. I want to say thank you to my editor for such a great and quick turnaround. Even if it takes a couple of more days it will still be quick and great turn around.

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No Sunny This Week

There will be no chapter of Sunny: The Hippie Chick this Saturday. I have been very lazy this week. I hope to get one to Eric, my editor soon. Eric has been bailing me out recently, turning around chapters in increasingly shorter lead times, but this week I have fallen so far behind that I need to skip a week to catch up. I also hope to get another episode of Stone out, since it is nearing its end.


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Moxie (Texas Belles Sequel)

The blurb asks if Ayumi can do it again, create a J-Pop sensation with a brand new band.

Well, Melanie Brown certainly can!

Moxie, the sequel to Texas Belles is on Kindle, the story of the beautiful bass player who used to be a boy. It'll take all of her grit, determination, skills and Moxie to make a success of her new band of misfits, malcontents and rejects.


Looking for a story.

I am looking for a story that I have read several times but not recently. Do not remember the author, title or main character's name. The main character is a 65 year old male design engineer working in a small branch of a much larger company. His branch of the company is sold to another company. This has happened to him several times during his career. Each time in the past, he ended up getting laid off in a downsizing move before he qualified for company benefits. Feeling that history is about to repeat itself, our character gets a friend to help him present himself as a woman.

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I'm fraying at the edges

Anybody who has gone through male puberty can tell you, it's stressful. It's stressful enough for a cis boy with no other major stressors, but it was worse in my case, as neither of those things was true for me.

The worst part was whenever I got aroused, and my male equipment did what it's supposed to do under those circumstances. Those moments were incredibly painful, both physically and psychologically, and I sometimes feel I barely survived them.

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Sorry for the downtime.

Yesterday when beginning a new project, we introduced an error that caused intermittent errors over-night. We managed to track down the issue before noon, but decided to then do regular Drupal module updates. Un-beknownst to us, these updates introduced several new issues and errors that caused even worse outages that were not very apparent to us.

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I need my space!

...between paragraphs, that is.

Reading on-screen is different than reading on a page but any large block of text can be difficult to read if the eye cannot find an anchor point to return to when it reaches the end of a line.

Since HTML removes the indents at the beginning of paragraphs, the online standard has become to put a blank line between paragraphs. Or at least, a blank line every few lines (a la Maddy Bell) if the lines are short.

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A bit of a question for you all

Something i have recently come to realize.

I dont know how it is for any of you but for me i have always been this way.

ill try to explain.

For me lifting something 40 - 60 pounds one handed is easy, a little hard on the hand when it digs in but it does not strain me at all.

With gloves on lifting a soaking wet green chunk of tree about 100 or so pounds doesnt bother me in the least.

Even lifting something around 300-400 pounds does not strain my muscles, ackward for sure but its not what I would call heavy or near the limit of what I can lift.


Even After All These Years...

Dedicated to the One I love.

Reading Admiral Krunch's, "Being Christina Chase" once again after all these years is so very thrilling! In some parts I find myself bouncing in my seat like a child. I wonder what has happened to him and I do hope that he is doing well. I think his skills are great enough that he could easily have moved into writing his own published works in another venue, and I do hope that the years have treated him well.

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The Theory of Tuesdays

Science and Dan O'Neil both explain that Tuesday afternoon is the most productive time of the week. No one wants to work on Friday or Monday or any morning at all for that matter. And Thursday afternoon is taken up making plans for Friday; you can't get things done on Wednesday because that's Hump Day, for gosh sakes.

That leaves only Tuesday afternoon, you're awake and rested from the weekend, Friday is far enough away you can pretend you have plenty of time to make plans and you need room on your desk to eat your Hoagie so you might as well do some work.

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The Geek that becomes a woman

I'm looking for a story about a long haired, Computer Geek who starts to drive his car over the mountains and wrecks in a storm. Kind, helpful Russian Immigrants pick him up, and mistake him for a distant female Cousin. They get him cleaned up and all the mud off him and get him into girl's clothes and all that. Later she meets a Lawyer who falls in love with her, and you know where it goes from there.

I thought it was AA that wrote it but it appears not. Oh, it was Christina Chase!!! but who wrote it?


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New Chapter of Rairy Contrary out now!

Hello out there,

So I just released a new chapter of Rairy Contrary. I'm still not used to the formating here. So, for now, everything I post is going to look as is.

I've been having a really hard time writing mostly because of the pandemic. I've been really worried about my parent's wellbeing, have had to cancel Electrolysis appointments, and doing therapy on my phone is really weird.

I was able to harness these frustrated feelings and put them into this chapter.

I hope you all enjoy it,

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Posting Mindful 2

I noticed at approximately 2030 UST that my earlier novel Mindful had been re-posted.
I was pleasantly surprised by this (Thanks Erin) There is a copy for sale on Amazon.

I then set about reading some of the old comments and somebody had mentioned that they preferred to read a novel length story in one session, rather like a book.

Consequently, I've re-posted the follow-on novel Mindful 2 in it's entirety but it is also up for sale on Amazon and the proceeds go to BC (I think)

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BCTS Family member in need of housing help

Hi wonderful people! It's Jamie, you know, that behind the scenes part of the BCTS staff. I haven't been around much lately because I've been homeless. It's been a really rough journey for me since my car accident back in February, and things are finally figuring itself out slowly. This stupid virus has been making it really hard, especially because I am in NYC to get services now.



It's beyond my capabilities, but has anyone written or thought about writing a TG story using DUNE as a basis?

"Jessica, you were told to only bear daughters."

seems like a perfect set up for a TG story.

just a thought.


ps I'm excited for the new Dune movie.


what I'm working on

Its been a while since I've given an update on what stories I'm working on, so here goes:

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Dot:set in Amethyst's Hyperverse, its the story of a young man with gender issues, who is turned into a girly girl.

Rose the Bunny:Is it weird that I'm writing a Christmas story in May? This one is thanks to Rosy Redd, so when it comes out, blame her. :P

The secret of Myth:Its possible everybody gave up on this story, cause I had nothing for a long time. But its not dead yet ...

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(still) In Search of a Story

Reposting this since nobody seemed to have any ideas the first time.

Guy gets asked to infiltrate a compound where brainwashing and cult tactics (plus drugs/chemicals) are being used to turn men into women. He happens to be trans, but also a expert on cult indoctrination and brainwashing techniques. Keeps track of time using coat hangers at one point.

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New cover images for Legacy of Earth!

Since, I decided to resume work on Legacy of Earth, after The Fall of Kruhl, I started looking at the cover art and decided to revamp the images for the entire series (plus the universe).

You can view the full-size images (and their captions) on my website. I love doing this sort of stuff and I hope you all enjoy them :)

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Internet Down, Disturbance In The Force?

Without warning, Google, You Tube and some others are just gone. I tried a hard reboot and nothing. Much to my surprise, I have been able to get on line using MS EDGE. I think I saw a snipet about this but I ignored it at the time.

Is this permanent? Does anyone know what is happening?



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Looking for a Story

Hello everyone,

I am looking for a story where the protagonist meets death and I believe she wants to borrow/share his body for a period of time. Part of the plot is that, while sharing his body with death, they meet another person (named something like 'delusion' or something similar), after which he slowly changes and things around him start to decay faster.

That is all I really remember at this moment, sadly. If anyone knows which story this is from, I would greatly appreciate some help!

Thanks :)


Not Bothering Anymore

My carelessness has killed ANOTHER dog, I'm tired. The only true thing that kept me alive the last time is the current dog who is dying in the corner. He was my last hold to a life I no longer have and the with him hours from death himself, I don't really have anything more I want to do. I did this too. I knew the warning signs from the last tragedy and I carelessly ignored them all and got myself into the SAME situation again.I'm a HORRIBLE person.

I'm tired of trying.


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"10 years, 12 months"

"10 years, 12 months".

That's how long my account says I've been a member here.

I honestly dont know what I would have done if I hadn't found this place, but its unlikely I would have found the courage to transition without the support I got here.

Thank you all, for 11 wonderful years, and I'm hoping I get many more.

Blog About: 


In search of a story

Guy gets asked to infiltrate a compound where brainwashing and cult tactics (plus drugs/chemicals) are being used to turn men into women. He happens to be trans, but also a expert on cult indoctrination and brainwashing techniques. Keeps track of time using coat hangers at one point.

Group name similar to the "Church of Achelois". Rank progression including Near Sisters and full Sisters. They'd been taken criminals and homeless men off the streets who nobody would miss.


Creative Process by Neil Gaiman 5/2/20 @ 7:30 EST

I found the following event and thought it might be of interest to writers and aspiring writers. There are also some additional virtual book events that will take place in May.

Neil Gaiman in Conversation with N. K. Jemisin: May 2

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Got up this morning with a paragraph in my head. Finally had to write it down.

Sanford was one of those guys. You know, the ones who can eat anything they want, as much as they want and never gain an ounce. The ones who look great in casual clothes or a tailored suit or just your imagination. Of course, he got up every morning before dawn, did his stretches and ran two miles before breakfast. Yeah, one of those guys.

Obviously, I'm one of those gals who get up in the morning with a paragraph stuck in their head. :)

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Opinions wanted.

Hello out there,

I hope you're all keeping safe. I was looking for some opinions. I've been working with an English teacher and she has been going through my book "Adrian" and giving me suggestions. I feel that my book is looking a whole lot better. In this particular instance, I was hoping for an opinion from you all.

So I wrote this originally:

12:07 Nov 24

It was pretty reassuring that both the boys and the girl's rooms had stalls. At least if someone came in I was covered.


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Frick on a stick

Well, it seems the power supply in my desktop decided to go kaput. And because I cheaped out and bought a refurbished one (a fact for which I am rather irritated with myself over), I can't send it in for a warranty replacement. Good news is, I have a perfectly functional laptop, which I've connected to both my monitors, mechanical keyboard and trackball (it's similar to a mouse), so I can still write while I wait for the new power supply. I don't foresee any problems getting the next part of The Fall of Kruhl up Saturday morning, but at this point I'm not making any guarantees.

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The Shady Post: Mood Balancing Mental Illness


The Shady Post
Shadowed's Personal Blog
From the Depths of Her Mind

My thoughts on the world and what is coming about for the future! Expect at least one post from the Shady Place of my mind at least once a week or once every two weeks when I'm busy.


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Sextortion scammer emails

Today I received two extortion e-mails that claimed to have proof of me visiting a pornographic site and demanded a $2000.00 bitcoin payment within 24-48 hrs, or the content and videos of me from my webcam would be shared with my contact list. They revealed an old password that was previously used as a login to a website to prove they had information from my computer and browser history. The whole letter was B*** S***.

A friend of mine received a few of the same demands over the last few days

This is a complete scam so if you receive something similar ignore it.

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A really bad idea by our own government

This has nothing to do with BCTS, stories, or writing but everyone needs to pay attention.
Intelligence has seemed to be lacking in anyone or anything having to do with government for as long as I can remember. A really long time. This is truly a short sighted, dumb, beyond comprehension "fix" that is being encouraged and helped along by my own government.
Progressive stupidity in action.


No! It happened again?

I think it just happened again! I was writing chapter 2 of Kronos when my keyboard stopped working. I tried typing in other places besides word, but it wasn’t doing anything. I went to turn off my computer and then the mouse froze. I tried doing a hard reset (holding the power button) and it didn’t do anything either. After a few minutes my laptop turned off, but the power button is staying lit and won’t do anything when I press it.

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As of 4:30PM, April 25th, in our own living room, Catherine Linda Michel and Tina Anne Marie Myers were married by a "traveling Preacher Man" who, after the brief ceremony, climbed back into his Pick up truck/buggy and hurried off to do more good works... I hope.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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Looking for a Whateley story that happens just after ...

Looking for a Whateley story that happens just after ...

... Whateley timeline Christmas 2006 and the story by Maggie Finson and Babs Yerunkle

... Christmas Elves: Fey and Jade's Holiday Havoc

Cavalier and Skybolt pay The Don (Sebastiano Lorenz Valensuera y Ramirez) a visit and I believe that this was the cause of his downfall not just as the head of the Alpha's bit for top of the Academy

Can anybody remember the title of the story?

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The Forsythe Saga

I have one more part of the story ready for publication which will appear here next weekend. But as with the best laid plans and all that, I need to get two more pieces published (one is written and one is still to see the light of day) before I get to around part 8 of my next story which currently has a working title of 'Vivienne' but may change. Maxine plays a part in that story but I need to introduce a character that plays a major role in 'Vivienne' otherwise, the 'continuation error junkies' out there will see a huge problem with the latter story.

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Book 2 chapter one is FINALLY FINISHED!

The Huntress Chronicles book 2 chapter 1 is OUT!

I hope you all enjoy it, I'm sorry it took so long. I had a very messy and terrible break up and it has been... devastating me. Also this covid 19 situation has me scared for my life.

Thank you for all who stayed, I hope you enjoy this latest chapter. I cant wait to see how many of you correctly guessed the truth, or found out you were horribly wrong about everything hehehe :D

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