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I've given myself a project

Well I've given myself a project.

I was making another story in my "Superiors" universe (Which I used to call the "E-Girl universe") and went looking at "The Saga of E-girl for some details, and realized that I'd changed a few things in the universe other than the name. Added to that is the fact that "The saga of E-girl" was the very first story I made here, and I'd like to think I'm a slightly better author now, and I think what I need to do is totally revamp it.

Wish me luck ...

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Duck Duck Go search engine prevented from giving a discription

I use Duck Duck Go as a search engine. I did a search on T. D. Aldoennetti and the following turned up:
We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us.

Does the Big Closet website really deny Duck Duck Go from displaying a description? Clicking the link took me to T. D. Aldoennetti's author page

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I saw the link to The Last of the Fey today......

And it made me think about one of my most special friends, Denise Trask. I am ashamed to say that I have been so busy lately, and so buried in my own issues, that I have not thought of her in some time.

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Rainbow Space Magic

So, next weekend I'm taking part in a free online Queer Literature convention called Rainbow Space Magic . It is a lot of Queer authors and varying styles of writing but it looks fun. There are author readings and panel discussions which should be nice. If you want to show up and listen to stories and people talk about writing, follow the link. I'm going to be reading 300 Rains and pushing it. Enjoy

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The Fall of Kruhl - Healing Factor (extended)

So, because I missed last week's update I decided to append an additional scene to this part. I hope you all enjoy!

The Fall of Kruhl - Healing Factor

By Daniel A. Wolfe

As forces battle without, Amelia awakens within an unusual room filled with strange creatures and dark contraptions.

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Question for those following my story

As I can't sleep I thought I would get started on the next chapter. But something came to mind so I am going to let you decide. Since Susan has been given this gift of eloquence on speaking French and Gaelic Would you rather see:

A: If she is speaking in either use italics to represent that?


B: The actual language with translation?

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Special FX -4- on Patreon for everyone

Billy makes a deposit and a withdrawal, and Chad makes an offer of dinner. Billy's tummy says, "Yes!"

Special FX

Special FX -4- Ballpoint is available on Patreon for anyone to read. In fact, all four chapters are free right now.

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Deshima and Me


Hey everyone, it's me, your favorite passive aggressive author here with some notes on The Interview and Deshima Serendipity. You're probably wondering wtf I'm doing with Deshima. I've noticed the views going down so I can only assume that either you hate me as a person (I hate me with a fucking passion), or I'm not delivering the same type of story as before. It's the latter, by the way. Deshima Serendipity is a very different story in a few ways. First of all, it's a sequel to The Interview but it's not focusing on Astra.

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Wonder if I can use this

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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Ever done one of those things that was incredibly stupid, but you know you can use it in a story (if you can get over the embarrassment, that is?)

I was getting my brunch (I'm somewhat of a late riser) ready, consisting of smoked sausages and BBQ sauce (Don't judge me! LOL). I was reaching into the door of the fridge for the BBQ sauce, and I stopped myself from squeezing it onto my sausages when I realized that I had found, not BBQ, but Hershey's. Chocolate Sauce.

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New Book - NOT MY WORLD - now on Amazon Kindle


Another sci-fi/fantasy book finished and uploaded to Amazon...
WARNING > This is not TG... so my apologies, although a TG character from other books, Maxine, appears briefly at the end.

but if purchased through this site, then this site gets a little extra.

It is around 72,000 words long and involves alternate realities.


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Sam and Del -2- "I'm in Trouble Now" on Patreon

"Is that short for Samantha?" the policewoman asked while writing on her tablet.

I stared at her. "No, it's short for Samson." I might have put the teensiest bit of snark in my voice.

Sam and Del 2 is up on Patreon now for Patron members, it will be available for everyone on Monday.

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Too long ... too short ... just right?

So I was wondering if perhaps I make my tales too long. I've always heard the axiom that a story should be only as long as it needs to be, but I find myself incapable of weaving chapters of less than 4,000 words. Sometimes I'll be done with a chapter of my story and realize that I've managed to throw almost 9,000 words at it. Then I go through and cut what I think is unnecessary. However, it still ends up being a lengthy piece.

I want to keep people entertained with vivid imagery and description, but I don't the audience to get bored with all the prose.

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Demanding I resume Psychotropic Drugs.


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Into full on whining tonight, sorry. It's been 13 weeks of Quarantine and it seems a bit excessive. If I do go out for groceries, or to take a break, it is strict face covering, goggles, and head cover. Yikes, I look like a Saudi Arabian Niqab wearing woman. As it is for all of us, being isolated in my apartment can be quite wearing, but overall I have been doing rather well, aside from frequent Ocular Migraine Headaches. These are not painful but a bit incapacitating, they are.

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“A Window to Your Heart” on Amazon

On Thursday, the first book I tried to have published...with limited success...will be free for two days.

This book was on BC but had to be removed due to Amazon’s practices. If you never read it before, give it a few pages.

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dream time once more


Okay, its dream time again. Last night, I dreamed I was in a warehouse, trying to help put things where they needed to go. But for some reason, I was dressed like an Old Testament prophet, wearing a robe and carrying a staff.

The people working there would gently shoo me away from the area they were working in, so I went form area to area, looking for a way to assist.

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Hey there everyone
Every so often I look at the listing of my stories on the sites where they are posted. I do so to see if there are any new reviews/comments. This is even with me writing for myself. The feedback for older stories helps me so much. It is nice to know people are still reading the stories, Plus, it reminds me to look at how far my writing came along since I wrote that stories.

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Special FX -3- on Patreon

Special FX, based on C.D. Rudd's long-running webcomic SailorSun.Org is being serialized for Patrons on the BigCloset Patreon. Non-Patrons can view the chapters a week later.

This week, Billie gets a ride from his Assistant Director and picks up more hints on just what has happened to him.

Special FX
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“the best damn thing” for free

It’s on the site, but, starting Sunday the 7th of June until the 11th, the ebook for “the best damn thing” will be free on Amazon.

Not a lot has been changed from the version on the site, with the exception of some naming and grammar errors.
I am trying to work on the plot points for the continuation, “Sweet, but Psycho” (a sample of it is here on BC)

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To Be a Different

I’ve placed my second book on sale for .99 for the next five days. I decided that it needed to be be refined to remove some formatting issues (and there were plenty of those....and there may be some that remain...sorry) and to place the chapter titles back into the text as they were removed due to possible “infringements” in the original text.

I removed some filler words...not all of them, since I speak in a similar matter, so will my characters.

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For ten weeks

I have posted WITCO every Friday morning and Monday afternoon. Unfortunately this week will be an exception. Nothing really wrong except a need to recharge my batteries. The last two parts took a lot out of me to get just right.

The same thing happened when I was writing Stick her Shock 2. The story will be back next Friday and should be back on track until the conclusion.

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What my girlfriend wanted me to become




It all started in 2002 I was 15 and I was going to school that day. On the bus the kids were doing dares. I joined in and was dared to wear a girls bra for the rest of the day. I had accomplished it no problem. The girl that I borrowed the bra from soon became my girlfriend.

She came to my house one day and asked my mom wear I was. My mom told her I was in my room. My girlfriend then came in and locked the door and closed the blinds. She told me that I was going to be her BFF. I told her sure. But that was a huge mistake.

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thank you for your help


I want to thank all the readers for taking the time to read the first two parts of my novella, Taylor, and offering wonderful constructive criticism on how to make it better.**

When it's finished here, I will start again and make it a complete novel before I present it to Erin and the wonderful folks at Big Closet to publish and receive all the receipts. It's my way of saying thank you to Big Closet for everything they do to promote authors.

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Oh my word (and lots of them)

With nothing better to do... I started working out how many words I have published here.
I had this itch that needed scratching.

I've not finished adding them up yet and it is getting close 900,000 and will be well over ONE Million by the end of the year. I have one story that is over 80,000 words long ready to publish.

I will have been posting here 10 years in November. If anyone had said to me that in ten years I would have written and posted around a million words then I would have told them that they are mad, stark raving bonkers.

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Butterscotch 3 on BC and 14 on Patreon

Marjorie takes Davey for salad in chapter 3, here on BC today.

Meanwhile, in Butterscotch 14 being previewed on Patreon for patrons, Davey heads out looking for a burger on his own. 14 will be available next week for everyone.


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getting pummeled by dysphoria

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Right now I feel a little like the woman in the scene from the movie "airplane" who starts panicking, and then the whole plane lines up to slap her.

When it's not depression, or PTSD, it's my gender dysphoria taking it's turn at kicking me around, and that's where I am right now.

Ah, well. This too shall pass ...

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Feedback is Food

Has something happened, or is it just me?
I seem to be getting no feedback at all.
Unashamedly I cry out for it, but I am getting a lot of silence.
I have also contributed to a couple of blogs but I am not sure how they work.
Do they just die after a few hours? Or are the authors notified?
The recent one "Sigh, amateur (sic?) writers and laws" sparked my interest.
A big subject worthy of wider discussion but how do I know if my contribution mattered?

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One Person's Vegan Results

Last November, I watched a documentary called The Game Changers. It convinced me to try a vegan diet, mainly due to the adverse impact the meat industry has on the environment. I'm not radical, in that I'll share an occasional hamburger with fries with my spouse, but for all practical purposes I'm eating a plant-based diet and enjoying it. I rarely eat the psuedo meat because it is so highly processed but live three blocks from a Burger King and will eat the occasional impossible-burger.

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It's been a long time...

I have been busy with university but my module sort of finished a few days ago, I have to wait for the results to see what happens next. With this lock-down business, I feel like I've been in a strange place but I shall be returning to work for a couple of months before retiring altogether. In a way the lock-down has given me an insight to that and I'm quite looking forward to it. I was hoping to do all sorts of things to my house but the stocks and shares ISA I had is now much reduced so that's a bit of a pain.

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WITCO -Part 20

Please read Part 20 before reading this.

I just wanted to pass on my thoughts about the story so far.

Back last September when I wrote the first few chapters I had three storylines in mind. You readers made it impossible to use two of them.

The first was based on this being an ill-fated love affair. It would have ended with Part 19 and a short epilogue where a distraught Christina returns to San Francisco.

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Revising an old story

I was fooling around last night, re-reading my old stuff, and I came across "I woke", my first attempt at a longer story. Reading it again, I realized I might be able to make it a little better. So the edited and complete version is up, and you'll have to tell me what you think.

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Sigh, amature writers and laws

Writers are entering and publishing without truly reading or understanding the legalities of what is or isn't plagiarism. Nor do they understand the repercussions of filing a "that's my story line" lawsuit without researching prior publications. The large publishers did all that expensive legals for their authors. They knew whether they had a legal leg to stand on or not. Now with thousands of instant writer-publishers who read something somewhere about DCM (digital copyright material) they start firing off take down notices to everyone.

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Return to Space.


On 7/21/2011 I posted R.I.P. America Space Program. Today Astronauts were launched into space from Cape Kennedy. Congratulations on a return to space. We have regained our role in Space exploration. Next step Mars.


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Authors and sites MIA

Sapphire's place is down. Has been for several days now. Is she okay?

G.M. Shephard, the author who wrote the great series "Angel", never finished the story and seemingly vanished late in 2013. I emailed her but got no response. The email went through since I didn't get a rejection from the mailer daemon but no response yet.

Anyone know anything about these two?

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The Fall of Kruhl - Straight Fight

The Fall of Kruhl - Contact

By Daniel A. Wolfe

After summoning the RPR assembly, Ashley makes her way into the home to investigate the mysterious energy readings, but what she finds inside turns out to be far stranger than anything she expected.

Please click this link to read today's part
this link to read all parts

As always, I ask that you please take a moment to leave a comment. Not
only does it help encourage me to continue, it may afford you the chance
to influence future story parts.

You may subscribe to my website via email using the 'Subscribe' dropdown
in the nav bar. You may also make use of the RSS feed or follow me on
social media:

Thank you and have delightfully demented day,

Daniel A. Wolfe

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Survived Again

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Well, Lucked out again! Tuesday night I totaled my car, and almost me. On a 5 lane city street and US highway I decided to stop in at the ice cream store and get a dish to take home. This required a left turn. Somehow I missed seeing an oncoming PU truck and the end result wasn't pretty! I thought I'd survived unscathed but then I started feeling funny and, as the cliché goes, every went black. I came to as I was being taken into the ER.

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Camp Kumoni 11 - 15 have been edited

Camp Kumoni chapters 11 - 15 have been edited.

There wasn't too much to edit, or repair. some misspelled words, some flow issues,

I hope you are enjoying this old story. hopefully once I finish editing it all, I will be inspired enough to continue Erika's story.


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I can understand the anger.

The riots are two miles from me in one direction and four miles in another direction.

If I hadn't been watching the coverage on TV nothing would seem amiss.

I don't condone the destruction but . . .. The county attorney who hasn't brought charges yet is a long time jerk. His dad was governor and Agri Sec in JFK's cabinet. These riots are on his hands.


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A must read in my opinion


Just read Part 1 Light in the Darkness on kindle. Must say it was spectacular. For those that dont know Enemyoffun has many wonderful Books on kindle under Matthew Porter. I personally buy their books when ever I see them publish. Just wanted to put that out there for all to benefit from

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The Shady Post: Facebookin'


The Shady Post
Shadowed's Personal Blog
From the Depths of Her Mind

My thoughts on the world and what is coming about for the future! Expect at least one post from the Shady Place of my mind at least once a week or once every two weeks when I'm busy.

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Bicycles with Fangs


Having shopped for groceries, I put them in my Paniers, and attempted to mount my steed when she shrugged and disbalanced me, causing me to fall to the pavement. To further emphasise her displeasure with me, she sank her fangs into my right ankle causing it to hurt just awfully. So humiliated was I that the pain caused me to mount her once again, this time with considerable vigor and I sped off down the street. God, my ankle hurt so much!

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A new beginning

Hi, anyone that was here 12 years ago, may know me as Phantasi_Boi, today, I've changed my profile name to my regular handle KevSkegRed. Why?? Well, I don't know entirely, I just thought it was necessary and so I'm just adding this small blog entry to let anyone who knew me back then know who I am.

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Okay, after 8 years I posted the next chapter of my story. As I mentioned in the teaser section I don’t think my writing has improved any, despite practice along with trial and error nothing seemed to get better. You are probably wondering why such a long time between chapters. Well partially due to my disappointment in my writing, and what seemed to push me to at least try, seemed to have decided to take a vacation in Tahiti, not that I blame it I think I would rather be in Tahiti too at times.

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Writing Stream

Hello out there,

How is everyone doing on this lovely morning? I'm doing pretty okay today, yesterday was pretty trash but I'm feeling a lot better today. Depression blows.

I want to share a small story about myself today.

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Shook the piggy bank


The Station's Late Night Princess by Alecia Snowfall is worth reading and reading again like so many other great stories posted on BCTS. Although some of them have moved onto ebooks, and I'm not into such, I'll toss a few pennies into BCTS cookie jar in honor of them. Don't know why it feels more right than sending in a blind donation? Erin, Piper, and the ladies host the site but the authors wrote the story. Both mutually necessary for this site to be here. One can't be without the other. And yes, Erin and the others use the site too for posting their stories. I know, I'm weird.

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Wrapping it Up


We're at the end now, Kerra's true nature has been revealed, Astra has escaped, presumably to Earth, and the fate of Ereen is uncertain. All that's left now is an epilogue, but it won't be giving you the answers you want, at least not all of them. There are a lot of questions, for example, what happened to Astra's mother, is Astra ever reunited with her? How does Callie feel about the whole situation? The thing is, I could go on, I could keep writing, and writing, and revealing more as I went, but if I did that, it would get stale, the story would dry up, and it just wouldn't be the same.

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Completely Despondent


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I am drained, absolutely, but am not going to use the word.

Stupidly got myself involved with yet another Mental Health person, and I thought it was going really well. Then she also began to involve a second year Medical Student. I've been feeling some frustration and over the weekend, and later, hours after a phone session with the Med. Student I became tearful, and have remained that way for days.

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got some lovely responses

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I got a lovely response to my blog yesterday, including this on Discord: "Every ones hell is their own. The demons we carry are our own. We can not compare our horror to another's for they are each unique. It is not how your pain compares to others, or even that you have or how much pain you are in. It is how you weather it. Dot, you always weather the storms well. Yes, good and bad times. But these are the times that have made us who we are and you are indomitable in your charity, love and caring. Never forget that."

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Butterscotch 13 - Closet - On Patreon


Butterscotch has been running on Patreon for several weeks, free for all to view, and Chapter 1 has now been posted on BC.

Meanwhile, chapter 13 is up on Patreon, a week early for Patrons. All chapters will eventually be free here on BC but if you subscribe on Patreon, you can read ahead. :)

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I feel like I'm a horrible person

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I feel like I'm a horrible person.

The stuff that is most upsetting to me, the gender dysphoria, the PTSD, they are so PETTY.

So insignificant compared to the suffering of others, especially right now.

Sighs ... I could use a hug or three ..

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The Huntress Chronicles, Huge Update

I've done a huge amount of editing on all my stories. Nothing too bad, just taking away the bold from them. Using Bold/Italicize/Underline/ect didn't give the effect I wanted. I wanted it to be a way to separate human and monster voices but instead I was given feedback it just confused people, and so I've fixed it and removed it from every story.

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Real Life, not only the stories we write


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Most everyone of us understands the hate generated toward others because they are different and don't conform to society or an individual's rules. If one hasn't run into that person who would kill you in a heartbeat because you aren't what they demand all females and possibly many males must be to live in their world; you aren't trans, gay, lesbian, or you fit the kind of model who blends in real well to the norm. Protecting one's self or receiving protection from those who are supposedly protecting those who can't isn't always possible.

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What's in a Name?

I have a terrible memory, especially for names. There's a sort of hereditary aphasia in my Mother's family which I seem to have a double dose of. Using "Denver" for "Detroit" in a recent story is one symptom of this. That I am having nerve problems with my hands which affect my touch typing isn't helping.

I recently discovered I had accidentally referred to Vic's wife Michelle as Melissa a few times in a few stories. I believe I have corrected all such instances. However, if anyone finds future incidents of this sort of name problem, please let me know.

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Something New on the Horizon


It’s been a while. Maybe I got lost or stopped just to think things over.

I’ve had trouble finishing projects that I started, and time seemed to pass around me. But, last night, I uploaded a new book to Amazon called Collected. It should be available soon. I’ve got a novella to share here next that I hope to turn into a complete novel. If it all comes to fruition, I want to donate the money.



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Because tina Fey was on the radio today

Don’t ask how I got this. I’m not telling.

From: Sarah Palin@Love

To: Joe Biden@Biden

Hi Joe

I’m so glad you are going to have a female running mate. As you know I have experience as a female vice presidential candidate. I could easily become a Democrat. I have never really understood the difference anyway.

I am qualified to be president if that becomes necessary as I am a very stable genius just like my good friend Donald.

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