Okay, just a quick update. I've reached the 81k word mark and there are still two chapters left to write. I think the first SoTF book will top out at 92k words, which makes it roughly as long as Twilight. Not the greatest comparison but if you were looking for a good doorstop this book will probably suffice.
A few changes have been made. Yes, there will be more parts with Donna as she is responsible for giving Astra her humanity. Parts with Kerra have also been expanded, and we're going to see more exploration of Ereen itself.
I had a huge decision to make toward the end of this book as to whether or not to have Astra leave Ereen. There were several possible endings, one of which was to have her fly to a different colony where she would be more accepted which would allow me to continue the story on Ereen. Unfortunately my attachment to Ereen can't be what stunts Astra's story, and therefore, for the next installment, when we get there, we'll be moving on to Deshima Serendipity with Astra as the narrator. I wanted to use Amelie, but that would be a mistake. This is Astra's story, it always has been and it has to stay that way.