Strange Dream

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I just needed to write this down before I forgot it,
I was shopping in a large mall, though itself was rather strange as everything was in shades of white, with the exception of signage and people. I guess it was present day as I was with my Aunt Evelyn who I think is 80 this year, why her I do not know as she isn't accepting of me, and wouldn't want to be seen within 10 feet of me (of course that would explain why I kept losing her). Excuse me I digress. I was talking on a cell phone ( I don't have one) to someone I haven't seen in 50+ years trying to find my way around and needed to go to a lower level, but there was an extremely long line or queue depending where you are from, for the only escalator down. Opting to use the stairs, I soon found myself on the lower level. Still in shades of white, I was still talking on the phone describing what I was seeing. I seemed to feel something was off as I needed to ask what year it was. It turned out it was the year 4444 and I was in New York City (I have never been there). I came to this conclusion as the mall windows looked out over the Statue of Liberty which was up to it's neck in water. The mall seemed to be built over New York Harbor the people became rather tall, slender and androgynous, though clothing seemed to differentiate gender. I stopped a young woman, based on she was wearing a black and white skirted suit with a name badge (though I couldn't see her name) to ask about stores for the transgendered. Which surprised her telling me she usually only was stopped to be asked what her outfit was made from. She started to lead me to the transformation store, when she was stopped and asked what her outfit was made from, it apparently was made from "unwrinkable silk". That is when I woke up. I rarely have such vivid dreams they are usually much simpler and felt I needed to write it down. Thanks for putting up with my rambling. Well I guess I better get back to bed.

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