TopShelf Blogs

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The "County Sheriff" Stories

Thanks for all the nice comments on my recent postings in this series.
As I have hinted, there is more of this series to come. I havetwo more stories under development. I wrote more than 3000 words for one of them yesterday. The other story is far more problematical. It may well see the end of the series but it is not easy to write because of the crimes involved. I had an idea pop into my head around 02:00 this morning which may make writing to a conclusion a lot easier. Only time will tell on that one but it is shaping up to be another two part story.

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free story idea

As I already have too many ideas started, I'm letting one go free: A group of sailors encounter a siren and are saved by a crew-member who is a closeted trans woman. realizing this might be a chance to rid the world of the dangerous siren and maybe even rescue some men, the trans woman is encouraged to find as many others like her to form an army that would be immune to the siren's call ...

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Ready Reads: One Week Delay

I know, I'm doing terrible at this so far.

I spent most of today at the hospital in Capital City (a 2 1/2 hour drive away) and will be doing the same tomorrow. Wednesday is Thanksgiving prep, and Thursday thanksgiving itself. Saturday my cousins have Plans for me.

To put none too fine a point on it, this is going to be a Busy Week, and I just don't have the time or headspace to do Ready Reads right now.


For my Huntress story

I was given help to make it into a single entity so it would come across as chapters but it's honestly is more meant to be like short tales (I say short but my second one is like 12k words xD) that all interconnect and explain things about MOnique's life and the mess she's found herself in. The story has been renamed to the Huntress Chronicles, with each one being labeled as Part 1, part 2 ect. So for anyone that was confused, that's the new name, sorry for the confusion


promising starts, but no finish

I am in a bit of a pickle. See I have now about a half dozen stories started, but all of them are stalled, and I'm starting to get anxious. See one of my little OCD like habits has come out because with one exception, I have produced at least one new story or poem every single month since the first story I published. And that means I have until the end of December t come up with something. Which isnt very long, especially since I'd also like to produce some longer works instead of just flash fiction.

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Two Important Days

And no mention on BC that I saw.

Lest we forget.

Wednesday, Nov. 20th, was the Transgender Day of Remembrance. According to one online commemoration I saw there have been 311 teansgender victims of violent criminal this year alone.


"Don't let it be forgot, that once there was a spot, for one brief shining moment, that was known as Camelot."


Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

Just a reminder that my current story, "Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?" is set in the 1960s. It's currently the summer of 1968.

Kenndy has been assassinated, Johnson is the president, but is not seeking reelection. And we're deep into the Vietnam war. Dr. King and Robert Kennedy have been assassinated. And, our two girls have witnessed an anti-war demonstration on campus.

Chapter 210 will be out tomorrow (Sunday)


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Butterscotch 4 Chapter Preview Early for Patrons

Previews of chapter 1-3 are open for everyone to read. Here's a sample of chapter 4:

Arno’s table companion called out to him and the strange Mr. Pink let my hand go and went back to his own table. But not without a parting pat on my cheek and a confidence shared in a stage whisper, “You’re going to have such fun!”

“Toodles,” Marjorie told his back and he waved at her without turning around. The man waiting at his table looked like an ex-professional bouncer who had made it big as a financial consultant, or maybe Dwayne Johnson just beginning a campaign for president.

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Hey everyone.

I'm afraid that I probably won't be putting out chapers of Twice Removed or Syryn's Song this week. I have the toothache from hell right now, it's been going for the past few days and it's causing so much pain that I can hardly see straight, so concentrating on writing had been problematic at best. I already have chapters of I Wish and MSPD ready to go, so they won't be affected, but this has really cut into my concentration for working on much of anything at the moment.


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dream time

Dream time again. Last night I had a dream and it went like this: It started with me walking through a neighborhood until I got to an elementary school. I went in, and began teaching classes. I seemed to be regarded as a tough but fair teacher by the students. The school day ended, and I left and walked around the neighborhood with a friend who had shown up. We then went back ti the school because there was going to be a play and I apparently was supposed to help the kids. But partway through the play a black goop like Venom started trying to attack the kids.

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Ready Reads 2: Fantastic Gadgets (Gone Kablooie)

I'd said that I'd do Ready Reads today, but . . .

See, there's a problem. After culling out repeat authors, stories that were FAR too short, and stories that were suggested but inappropriate due to requiring outside reading to understand, I was left with a grand total of four -- count 'em, FOUR -- suggested stories.


Here are the suggestions that passed muster.


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Butterscotch 3 Chapter Preview on Patreon for All

Davey can't figure out what Marjorie sees in him. She's older, richer and way hotter than he is! Then he finds out Marjorie may be a lesbian. Now he's really confused!

Butterscotch Cover

Davey's nickname is Butterscotch because of the color of his freckles. But Marjorie seems to think he's much too sweet to be a boy!

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Call Of The Light - Part 6 is done!

Call of the Light part 6 is up and thus is complete! Whooo!

Apologies for the greater gap in getting the last bit finished, got knocked out for over a week by a nasty sinus infection (which still lingers, ugh). But it's finally done!

Now to start laying the framework down for Book 4! :D

Hope everyone enjoys!! Comments are always treasured and are huge motivations to get off my lazy butt and back to the keyboard! Thanks to all who have also sent me such encouraging messages! Massively appreciated!!

- Erisian

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Anxiety disorder

I know some people do not quite understand what that means. I have it, and apparently, rather bad at times.

There is not specific trigger for my attacks. They just happen and they build up. Sometimes they only last for a couple mins, say 15-20. Other times they last for hours.

During an attack I cannot think straight. My mind goes from one thing to another to another to another increasing my anxiety. Other times I focus on one thing to the exculsion of everything else, no matter how irrational it is.


A question for my readers.

So... I have a question. I've been having some motivation issues, as far as Stuck in a Rut. I love the story, and I have plans for it... but just haven't been motivated to write in it much.

So I propose to you that read it a choice.

1. I plug on, with chapters irregularly dropped on occasion.

2. I put it on the back burner and release infrequent chapters, while putting out a new story: "The Mysterious occurrence of Missy Hinde"

3. I put it on the back burner and release infrequent chapters, while putting out a new story:: "Right to Life: Brain donor."

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The Fall of Kruhl - Double Feature

A double posting today! I hope you enjoy the story.

The Fall of Kruhl - Homecoming

By Daniel A. Wolfe

When Amelia van den Broeke arrives in Tondzaosha she is haunted by the shadows of her past, but as a representative of AEGIS she has come to unravel the mysteries of the lost girl and the sword. What fresh hell does her hometown hold in store for her?


To Writers With Stories That Have Multiple Parts

Are there any particular criteria you go by when posting the parts of your story for how long between each post?

Why do you wait [X] number of days?

Is there a general consensus as to how often you should put up a new part to a story?

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TG Pro Wrestler in the Big Time!

Ok. I know that there probably aren't a lot of Pro Wrestling fans here at Top Shelf, but this is, IMHO important.

AS Trans persons, we are always concerned with acceptance in mainstream society. Here's a T-woman who is breaking into the most male dominated profession in the world short of North Korea.

Nyla Rose is a M-F professional wrestler who has broken the gender barrier in a new Federation...A.E.W....All Elite Wrestling, headed by a couple of former WWE "superstars."

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I thought I was in a Big Closet story today

My sister in law who bills herself as the world's greatest bargain hunter dropped off a bag of used shirts today. I have no idea where she got them but she said to pick out any that fit me and she would pick up the rest later. Besides men's shirts there were several skirts and women's tops. We all know were this would go, right? The truth is that the woman must have been some kind of Amazon or WNBA player but in our story they would be a perfect fit for the bearded old man who just had to try them on.

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Getting Back on the Path...

Hey everyone. I've decided I want to share some news.

It's time I get back on the path to being me :)

Not that I was ever really off it, but while I had transitioned in my life previously, I de-transitioned when Kim got sick.

I was her primary Power of Attorney, and having to deal with showing my ID to hospitals and Doctors constantly took it's toll, and so I just started dressing "drab" to make life easier, and after she passed, I hit such a depressive hole, that I'm surprised I'm still here :P

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A New Slant on Things.

I received some frightening news.

In the 15 years I've been this way, I tried to be a girly girl. Yet one time a woman said that she thought I was a Navy Seal. Another woman thought I'd done Black Ops. Not even in heels and a pink dress was I girly. :( Lately, I've decided that the transgender stuff was bunk, but there is no rewind. So now, I'm just ME, and that's fine. Still not wearing pants if I don't have to !!!

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Recent read

Recently I came across a book on Amazon that sounded like it might be interesting to read from the description of it. "Cinderella Boy" by Kristina Meister took a little different twist on a theme that would align with many stories on this site. Boy caught by sister trying on her clothes, sister helps him and things take a turn toward a love affair with a boy he has been crushing on for a long time. I'm not going to say much more so don't do a spoiler. It is $3.99 for the Kindle edition.

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These Surgeries Still Happening.

Some of us are old enough to have had surgeries to correct sexual organ issues, and did not know until later. The story came out later for me and I had to piece bits of circumstantial evidence together until the pile got too big to ignore. Later in life I found out about my genetics ... The conclusion I came to is that the Doctor had taken me in another room and done a radical Hysterectomy. I found out that I spent a while in the hospital after I was born but not what for.


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Be Brave

Hello out there,

It's been a while since I've been here and I apologize for my absence.

I haven't really been writing all that often because I've been so busy learning all about film and how to make them. I've actually written and directed a couple of short films in the last few months. Surprisingly it's been a lot of hard work.

But honestly, that's not why I'm here.

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The Last Boy Scout and his stories, and a challenge.

Having just finished what is posted by TLBS, I am left wondering. WHAT THE HECK EVER HAPPENED TO THE LAST BOY SCOUT???

There were vague promises and intents to continue his writing, but nothing now for 9 years!!

Is TLBS still alive? If so, where is he/she? Why did he/she stop writing?

TLBS was a master/Mistress of the written word who sucked the readers into her worlds and made them CARE about her characters and their lives.

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Ready Reads 1: Grown Ups!

After (almost) a week of suggestions and feedback, it's officially time for the first-ever post of . . .


In this, our inaugural posting, we are tackling the weird and wacky world of adults in a theme simply called "Grown Ups."

All of the stories featured below have point of view characters or protagonists aged 19 or older, and as is the premise for Ready Reads, every story is complete on BCTS!

So, without further adieu, let's get into our reader-submitted suggestions!

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Honor, duty, service.........

In this current political and social climate, where it seems that belittling and denigrating certain groups within our society has gained a certain amount of acceptance and legitimacy, let us stop and take a moment to reflect.

As one who has served, I perhaps have a somewhat different perspective than specific members of our government in Washington, D.C. - those who not only have not served, but who's efforts to avoid service are well documented.

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I blame the pizza

Yeah, it was all the pizza's fault, first I had to make it (well load it with goodies at least), then I had to cook it and lastly I was forced to eat it! by the time I'd finished dessert that was an hour gone. Of course, if I'd got back earlier, if I hadn't uploaded my ride stats before eating, well you might've seen this a bit earlier, but I did so you didn't.

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Suppose There Actually Was a God

Suppose There Actually Was a God
• You know, one like the God of the Koran
• Or the slightly less nasty God of the Old Testament (Jewish) Bible
• Or even the almost-likable God of the New Testament (Christian) Bible
o Confucian and Hindu and Wiccan (and so on) Gods and Goddesses are hardly significant
 BUT we should not dismiss them without at least considering the philosophies that support them
 There is a lot of misinformation floating around about them
 And there is a serious lack of information about them in general


Never Quit Seeking

The VA has trans support, kinda, sorta. Sometimes it might be just a title. I actually love every single person, doctors, nurses, staff, I have dealt with at the VA. There is a caveat there. The VA rotates doctors as they move, retire, etc. I had excellent doctors until one of those rotations. The doctor I was assigned was a hard core major in the service. She never said anything offensive, however she acted like I was something she picked up on her boots on the walk through the cow lot after she found out I was trans.


The Fall of Kruhl - Spectral Visitor

The Fall of Kruhl

By Daniel A. Wolfe

Enclosed within a strange metal box, strapped to a rolling platform, and guarded by a pair of closemouthed humans Kruhl doesn’t think things could get any worse, but when a dark apparition appears she discovers just how wrong she was.

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The General's Son...

I don't know the exact title, but this story deals with a General who puts his son in a private school and he comes out as his daughter. It could have been a Military school? It could have been one of Nancy Cole's stories, and perhaps she reworked it?

At any rate, I have not found it and it is likely that I'm not getting the details right.




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Update II You Are a Meany

Here is an update and plans for You Are a Meany. I am close enough to being done with the revised version of the story that by next Friday I should have part one up. I then will put another part up weekly until the entire story is up. That is unless I finish writing the story early, then I will be posting the part daily. Then after the last part is up the story will stay up for a week. I am taking it down I do want to try to publish it. I have a great editor working with me so the editing part will be on par with the self-published titles.

Hugs N Love

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I have an issue with my story that im not sure how to solve

I wanted to tell two paralell stories and I tried that in the first version and it ended up to become a mess that many readers told me that it confused them.
So im considering tell them in two separate separate tales with two different titles of a dark edwyn and a good edwyn thats allied with the light

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Searching for a story

I'm looking for a story that has nothing to do with anything that has appeared here on BCTS or the other websites, but I am hoping that someone is well-read enough to have heard of it.

The scene was set during World War II or in the Far East during a conflict of some sort. A group of prisoners are lined up and told that every third man will be killed. When they choose the main character, she removes her hat to show that she is not a man at all.

Does this sound familiar to anyone?



Just not my week

Sorry about my lack of posting this week and the fact that I likely will have to put off posting new chapters of both Twice Removed and Syryn's Song until next week. This week has just been extremely busy and I'm just sooo exhausted right now and lack of sleep due to nightmares and insomnia hasn't been helping. I haven't had time to write anything, and I barely even had time to post the latest chapter of I Wish. Then on top of my laptop dying earlier this week, my mouse died yesterday for the desktop and I had to find a replacement, killing what time I did have for writing. :(

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NON Software Computer Audio Issue

This is an appeal to the Geeks here:

When writing, I will often listen to music on my Computer. That has been seamless and trouble free, but with the new Google, YouTube, and Facebook policies things have changed. It is now common that I am listening to Music at lets say 3 db, and suddenly the volume will jump by 6 or more db for an advertisement. This is very distracting.

I've tried software volume limiting before but they somehow defeat that and it is not easy to manually adjust.


Daniel Ford, co-creator of Quillian

Sadly, I just got word that Daniel Ford who created Sam Valentine (an unpublished comic strip he and I worked on) died yesterday. Daniel was also co-creator with me of Quillian. He was a talented young artist, only 38, who died in his cobbler shop Tuesday, November 5, of complications from diabetes.

It hits me pretty hard, we had been friends for more than fifteen years and I will miss him a lot.

Take care of yourselves out there.

Erin (Joyce)

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How do you submit stories to this site?

How do you submit stories to this site/ Like the formatting and stuff? I've never done it before but I finally have a story completed and would like to submit it for my friends to see or anyone else who would like to see my weird stuff xD I finally finished one, and got it edited and stuff but I don't know how to do it and I don't want it to come out all janky ;-; So any help would be SUPER appreciated



There is a current article on CNN about the Mahu ("Third Gender") . The revealed injustice is angering to me because those who try to control the Transgender conversation have got it all wrong, in my opinion.

The Native Americans have something similar (Two Spirit) (Not the LGBT one) In Southern Iraq there was a marsh tribe that treated the gender nonconforming as normal. Children could adopt either gender. No surgeries, or hormones. Can't remember what they were called. In India, I think, they have Hijra.


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I've spent this evening composing a little tale which I share with you all here.

Brassick, from brassick lint, rhyming slang for skint, ie lacking reasonable funds, moolah or however you wish to describe money, is a tale of reflection with a slight twist. It isn't meant to be deep or a fairy tale but just the lowlights of a life.

Please comment


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Ashleigh Blayze and Ellen Hayes

Since this is going on a lot right now I figure I would join in.
Has anyone heard from Ashleigh Blayze author of Legacy of the Anari Book 1 or Ellen Hayes author of Tuck?

I was wondering what happened to them?

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Another late Feral Saga

Sorry to those following this story. This chapter is giving me a little trouble and I'm also working on a big editing project for EnemyOfFun. I don't want to rush it and I'm trying to decide if I'm going to split it in two (which is what I'm leaning towards). So I'm not sure how much longer, but I hope it won't be long. Of course, Lolo and Don decided to have a fight, so that wasn't fun...

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Call Of The Light - Part 5 is up!

The fifth part of Call of the Light is up!

Due to a mandatory evacuation at work I was able to sneak in an extra day and a half of editing this week, whee! Next up to get edited is the steam-rolling conclusion to book three; part six is the longest one so may take a bit to get edited. I can't wait to get it done so everyone can read, and then get to work on book four!

Thanks for all the wonderful comments! They really help the motivation to keep plowing through the editing phase! :)

- Erisian

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Trouble again... and a poll

Okay, so despite the Halloween wind storm causing us a power outage that lasted a day and a half, I was trying really hard to finish the new chapter of Syryn's Song for today, but unfortunately events conspired against me. We had anouther short outage today while I was trying to work that resulted in both lost progress and the final death of the laptop I use for back ups, writing while not chained to the desktop, and various other purposes.

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Cheerleader oops

I was reading a cheerleader story by own of the authors here and something made me sit up and go "Wha?"

The cheerleaders were getting ready for a high school football game, and using the girl's locker room.

This is a big goof because when there's a game between two high schools at one of the schools, the home team using the boys locker room. the visiting team uses the *girls* locker room.

The cheerleaders get stuck with changing one of the girls restrooms.

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I am asking for some advice and help for the conclusion of my tale the prophet

For those few of you who read this tale, I hope some of you can offer advice
If you have kept up with it you can tell its reaching the conclusion. The forces are set up, the edwyn in the first time had gone totally cruel and a despot almost like Saron the dark lord lol. Hes even giving the other kings a crown that forces them to obey his will

and the edwyn in the other time sees the danger and has been alerted to the other edwyn wants to murder the goddess and they have to stop him

So its alll set up for a final battle for the universe and save the goddess

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FATA is now an open universe, and beta readers needed

I just wanted to announce that my latest story, Federal Astral Transfer Agency is now an open universe, If you have an idea that would work, let me know.

And in other news I have another story ready for a beta test, if anybody wants to be my victim I mean volunteer.

PM me if you're interested in either idea.

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Difficult story request

Ok, I'm finally breaking down and asking for help.

I'm trying to find a story that I read here before, the problem is I cannot remember the Author, Story Name, or characters.

What I can remember from it is the protagonist get a family (I think) ring that allows them to use a mirror to transport them to a different realm, also giving them power to form crystal buildings and such. I believe there are 3 books in the series but I'm not sure.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

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Woodcrest - Rants and Stuff

So I felt inclined to post a rant because Woodcrest is pissing me off more than usual. Over the last...eight months I've been writing the series I paid attention to what the readers were saying and progressively dumbed down the story because a lot of you just weren't 'getting it'. I just hit rock bottom the other day when someone asked 'What drug was Audrey given'? (paraphrased). Okay folks, the drug 'Miratran', which I'm not going to explain here, has been the central theme of the series for at least three books, and across all three series.


Suggested courses of study for new TS

Following is a suggested list of courses of study for a new TS.

Skirt Management 101 “Keeping your secrets secret”
Diet Planning 200 “Compliance and avoidance Strategies”
Defensive Dating 312 “?”
Lace Display 402 “When, why and how much”
Feminine Mystique 510 “Preserving the mystery”

Suggestions for additions and revisions are encouraged.


things that people either forgot or dont know about

At one point in history buying a car meant something.

In some areas a whole block of people would pool their resources to buy a single car, there was no trucks available, and they would do maintenance and repairs themselves. Once or twice a week runs would be made with the car to purchase whatever was needed by the block. Occasionally it was used for appointments or special events but since fuel/petrol was very expensive and hard to come buy not so much.


Whateley Academy or maybe not.

I've got an idea flitting around in my head that has revived an old story line that died out for me a long time ago. I have no idea if anything will come of this. There is no magic, no gender, not anticipating interfacing with Whately, though my character may very seldom perhaps visit the place on the way through the area for a cup of potion with one of the folk there. If my mentioning the name of the school, is an issue, I'd likely just not name it. My character might hate rules, love chaos, and rebel against authority, not that this character does anything to promote chaos very often.

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relooking for a story again

OK I am unsure if my mind is mixing together 2 stories but given its like around 10 years ago since i originally read it, which I think it was then old but was new to me sorta situation

It is set in mid late 1700's or really early 1800's I believe, there was something about a war, I think confederacy was mentioned, I remember something about a bell in a tower.

Boy if memory serves is abused by father for his femininity
Somehow is left to appear the boy is dead, but or is faking death, mother I think assists this fact

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DNA Rant

Whenever I encounter a story involving science fiction transformation gender-changing, specifically involving changing one's DNA, I have serious trouble suspending my disbelief. I've always had trouble describing why, but I finally figured out how to describe the problem. (The explanation could never be a sound-bite.)

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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So I've been having a bit of trouble this week getting the new chapter of Twice Removed to feel right. The words just didn't want to come to me, as sometimes happens when I'm not on my meds and writing. So some of the girls in chat suggested that I try taking my mind off it by writing something short and silly. Since Dottie is the queen of short and silly I naturally took my inspiration from her. I don't think I'll have Twice Removed ready for this week, altough it is coming easier now that I got my mind off it for a bit. So instead I'm posting a little halloween treat.

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sorry about my new posting

Sorry about my latest posting 'Beyond the grave'. It's a short story for Halloween but I ran out of time and I haven't had a chance to proofread it as I normally would.
I thought it would be pointless to release it at Christmas though. Oh, and being a Halloween tale it's a bit dark in places with some triggers. It is a ghost story, after all...

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