TopShelf Blogs

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The Wall within

ok so a few days ago I watched the youtube channel the nostalgia critic do a take on the movie "The Wall", and it brought me back to one of the darker moments of my childhood.

See, when I was a teen, I saw the Wall, and I saw the movie as a cautionary tale of what I could become. Because I had walls too. Walls that protected me, but also isolated me. So after the movie, rather than seeking help, I decided to try and take down my walls on my own.

It ... didnt go well.

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No Twice Removed this week

Hi everyone,

I'm afraid that there will be no Twice Removed posted tomorrow. I've been trying to get it finished today, but the whole chapter just doesn't feel right to me. So I'm going to let it percolate in the back of my mind while I work on something else for a few days. I didn't want to delay it, but I would much rather that the new chapter be up to my usual standards and wait a week than put out something that I'm not happy with. Hopefully I'll have something else to treat my readers to later this week if things go well though.

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11th Sun: Status Update 01: Resume or Start Over?

Well um...yeah, it's been a bit, hasn't it.

The update goes like this: Instead of updating the second draft, I finished it. Now we're in the middle of the 4th draft instead.

Much of what is in the second draft is badly outdated. The first chapter for instance goes from 2,000 words to 17k in the 4th draft. There's a lot more flesh, a lot more depth, and the writing gets better.

Which isn't to say we can't keep updating the 2nd draft if you're all very thirsty. Or we can wait until the 4th draft is done, delete this here and put it up.

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A Helpless Puritan

I'm discouraged and do not seem able to cure it.

I was just reading a very interesting discussion that I had been taken with, but as soon as they crossed an unseen line, I was finished reading it. It feels awful to condemn someone's work just because they crossed a conceptual boundary for me. At least I know it is there, but as to changing my mind about it, that seems unlikely.

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For those that wonder?

For those that have wondered what is going on with me and my writing...

Over the past years, along with medical issues that happen as we all get older, (back surgery a few years ago and two heart attacks since last November.) Work, which was something I once enjoyed, has become something of a horror story that I come home from and pass out instead of writing several thousand words each night like I once did.

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Call Of The Light

Part 1 of Book 3 'Call Of The Light' is up!
Apologies for this one taking so long! Between job changes, moving, and dealing with plumbing (ugh!) things kept interfering with proper writing time. But the entire book has now been drafted so new parts will go up as each part gets edited!
Hope folks enjoy! (And that I didn't miss too much during edits!!)

Thanks to everyone who reads, and especially to everyone who comments! They really do mean a lot!

- Erisian

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Displaced (new short story)

Before, I get started I just thought I'd mention that the revised version of Virtually Twisted has, at last, made it's way to BigCloset Topshelf! So, if you've been waiting for the story to drop here, please have at it and I hope you enjoy. Thanks to all those who commented and supported my website over these last couple years!


Ever since he lost his job, Harry has been eking out a meager existence with his fledgling repair business, but when a catalog claiming to sell real magical items falls into his hands, his life is ‘displaced’ forever.

Please click here to read the story.

Please consider commenting. Not only will it help encourage me to continue writing, it might afford you the chance to influence future stories.

You may subscribe to my website via email using the 'Subscribe' dropdown in the nav bar. You may also make use of the RSS feed or follow me on social media:

Thank you and have delightfully demented day,

Daniel A. Wolfe

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Talk Like A Pirate Day

Today is International Talk Like A Pirate Day!

Three (3) years ago today, I posted the first chapter of my first BCTS story. My first serial story, Mary Celeste, was submitted as part of the 2016 Zombie/Ninja/Pirate/Spider challenge. The Mary Celeste serial story was never completed.



worrying episode yesterday

I had a strange experience yesterday and I really need to talk about it. I was part of a group meeting all day, and even though I know the people well, I began to have a really unusual way of distancing myself - I began doodling. I'm no drawer, but I started making little pictures of anything I could think of. I still engaged others, but I couldn't stop drawing. I have no idea what this means, but it worries me.

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Syryn's Song chapter 5 delay

Just to let people know, Syryn's Song chapter 5 probably won't be posted today. I have it roughly half done and I was hoping to edit and post today, and chapter 6 is 90% finished, but Martin and I are both feeling terrible today and I think we may have the flu or something. I just can't focus well enough right now to do a proper job of finishing and editing it today, so I'll probably have to hold off until next Sunday so I know it's going to be of the quality I prefer.

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Just Venting About An Amazon Review

Just a brief vent and maybe an update...

Here's my vent. First, I appreciate all the people who take the time to review Leslie Moore books. I read each one and try to learn. But sometimes, I get confused. Here's an example

Kindle Customer
4.0 out of 5 stars

"It's more about Jesica herself and not her adventures"
June 27, 2019
Format: Kindle Edition
Overall it was a good read but I have some minor criticisms.

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Plagiarism ???

I THINKI once started a rather offbeat TG Alien Sci Fi story, and lost it when my laptop got stuck in the trunk when we were moving to Ohio from Oregon. The temperature was 104 degrees at times and the poor thing just fried. Everything I was working on was gone. Recovery efforts were futile. That was in 2009.

I suddenly remembered said tale a couple weeks ago, and am rewriting it now.

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Virtually Twisted - Epilogue

The final part is here at last. Be sure to keep your eye out, next week there will be a little surprise!

Edit: I am currently formatting the story to post here on bigcloset and all the usual places. It will probably find it's way here sometime within the next week.

Cover Image

As Callista comes to the end of her journey will she, at last, get her happily ever after?

Please click this link to read this week's part or this link will display all current and previous parts.

Please consider commenting. Not only will it help encourage me to continue, it might afford you the chance to influence future parts.

You may subscribe to my website via email using the 'Subscribe' dropdown in the nav bar. You may also make use of the RSS feed or follow me on social media:

Thank you and have delightfully demented day,

Daniel A. Wolfe

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Stick her Shock removed

On Wednesday the 18th (today) I removed Stick her Shock from BC in anticipation of it's being published on Amazon Friday. A portion of the proceeds of any sales will go to BC and a portion to The Haven where my capping is done.

Stick her Shock 2 will continue to be posted here with Part 9 coming very soon.

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Humans Not The Dominant Species Of the Universe.

Just finished up the restarted, "Twice Removed", and it is still echoing in my synapses.

The other day I watched an old movie, "Starship Troopers" and was disappointed. Apparently they decided to rework it in 2011, and they made a right muck up of it, in my opinion. The first movie was intact, but the others were not recognizable. The Videography was dark and they strayed from the original plot line. What a mess. I wish they'd left it alone. It was childish and immature but fun.

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Eine kurze Vorstellung zu meiner Person

Mein Name ist Jessica Preg, wie ihr ja bereits sehen könnt.

Ich schreibe fiktive Geschichten, die erotische Fantasien enthalten.

Da ich ausschließlich in deutscher Sprache schreibe hoffe ich, dass auch die englischsprachigen Leserinnen und Leser diese mit dem Google-Übersetzer gut verstehen können.

Falls ihr Anregungen,Wünsche zu bestimmten Geschichten habt, oder euch sogar eine bestimmte Geschichte wünscht, so lasst es mich wissen.

Ich bin immer wieder auf der Suche nach neuen Inspirationen.

Eure Jessica

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Lessor Artists Borrow...

"... Great artists steal." -- Attributed to Igor Stravinsky

Someone at borrowed my story "Our Daughter's Prom Date", and made superficial changes before posting it as her own. She wimped out at the end, regarding who was taking whom to the Prom.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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Most of us aren't raving beauty queens

Down at the Women's Trust Center this morning for checkup. Come to think of it, I didn't get "ma'am" one time while I was there. Okay, in all fairness they used Barbie to address me. All women so..., Let's see, at the restaurant, Best Buy, and Costco it was ma'am. I'm wearing jeans, big ol cowboy belt and big silver buckle, boots black cowgirl felt hat. Okay, a gold satin blouse and I'm a solid 34 C



I had to put down my little girl Pepper(cat) this morning. She had kidney problems that she was meds for but it wasn't working and she was not eatting or drinking. This morning I found her trying to find a place to die in my house.

Bringing her in while mewing was so dam hard it broke my heart to pieces, again. My friend had to be there while they put her to sleep I just couldn't do that again. Holding my mother's hand all those years ago was so traumatizing. Doing that to my little girl I just couldn't.

Paying out almost three hundred hurt me pocketbook wise as well.



The Venus Lily - A MEPS98 tale on TG Comics and Stories

MEPS98 posted two fantastic novels on this site a few years ago. One was "Severance Pay" and the other was "5 Hertz of Separation". Both stories were quite long and well thought out to their satisfying conclusions. Meps98 just last week published another novel on TG Comics and Stories, "The Venus Lily" is a novel written in the film noir style and has some really great black and white illustrations. Take a look at it. It's well worth the price.

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The plan

Okay folks,

Since I've been back I've been working on some story chapters, but given that I don't have the time I once did I can't guarantee continuing all of my ongoing story-lines at the same time. The decision I've come to is that I will focus on Twice Removed, Syryn's Song, and I Wish first, on a weekly schedule, with the occassional chapters of other stories, Hyperverse stories, or other writing whenever my muse decides to push me in those areas. As I finish up story lines I will start to add Alex in Wonderland, Raven's Blood, and Winter's Child into the schedule.

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Perplexed idea

Ok so....
I am in a cunnundrum
Need advice/feedback whatever, I feel I cannot even say what I mean to say, like a toungue twisted flute player mistaking a clarinet for a flute.

Ok, so like I read this old artical, he** I am not even sure how on earth it came to me, its random, and my memory is hazy but I saved it in a word document to use.

I am considering writing a story, that incorrporates the material described.

I am unsure whether or not to do this though, let alone post a link to the 2012 daily mail blog thingy.


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Virtually Twisted - Reunited

On more part to go! I can hardly believe it's so close!

Cover Image

Reunited with Megan, Calista learns the true extent of her friend’s twist and discovers of one last surprise.

Please click this link to read this week's part or this link will display all current and previous parts.

Please consider commenting. Not only will it help encourage me to continue, it might afford you the chance to influence future parts.

You may subscribe to my website via email using the 'Subscribe' dropdown in the nav bar. You may also make use of the RSS feed or follow me on social media:

Thank you and have delightfully demented day,

Daniel A. Wolfe

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"There is Nothing Like a Dame" final chapter

Just a brief note to let you know that I've just published the final chapter of "There is Nothing Like a Dame", the third novel in the 'Harriet' series. I tried to put 'Final' on the chapter number but whether this was the problem or something else, it didn't want to go onto the site. I've decided after all that it's not the last you will hear of Harriet. I feel sure there is one more book in the saga.

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"About a Girl"

This is a follow-up to my blog item about Georgie Stone the trans teen who has recently played a small part in 'Neighbours' Her mother Rebekah Robertson has just published a book 'About a Girl' in which she recounts the story of bringing up Georgie who was one of twins originally both designated male. Georgie, however, was very certain she was a girl even from the age of two.
The book is published by Penguin Australia but I think it is available to download as well.

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Perhaps Stealth Is Better?

I've been "out" for 16 years and really out for about 10 years and never been bothered. It does not seem credible that I could have looked so female that no one twigged to my being T?

In the last week, two sites that I go to, one of them Facebook seem to have gone completely perverted. I've always run a low "friend" count because I don't think that people I don't talk to at least by PM are my friends. Facebook is only suggesting folk who are porn queens, so I have unfriended so many folk. Don't intend to be mean, look at what you want to.

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Where's Cassandra?

A number of you have very kindly been worried after 'Cassandra' - Chapter 20 failed to materialise a timely manner.

First of all please don't worry, I'm fine and the story is definitely not being deserted. It's just that real life got in the way.

Here's the story. I'm currently retraining as a high school teacher (US) / teacher - KS 3 - 5 (UK). My year long college course to be certified as a teacher started on Tuesday and the last two weeks have been manic keeping me busy with 10 hour plus days.

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The person in the Mirror.

Hello out there,

So I'm at it again and this time wanted some feedback. I've been experimenting with Showing like I talked about yesterday and wanted to run one of my experiments by you.

The scene is Adrian finishing up in the restroom. This scene also happens to be the scene I want as the cover of my book.

Have a look.

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Show, Don't Tell Epiphany.

Hello out there,

You wonderful people once again have helped me become a better writer.

When I posted the first draft of my book on here it was met with a lot of praise. I was so excited and happy. Then there were those of you who were critical and sent me PM's.

You must understand that I'm a person who likes criticism because it gives me something to improve on.

I got one critique, in particular, saying that the Prologue was boring. Another saying that the book wasn't as engaging as the 'Tuck' series.

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MtF possible no matter what size one comes in

Watching a video yesterday of one of the most amazing transformations of a woman finally achieving what had been driving her, all her life. Like many from an early age she did everything macho to deny the girl and prove she was a man's man. All well and good until the girl inside said enough is enough. Let me drive and I'll bring peace and comfort to us both.


wishing for talent

Growing up, I always wanted to be a writer. To have my books loved by people around the world would be a taste of heaven. Unfortunately, I am a horrible writer. I know what I want to write, how the scene should look and what the characters would say, but I just can't get it out of my head and onto paper or a screen. I have idea's for 2 different stories. One is inspired by the anime My Hero Academia, the other is a sort of mid-evil magic adventure. A basic chosen one scenario meets Harry potter meets an abbey full of magical monks.

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Virtually Twisted - Mall Meet Up

I'm going to kick things off a bit early this week. I'll be out of the house early morning tomorrow and it will be difficult to post otherwise.

Cover Image

While on an outing at the Mall with Carrie and Amanda, Calista gets the shock of her life.

Please click this link to read this week's part or this link will display all current and previous parts.

Please consider commenting. Not only will it help encourage me to continue, it might afford you the chance to influence future parts.

You may subscribe to my website via email using the 'Subscribe' dropdown in the nav bar. You may also make use of the RSS feed or follow me on social media:

Thank you and have delightfully demented day,

Daniel A. Wolfe


Shutter Bug

The location of my flicker Album page:

One of my post-retirement projects is to scan all my old negatives (or, where there are no negatives, the prints). I'm posting these on Flickr in addition to my modern, digital photos.

I am particularly proud of the latest (as of this posting) album, which was taken entirely at night of the Christmas decorations for 1999, plus shots of the Moon and the Capital building:

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Trans character on 'Neighbours'

The groundbreaking and highly successful soap opera 'Neighbours' produced in Melbourne Australia for the last 34 years, will introduce its first trans character in September. What's more, the character is played by 19 year old trans actress and activist Georgie Stone. Stone pitched the character to the show's producers and worked with the writers on her guest appearance as a trans schoolgirl.

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New Rairy Contrary just Dropped.

Hello out there,

It appears Rairy just can't catch a break.

As I write this story I feel so sad. I'm one of those writers that feel's/feed's off the emotions they are writing and reading. So if I read something extremely depressing I can get really depressed myself.

Rairy is not a reflection of myself, but there are parts of me in her. She is so much braver than I ever was.

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I see a lot of authors here talking about publishing their stories. They all seem to be talking about self publishing. Others have pointed out that there is not a lot of money to be made this way. Perhaps another way to go would be to get a manuscript as ready to publish as you can and submit it to an agent or ten. Acceptance is probably a long shot but you will never know if you don't try. If you fail the self publishing option remains; if you succeed you might find your book supported by a major publisher.

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Busy Busy Busy

Hello out there,

I hope you're all doing well this evening.

I haven't really been writing and kind of feel guilty about it. You see I've been working with a group near me and we're making a short film. I wrote the script, am Directing it and am doing the Cinematography.

We have two more days of prep till we start filming and we aren't even making any money for doing it. We are on such a low budget that we need to do a potluck for the cast/crew. I'm going to bring my famous chili which happens to be a vegan chili btw.

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I would like to offer my most heartfelt apologize to all my friends and readers on big closet.

I dropped off the map and I feel bad about having worried so many of you by doing so.

Things were bad for me for a long while, and my anxiety and depression spiraled out of control after my ex cut me off from contacting my kids, while our grim financial situation and not being able to afford my meds was making things worse. I withdrew from everyone and everything but my boyfriend Martin.

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Photography and What I do when I'm not fixing servers...

So BigCloset and surrounding is basically my full time job. I spend time buidling websites, tuning our site and others hosted by us, ressurecting sometimes forgoten projects that have been neglected over time, and try to think of ways to reduce costs, and/or increase revenue.

But like everyone else, I sometimes need to do "something else".

So as many of you know, I got really intersted in Photography (read as, fell down the photography rabbit hole).

Most recently, Cat, Myself, Amy and the NinjaBaby attendted the Atlantic City Airshow and so I figured I would share a few pictures with you.


Update On 'Adrian - The Saga of Adrian'

Hello out there,

I wanted to let you all know that I did a very minor update to the 'Adrian' book.

So because of you fantastic people, I decided to write a new introduction for Adrian. It's right after the prologue.

So the change is pretty important.

It does five things:

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2019-08-27 End of a chapter

Well, as it says in the titel, yesterday was the end of a chapter for me as the paperwork for my house was done. So goodbye house.

That doesn't change much about my current situation (still about 5 years to go with the bankruptcy proceedings as it is right now) as the sale price wasn't anything near to what I still owed the Bank. But that's a forced sale for you.

At least after this year I will be done with the taxes on it which saves a few 100 a year. So a kinda silver lining.,


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The Hits Just Keep Coming...

Just when you think everything is good and nothing else bad can happen, something else slaps you in the face. I was just informed this morning that I have until the 15th of September to get both my dogs vaccinated and licensed because the city is doing a consensus. If I had been told about this at the beginning of the month, I would have been fine. As it is, Kindle has not been kind lately. I had to use last month's kindle money to pay for bills and the tiny amount I'm getting this month won't even pay for one vet visit. I'm NOT sure what I'm going to do now....

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Both Parties by Karin Bishop

Karin has a new book out:

Mark is transgender. He’s known it his entire life, which has been one of lying—to his mother, to his classmates, and to himself. Every day that he is a boy is a reminder that his life is wrong, and he must continue the lie that he isn’t a girl, and is agony—especially now in high school.

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Unforgotten and Other Stories

My new collection, Unforgotten and Other Stories, is available now from Smashwords and Amazon. (Smashwords pays its authors better royalties than Amazon.)

It contains forty stories and 335,000 words of fiction: twenty-six short stories, seven novelettes, two novellas, three short novels, and two reviews of imaginary books and TV shows. Thirteen of the stories (over 180,000 words) have never appeared online before, and three others appear here in a significantly expanded form. Each story has a new afterword or introduction; many of the afterwords have recommendation and links for similar stories by other authors.

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To publish or not - decision made

Thank you all for the fabulous insights. I have decided to post it here first and then if all of you like it I will publish it somewhere I can get a printed copy. Maybe be Doppler Press would be interested? Hint hint.

I am in final edit. I was going to change the location, taking the story outside of Silicon Valley but I think I will leave it as is. The corporation is Googlesque but it is located in Palo Alto instead of Mountain View and the timing is set 9 years from now.


The Family Girl #096: Anniversary Day!


Blog #96: Anniversary Day!
And It Hardly Even Feels Like Ten Years

Exactly, and I do mean exactly,ten years ago, on a Tuesday afternoon, at 2:33PM, I posted my very first story here in the BigCloset (or what I've taken to calling "BCTS"): I posted the first part of a little story I called "Danny." And it is exactly ten years from that time.

Yes, indeed - it's my tenth-year anniversary here in BCTS.


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Virtually Twisted - The Unexpected

Cover Image

After her trip to the salon, Calista has a surprise waiting for her back home. What could Carrie and Drew have in store for her?

Please click this link to read this week's part or this link will display all current and previous parts.

Please consider commenting. Not only will it help encourage me to continue, it might afford you the chance to influence future parts.

You may subscribe to my website via email using the 'Subscribe' dropdown in the nav bar. You may also make use of the RSS feed or follow me on social media:

Thank you and have delightfully demented day,

Daniel A. Wolfe

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Refresh of Trump Fire All Transgender

This is referring once again to LadyDragon623's blog so it doesn't get too far down the line where no one notices it.
We bring up a lot suspicion, dislike and hate from so many people when we are less than one percent of the total population.
Have faith and heart, God loves us. That isn't heresy. I was there when I was sixteen.


Converting Old work.

Hello out there,

I know I should probably be working on Adrian stuff but putting my mind into a 13-year-olds point of view is a bit tiring.

So I've been working on converting one of my stories from a 3rd person point of view to a 1st person point of view.

I don't know if it'll ever make it here mostly because the main character is not trans and I don't know if stories about cis people are allowed here.

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Been Scammed

I've purchased meds overseas from Mexico, Taiwan, and India. Our blessed government has managed to put the squeeze on Mexico and Taiwan so they no longer ship meds to the U.S. I've never once been snake bit up until now. This week I was scammed by someone representing a large pharmaceutical company in India. Should have been leery when his email said the company couldn't accept PayPal, Credit Cards, or International Money Orders on orders below $2000 dollars. They could only accept Western Union Money Order Telegram.


Good morning Ma'am, Sir, I mean... Sorry.

That's what the gate guard at work said to me this morning. It just keeps on happening and it's happening more often. Second time this week. Happened last week once. Happened the week before once.

I show up to work which is a high security government installation. I have to go through a security checkpoint which has guards posted because it's a high security installation. I have to show the guards my government issued ID which has my legal male name on it and they do look at it.

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