TopShelf Blogs

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Never Quit Seeking

The VA has trans support, kinda, sorta. Sometimes it might be just a title. I actually love every single person, doctors, nurses, staff, I have dealt with at the VA. There is a caveat there. The VA rotates doctors as they move, retire, etc. I had excellent doctors until one of those rotations. The doctor I was assigned was a hard core major in the service. She never said anything offensive, however she acted like I was something she picked up on her boots on the walk through the cow lot after she found out I was trans.


The Fall of Kruhl - Spectral Visitor

The Fall of Kruhl

By Daniel A. Wolfe

Enclosed within a strange metal box, strapped to a rolling platform, and guarded by a pair of closemouthed humans Kruhl doesn’t think things could get any worse, but when a dark apparition appears she discovers just how wrong she was.

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The General's Son...

I don't know the exact title, but this story deals with a General who puts his son in a private school and he comes out as his daughter. It could have been a Military school? It could have been one of Nancy Cole's stories, and perhaps she reworked it?

At any rate, I have not found it and it is likely that I'm not getting the details right.




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Update II You Are a Meany

Here is an update and plans for You Are a Meany. I am close enough to being done with the revised version of the story that by next Friday I should have part one up. I then will put another part up weekly until the entire story is up. That is unless I finish writing the story early, then I will be posting the part daily. Then after the last part is up the story will stay up for a week. I am taking it down I do want to try to publish it. I have a great editor working with me so the editing part will be on par with the self-published titles.

Hugs N Love

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I have an issue with my story that im not sure how to solve

I wanted to tell two paralell stories and I tried that in the first version and it ended up to become a mess that many readers told me that it confused them.
So im considering tell them in two separate separate tales with two different titles of a dark edwyn and a good edwyn thats allied with the light

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Searching for a story

I'm looking for a story that has nothing to do with anything that has appeared here on BCTS or the other websites, but I am hoping that someone is well-read enough to have heard of it.

The scene was set during World War II or in the Far East during a conflict of some sort. A group of prisoners are lined up and told that every third man will be killed. When they choose the main character, she removes her hat to show that she is not a man at all.

Does this sound familiar to anyone?



Just not my week

Sorry about my lack of posting this week and the fact that I likely will have to put off posting new chapters of both Twice Removed and Syryn's Song until next week. This week has just been extremely busy and I'm just sooo exhausted right now and lack of sleep due to nightmares and insomnia hasn't been helping. I haven't had time to write anything, and I barely even had time to post the latest chapter of I Wish. Then on top of my laptop dying earlier this week, my mouse died yesterday for the desktop and I had to find a replacement, killing what time I did have for writing. :(

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NON Software Computer Audio Issue

This is an appeal to the Geeks here:

When writing, I will often listen to music on my Computer. That has been seamless and trouble free, but with the new Google, YouTube, and Facebook policies things have changed. It is now common that I am listening to Music at lets say 3 db, and suddenly the volume will jump by 6 or more db for an advertisement. This is very distracting.

I've tried software volume limiting before but they somehow defeat that and it is not easy to manually adjust.


Daniel Ford, co-creator of Quillian

Sadly, I just got word that Daniel Ford who created Sam Valentine (an unpublished comic strip he and I worked on) died yesterday. Daniel was also co-creator with me of Quillian. He was a talented young artist, only 38, who died in his cobbler shop Tuesday, November 5, of complications from diabetes.

It hits me pretty hard, we had been friends for more than fifteen years and I will miss him a lot.

Take care of yourselves out there.

Erin (Joyce)

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How do you submit stories to this site?

How do you submit stories to this site/ Like the formatting and stuff? I've never done it before but I finally have a story completed and would like to submit it for my friends to see or anyone else who would like to see my weird stuff xD I finally finished one, and got it edited and stuff but I don't know how to do it and I don't want it to come out all janky ;-; So any help would be SUPER appreciated



There is a current article on CNN about the Mahu ("Third Gender") . The revealed injustice is angering to me because those who try to control the Transgender conversation have got it all wrong, in my opinion.

The Native Americans have something similar (Two Spirit) (Not the LGBT one) In Southern Iraq there was a marsh tribe that treated the gender nonconforming as normal. Children could adopt either gender. No surgeries, or hormones. Can't remember what they were called. In India, I think, they have Hijra.


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I've spent this evening composing a little tale which I share with you all here.

Brassick, from brassick lint, rhyming slang for skint, ie lacking reasonable funds, moolah or however you wish to describe money, is a tale of reflection with a slight twist. It isn't meant to be deep or a fairy tale but just the lowlights of a life.

Please comment


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Ashleigh Blayze and Ellen Hayes

Since this is going on a lot right now I figure I would join in.
Has anyone heard from Ashleigh Blayze author of Legacy of the Anari Book 1 or Ellen Hayes author of Tuck?

I was wondering what happened to them?

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Another late Feral Saga

Sorry to those following this story. This chapter is giving me a little trouble and I'm also working on a big editing project for EnemyOfFun. I don't want to rush it and I'm trying to decide if I'm going to split it in two (which is what I'm leaning towards). So I'm not sure how much longer, but I hope it won't be long. Of course, Lolo and Don decided to have a fight, so that wasn't fun...

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Call Of The Light - Part 5 is up!

The fifth part of Call of the Light is up!

Due to a mandatory evacuation at work I was able to sneak in an extra day and a half of editing this week, whee! Next up to get edited is the steam-rolling conclusion to book three; part six is the longest one so may take a bit to get edited. I can't wait to get it done so everyone can read, and then get to work on book four!

Thanks for all the wonderful comments! They really help the motivation to keep plowing through the editing phase! :)

- Erisian

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Trouble again... and a poll

Okay, so despite the Halloween wind storm causing us a power outage that lasted a day and a half, I was trying really hard to finish the new chapter of Syryn's Song for today, but unfortunately events conspired against me. We had anouther short outage today while I was trying to work that resulted in both lost progress and the final death of the laptop I use for back ups, writing while not chained to the desktop, and various other purposes.

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Cheerleader oops

I was reading a cheerleader story by own of the authors here and something made me sit up and go "Wha?"

The cheerleaders were getting ready for a high school football game, and using the girl's locker room.

This is a big goof because when there's a game between two high schools at one of the schools, the home team using the boys locker room. the visiting team uses the *girls* locker room.

The cheerleaders get stuck with changing one of the girls restrooms.

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I am asking for some advice and help for the conclusion of my tale the prophet

For those few of you who read this tale, I hope some of you can offer advice
If you have kept up with it you can tell its reaching the conclusion. The forces are set up, the edwyn in the first time had gone totally cruel and a despot almost like Saron the dark lord lol. Hes even giving the other kings a crown that forces them to obey his will

and the edwyn in the other time sees the danger and has been alerted to the other edwyn wants to murder the goddess and they have to stop him

So its alll set up for a final battle for the universe and save the goddess

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FATA is now an open universe, and beta readers needed

I just wanted to announce that my latest story, Federal Astral Transfer Agency is now an open universe, If you have an idea that would work, let me know.

And in other news I have another story ready for a beta test, if anybody wants to be my victim I mean volunteer.

PM me if you're interested in either idea.

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Difficult story request

Ok, I'm finally breaking down and asking for help.

I'm trying to find a story that I read here before, the problem is I cannot remember the Author, Story Name, or characters.

What I can remember from it is the protagonist get a family (I think) ring that allows them to use a mirror to transport them to a different realm, also giving them power to form crystal buildings and such. I believe there are 3 books in the series but I'm not sure.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

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Woodcrest - Rants and Stuff

So I felt inclined to post a rant because Woodcrest is pissing me off more than usual. Over the last...eight months I've been writing the series I paid attention to what the readers were saying and progressively dumbed down the story because a lot of you just weren't 'getting it'. I just hit rock bottom the other day when someone asked 'What drug was Audrey given'? (paraphrased). Okay folks, the drug 'Miratran', which I'm not going to explain here, has been the central theme of the series for at least three books, and across all three series.


Suggested courses of study for new TS

Following is a suggested list of courses of study for a new TS.

Skirt Management 101 “Keeping your secrets secret”
Diet Planning 200 “Compliance and avoidance Strategies”
Defensive Dating 312 “?”
Lace Display 402 “When, why and how much”
Feminine Mystique 510 “Preserving the mystery”

Suggestions for additions and revisions are encouraged.


things that people either forgot or dont know about

At one point in history buying a car meant something.

In some areas a whole block of people would pool their resources to buy a single car, there was no trucks available, and they would do maintenance and repairs themselves. Once or twice a week runs would be made with the car to purchase whatever was needed by the block. Occasionally it was used for appointments or special events but since fuel/petrol was very expensive and hard to come buy not so much.


Whateley Academy or maybe not.

I've got an idea flitting around in my head that has revived an old story line that died out for me a long time ago. I have no idea if anything will come of this. There is no magic, no gender, not anticipating interfacing with Whately, though my character may very seldom perhaps visit the place on the way through the area for a cup of potion with one of the folk there. If my mentioning the name of the school, is an issue, I'd likely just not name it. My character might hate rules, love chaos, and rebel against authority, not that this character does anything to promote chaos very often.

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relooking for a story again

OK I am unsure if my mind is mixing together 2 stories but given its like around 10 years ago since i originally read it, which I think it was then old but was new to me sorta situation

It is set in mid late 1700's or really early 1800's I believe, there was something about a war, I think confederacy was mentioned, I remember something about a bell in a tower.

Boy if memory serves is abused by father for his femininity
Somehow is left to appear the boy is dead, but or is faking death, mother I think assists this fact

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DNA Rant

Whenever I encounter a story involving science fiction transformation gender-changing, specifically involving changing one's DNA, I have serious trouble suspending my disbelief. I've always had trouble describing why, but I finally figured out how to describe the problem. (The explanation could never be a sound-bite.)

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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So I've been having a bit of trouble this week getting the new chapter of Twice Removed to feel right. The words just didn't want to come to me, as sometimes happens when I'm not on my meds and writing. So some of the girls in chat suggested that I try taking my mind off it by writing something short and silly. Since Dottie is the queen of short and silly I naturally took my inspiration from her. I don't think I'll have Twice Removed ready for this week, altough it is coming easier now that I got my mind off it for a bit. So instead I'm posting a little halloween treat.

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sorry about my new posting

Sorry about my latest posting 'Beyond the grave'. It's a short story for Halloween but I ran out of time and I haven't had a chance to proofread it as I normally would.
I thought it would be pointless to release it at Christmas though. Oh, and being a Halloween tale it's a bit dark in places with some triggers. It is a ghost story, after all...

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Call Of The Light - Dramatis Personae

Call Of The Light


Thanks to reader feedback it was thought that listing all the characters might be useful considering how complex things are getting. So below is a list of characters for Book 3 Call of the Light! Wasn't sure where to put it, but thought a blog entry would be safe.


If you have not read Into The Light or Light's Promise then the list below will contain spoilers!!


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Out of the mouths of babes

After I retired, a couple of years ago and move to a small town in the foot hills of the coast range in Oregon, I got bored and decided to drive school bus for the local schools. Now, while I don't make any real effort to hide my trans status, I also don't flaunt it. As such, I generally look pretty androgynous. That means, long hair, past my shoulders and and my full size breast forms in a bra every day. My hair is usually pulled back at the sides and captured at the crown of my head with a simple brown barrette. Even so, most people clock me as male.

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Looking for a story.

A few years ago I was directed to a non TG story about a Superman type who was having trouble mastering his powers. It also dealt with alternate universes. I sent a link to the story to Erin and we both agree that the story was VERY well written, BUT I've lost the link and Erin can't locate hers. I think I got the original link from Grover, but with all the health problems, moving twice, etc. he'll probably have lost the link as well. Help anyone?

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Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

The next chapter of Tommy is going to be a little late. I got involved with the mess Yahoo caused by dropping their Groups. I'm working on moving a Yahoo group to a new group provider and it's taking more of my time than I thought it would. Tommy will be back shortly.


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Motherhood and children........

Last week, while at work, I ducked out of my office and over to the employee cafeteria - you know, sometimes you just need a few minutes away from your desk and the computer in order to save your sanity. So I decided to get a fresh cup of coffee from the cafeteria.

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I should like to read this once again.

I have no idea of the story's title, or of the Author.

On another planet far away, men are vying for power, and one of the opposition gets zapped with a mysterious device that sends him far away, to another planet, a primitive one. The man emerges on this planet buck naked, and transformed to a woman. In a few weeks she finds that she is Pregnant. Fortunately, she emerges at a temperate time of the year. She learns to kill her own small game, avoid being eaten by a predator, and learns to catch and cook her own fish.

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Just a shoutout to old friends...

I'm still alive and well at 76 and still work 2 to 6 days a week, as needed. I always said I'd reconsider retirement at 75; now I say I'll reconsider at 80. I love to work, especially in health care, as I can make a real difference to my patients quality of life. I still laugh and sing every day; dance too, though a bit slower.


I'm looking for a story

I read it a few months ago. I can't remember the title.

A (new in this school?) boy joins the co-ed cheer squad. On the first cheer day the boys uniforms have not arrived yet so the boys are excused from wearing the uniform to school. He shows up without a uniform and the coach and squad are mad at him for reasons they won't explain. Then he shows up for the game and is denied entry. During the discipline process the coach finds out he is a boy and that is why he didn't come to school in the girl's uniform she had ordered for him.

Any ideas on what this story is?

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Still alive and kicking - I've created a monster!

At the title states, Yes I am still alive and kicking :)

Haven't had must chance to get much writing done, only a few paragraphs here and there. Work seems to be an endless catastrophe or reaction rather than prevention. I also made the mistake of saying something about looking forward to retirement and that opened another can of worms as the higher-ups fear that my knowledge will be lost and now among everything else that it seems only I can do, I must train two others in all the crap that I do.


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Feeling better

Hey everyone,

Just a quick note to let you all know that I'm finally starting to feel better, I'm merely down to sniffling, coughing and a bit of sinus congestion. So still a bit under the weather, but a far cry better than I was doing at the beginning of the week. I'm hoping that I can be somewhat back on schedule by Wednesday now that my head is somewhat clearer and I can think again, or at the very least manage a chapter of I Wish.

Anyway thanks to everyone for your warm thoughts and patience and I hope to be back in full swing soon.

*big hugs*


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Don't Fall For The Bum's Rush... Detransitioning

At times being out and post operative as a transgender woman can be a "Hard Knock Life", filled with desperate emotions.

A genetic woman I know has been a good friend for nearly a decade, and lately she has started listening to "Candace Owens" and her "Walt Heyer" Videos. She is driving me nuts in trying to use his nuttyness to get me to change my life. In my opinion, Candace is in the video making racket to make money, and he's gone round the bend, perhaps into Dementia?


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Yahoo is closing their groups

Everyone should know ASAP that Yahoo is shutting down their groups part of their web. Pretty short notice. There is a site telling everyone how to save all their data if they wish. I suggest one get after it if they have anything they wish to save. Personally I have nineteen years of posting to various groups and picking up information from individuals not found anywhere else.


The Fall of Kruhl - The Lost Girl Awakens

The Fall of Kruhl

By Daniel A. Wolfe

When the lost girl awakens in a strange place, she discovers that so much has changed. Frightened and unable to understand what has befallen her, she confronts her new situation the only way she knows how, head-on.

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Creative inspiration

So I have been asked, about my writing, over the last few years. The most understandingly typical is my original serial.

I have tried to get back into writing, for some time now.

However it appears the fates, are not quite or were not quite in favour of such.

I AM getting my muse back & I have planned and came up with a great deal of story idea’s

Over the last few years, those that have kept in touch and or read a number of my blogs, know my life has been anything but easy, and rather too busy to do anything involving anything solitaire to my enjoyments.

I had writings I was working on, but Hackers & viruses etc, screwed up 2 desktops on me & now 1 Laptop... which thankfully but lass then I desired am paying off a new less satisfactory laptop.

My caretaking days & babysitting has been well vacant from my life, as the grandparents mainly my grandma passed away 2 years ago.

But abuse kept me from myself & I had to flee my home with nothing & spent 4 monthes in a woman’s domestic abuse shelter (under classified contract)

So struggling with poverty, famine etc personally with literally nothing more or less... it has given me more or less any effort for my creativity to flourish or at least put any in any action.

But, that I think is coming to an end, solitude has messed me up but also provided me more push to write again, just as I was like more or less back when I first began...

Maybe that is the rub, solitude is my muse.

I will no longer give time periods on anything... I hate saying anything that hold no weight... I believe you should always fall back on every word you make.

One of the biggest issues, which may seem small, is all the story details, I had wrote out... It was left behind when I fled, so I have to redo that too

So not sure if smart to do this or not, but I would love your feedback on these idea’s, pretty please


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For those who are interested, I have today relocated some considerable distance south - thanks Bev.

Will it work out? I don't know the answer to that one but at least i'm not sofa surfing for a bit.

Thanks to everyone who has shown concern for my welfare over the last weeks and months, I do appreciate it.

Hopefully I can break the downward spiral of both mental state and finances and start recovering my life.

Bye for now

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hey its me !

well its been years since i was here . life has been ..... interesting im a lot older hopefully wiser and have not written anything since go figure does that mean i am lazy or just not interested in writing any more hard to say . hope all here are well . rues


To all who have bought my book(s)

I have been remiss and wish to apologize to any and all of you who have bought one of my books. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

I don't get any money from any of the sales, it all goes to help support Top Shelf. I set it up that way because I live on a very tight budget as I know a lot of you do and I can't afford to contribute money very often, or as often as I'd like to, so this is my way of helping keep Top Shelf online.


Catherine Linda Michel

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Enamored is now live on Smashwords!

That's right, I have another, yes, another book, live right now and ready to sell, sell, sell, on Smashwords!

Enamored: A Transgender Romance Fiction Two pack!

Enamored Cover Small.jpg

If you like my stories "Romeo and Roomiette" and "Little by Little," then this is the pack for you! Enjoy both on your favorite reading device for the low, low price of only 1.99 USD.

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can someone please give me a little input please

the reception to my last two posts is disappointed. And while I did get a nice personal message that the second chapter of Revenge hooked them and they enjoyed it. That helped inspire me further on that
I hoped someone would tell me what they thought about the Star. I do know that may be of the most brutal stories

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A decision has been made

Hey everyone, with my life becoming more hectic by the day, not having a reliable way to create content, my content not having the luster it once did and me not having motivation to write anymore I have decided to retire from writing. I know this may come as a shock to some people but I just think now is my time to retire. If anyone wants to do fan continuations or rewrites of my stories then feel free to do so as long as you credit the original. This wasn’t a decision I wanted to make but it was one I needed to make.

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I am less good at hiding my true feelings now

okay so apparently last week I scared some of the ladies at church. They could tell I was struggling, and so were really concerned for me, to the point they were relieved to see me today still in one piece. I used to be better at hiding my struggles, but I guess I've lost that ability,

That's good, right?

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Call Of The Light - Part 3 is up!

Part 3 of Call of the Light is up! This one took a bit more editing than expected, several scenes needed slight re-writes. But this completes the first half of book 3 of what I've mentally been calling the 'Heaven's Light Saga'. This part bears witness to the attack on Whateley (oh no!) and a small peek into the beginnings of Heaven's history...

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For everyone's concern. It's heartwarming and humbling at the same time. And indeed, thank you for the offers of financial and accommodational support, it really is much appreciated.

Friday night really was a low point, my head wasn't exactly firing on all cylinders. I only mentioned the canal as that's where I was sat at the time, it was quiet and the only place I could find a bench to sit on.

I've got a couple of days reprieve and it looks like I may be leaving GOC for a while.

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The Fall of Kruhl - Serena and the Lost Girl

The Fall of Kruhl

By Daniel A. Wolfe

A young woman, naked and delirious from fever, appears on the streets of Tondzaosha, Idaho while a dark cloaked figure lurks in the darkness. She bears a sword, containing a power the likes of which the world has never seen. This weapon could bring salvation or it could spell certain doom for everyone.

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