Early on, in childhood, I suffered enough physical violence that continued for 14 years, from my Stepfather to now have severe PTSD, to include dissociative episodes and panic attacks. I'm 72, divorced, and actually had surgery to change from male to female as much as possible. I was not "transgender", but did not know it then, and am Celibate now. I just wanted sexual feelings and lust to end, to be over, to be gone from my life. Forever.
I was married for 38 years to a very damaged, but successful woman who constantly quipped that males were inferior or some such trash. I did my best, but one cannot help the unwilling to heal. She'd been abused and molested herself. I was never violent toward her.
Tonight I read about an Army Sergeant with several children who was murdered by her X husband.
I do not understand violence in men, not one bit. Is there a real reason that men so often resort to violence? Are men just less human than women? Much/most of the religious establishments I have been exposed to seem to postulate that men are superior. Where do they get that? Who is the looniest?
I'll admit that the surgical removal of my male organs were the actions of a sick person, but I am not repentant. If there are any religious here, I had very solid Biblical reasons to do it.
Perhaps I murdered my male self out of hatred of that animal that made my life such misery?
unfortunately the binary mode of our society...
is responsible for male violence. The phrase "Boys don't cry!" is the biggest BS! Society teaches boys to suppress and hide their sadness, thus they never learn to deal with raw emotions. Emotions are buried until the pressure grows to much then POW... Male violence! It's really a terrible thing and most men are remorseful... but they've been trained to never admit it. As a result, males are emotionally crippled.
I'm a Christian who believes God made us to feel emotions. By bottling them up disaster awaits. I try to respect all faiths, but it's hard. The Catholic Church continues to severely minimize women in their ranks. Moslem men believe women must wear burkas and such so they will not present temptation to men... when in reality it merely proves men are too weak to control themselves. Everyone must learn to safely express their emotions, our society will not let males do so.
Boys will be girls... if they're lucky!
Jennifer Sue
I can assure you there are
I can assure you there are extremely violent women out there as well. Just they tend to get away with it and its laughed about. As to murdering... there are 3 people I have known that it has taken all I could control not to kill. All were Chester's and got away with it.
Lying to ruin your reputation
My experience in America is that women who are in conflict with a male will cry, yell and tell outrageous lies to ruin your reputation. So far, I've not been attacked by a woman. I was never a threat to a woman and drank very sparingly. Any conflict I had with a woman under my purview always seemed because I worked so hard, they felt neglected. My PTSD was an unrecognized problem and it never led to violence toward them.