I tried doing some writing again today and didn't get very far. Just sitting down and looking at the word document gave me a gut deep sense of revulsion. Like looking a mountain of house work when all you really want to do is something fun, only stronger. A real sense of repugnance for the whole thing. Has anyone else ever had that kind of feeling when they tried to write?
I managed to punch out a few paragraphs but I just couldn't overcome it and besides what I did manage to get done was rubbish. I have the feeling that the problem stems from other things in my life and until I can get a handle on them I won't be able to perform like I should. So it looks like it will be a while longer before I can get some good writing done.
Sorry guys, I just hope people don't give up on my story in the meantime.
Your writing is great.
You may just want to take that piece and put it in a safe place for a while, but don't forget it.
I wrote a book one time that took me months. I even tried to get it published, but no takers. This back in 92', I think.
Today, I look at it with a mind to doing a re-write, and in about a page, I want to lose breakfast. "John Norman's" Gor books are written that way, though I read about 1/2 of them. This guy has serious issues with Women; completely mysogynistic, yet he has a wife and two children. Go figure.
Yet, even I have a small following, as bad as my writing is. Yours is much better than mine. Just give your self some time. It will come to you.
awh, your going to make me
awh, your going to make me blush. Thanks :)
Oh, yes... when the fun is gone
If you're writing for fun, then yes absolutely, the day comes when the fun is gone. At that point writing is like wading through mud, a total slog.
The only thing is, if you stop at that point, you may not start again. Or if you take a break, it can turn into a surprisingly long break, and you may find it hard to come back from it. I'm speaking from experience. It can be very hard to start up again.
And if you really want to be a writer, you have to learn to write no matter how you feel.
Yeah the never starting back
Yeah the never starting back up with it is one thing I worry about and the reason I keep on trying to write more on this story. I have no intention of quieting with the story but I could see a break going on longer than I like if I took one. In a week or so I will be on a job where I just have to watch a computer screen for several hours a day and I can write while I am doing that so if I haven't gotten my groove back by then I might have a chance at that time since I can do nothing else for those hours.
When I feel swamped
and writing comes begrudgingly, I tend to watch something new and exciting like a movie or anime. Even music from the 80's or movie background music helps me get into the mood.
you could try
to write something else, maybe try a short story about her dad when he was younger. just something to get the juices flowing again.