Home Town

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Well for the first time this decade i've caught the bus and headed north to my 'home' town. It's been a long day travelling, not all sat on a bus as I had to change vehicles about midway

It's a bit weird, coming back to somewhere you know, have known, for most of your life and not be returning 'home'. So i'm staying in a super budget hotel - think an ebsuite broom cupboard, in the city centre which works for this visit very well.

It's cold up here, maybe not physically by much but it's a different sort of bone chilling cold that you don't notice as much when you are here full time.

Some writing ideas have been filtering through the grey matter on the way up - maybe you'll see the results in coming weeks!



Lookin good

Podracer's picture

Is the blonde coming back in?

"Reach for the sun."


Maddy Bell's picture

But being a dumb blonde I missed that, what?



Madeline Anafrid Bell

Just wondered

Podracer's picture

- if the pink was washing out back to the "golden tresses" :)
Or did you just do a DB line there..

"Reach for the sun."


Maddy Bell's picture

Silly me, Blonde has been back for a while, the dye isn't permanent, washes out in @ a fortnight.



Madeline Anafrid Bell