I urge you all to be very proactive about your own Medical Selfcare. Drink lots of water. If you smoke, perhaps cut back a little? Avoid crowds. If you see a NIOSH 45 mask, buy it. If you can, wash your hands a lot. Weak Coffee rather than Iced Drinks.
So far, I am "well" for me. I am COPD, and a bunch of stuff. I have good inhalers and use them. I live very close to two Hospitals and have been self isolating for over a week. Please be careful. I love you all.
and use common sense
I just saw a woman leave the store with four 12 megaroll packages of toilet paper. That's the equivalent of almost 200 regular rolls. Unless she's running a motel that can only be classified as panic.
just to put things in context
you are more likely to die crossing the road than you are of Corona - in fact on any given day, in the UK at least, you are at least 10000 times more likely to die in a road incident than of Covid 19.
Not saying we shouldn't all take reasonable precautions but emptying the stores of loo paper and pasta does not in anyway improve your chances of 'survival'.
Don't get paranoid just practice good personal hygiene, isolation unless you have the virus is pointless, it'll still be there when you break cover but avoiding crowded venues may be reasonable if there are confirmed cases in your area.
btw, iced drinks are fine provided the water and containers are clean - its just good advice not have ice in drinks in areas where the water supply/hygiene levels are dubious!
So take care, stay safe on the roads and drink beer!
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Everyone's parinoid over Corona
During a doctor visit yesterday, regular checkup, the nurse at the desk asked all kinds of questions asking about every single sign of what could be the corona virus. After what I considered way too many questions I stopped her and told her that I don't drink Corona so I'm safe. Without missing a beat she told me I had it wrong, drinking large amounts of Corona would build up an immunity to the virus...LOL.
I sometimes tend to forget that I'm not the only smart @ss out there :)
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
I messaged my mom today that
I messaged my mom today that I haven't had a beer in a long time, so I don't have the coronavirus. She wasn't sure what I was talking about, so my joke was ruined. I had to explain it. Oh well...
Corona beer
I understand that the makers of Corona beer have seen a downturn in consumption. One of the larger media outlets polled their readers, and a large percentage said that they refused to drink Corona because of the virus. I hope that's not actually true, but I'm not holding my breath.
I just checked. Corona's stock prices have taken a hit. A survey found that 38% of the people surveyed won't drink Corona beer because of the virus.
I looked
a couple of weeks ago and it wasn't much, but was definitely going down. Of course, all my stock is dropping right now.
The fact that the virus is really bad in China and Iran can be attributed to their lousy health care systems. Italy, on the other hand, is not a third world country. This virus can spread very quickly. With the two week plus incubation period, you can blithely spread it for two weeks before you show any symptoms. That means that we need to take reasonable precautions.
Buy tons and tons of toilet paper and make masks out of it. (Just Kidding!)
Lack of Preparedness
I'll take a risk here. I have 'some' medical background and my biggest concern is that I do not think there are sufficient medical supplies stored in the system to support the treatment protocol called for. It's a Virus, so Antibiotics do nothing, yet I have heard people say they wanted them from a Doctor.
My opinion is that if you are old or your pulmonary system (Lungs) is compromised a cool mist HUMIDIFIER (Not a vaporizer) is a great help. If you have Inhalers, use them as directed. Tylenol in moderation can help. I still try to get out and walk, avoiding people.
I've been fortunate in that people have approached me to check on me.
I just saw that a female LDS Missionary in West Texas has died overnight after a short illness. The young aren't supposed to die that way. :(
In 2016, Bloomberg News
In 2016, Bloomberg News ranked Iran 30th most efficient healthcare system ahead of the United States and Brazil. Also, it is not just how good the health care system is but also the access the public has to it. Countries with a high percentage of their citizens without access to health care will be affected more. 9% of the population of the US being uninsured and another 11% being underinsured is not good for facing a pandemic.
In some countries, a hospital will let you die at the front door if you don't have the money. In America, they are required by law to treat you. In America, there is no such thing as having no access to health care when faced with a life threatening situation. For more routine things, there are a number of free clinics. My wife has used them.
Ray, when I should have said
Ray, when I should have said the access can be hard instead of no access. Hospitals in America will only have to do emergency treatments for life-threatening or serious injuries, not illnesses. They do not have to give long term care. They only have to provide patchwork. This leads to people who should be going to the doctor not to go. This leads to what people think are minor illness not going to the doctor and those illnesses spreading. They do not want to have a huge bill for treatment for the common cold.
Someone has a heart attack they treat them and then have no followup care. This same person who had the heart attack if they do not have health insurance or a policy which only covers major expenses has to find a way to pay for all the medication they will be on for the rest of their life. That is not good access to the health care system. To these people, the hard access can be seen as no access.
What you stated also does not change the fact that Iran is ranked higher in health care than America and they do provide universal health care. They have a better medical framework to deal with this pandemic than we do. Even with living in the UK I am a US citizen so I will say we.
One more thing, please name
One more thing, please name these countries which will let you die in front of the hospital. I have a feeling if you can none of them will be an industrial one.
I could look a bunch up, but
The one that comes to mind is China.
Look a bunch up because the
Look a bunch up because the country you named is one with universal healthcare.
Health Coverage
It could be even worse if there was no affordable care act as corporations keep finding ways to avoid providing health benefits like cleverly not hiring full-time workers. No sick time too.
The US is horrible for not supporting their citizens with regard to pharmaceutical pricing too which puts us even further at risk as people will again have less financial means to spend on other things to keep them healthy.
So no, with a population with no fall back due to financial protection in case of illness, sick people who should stay home are instead out and about spreading it to others.
Obamacare did wonderful things for the insurance companies and big pharma. Their stock prices went way up as soon as it was passed.
The people who lost their coverage, saw the prices skyrocket, and those who could no longer afford it? They didn't benefit.
The personal mandate wasn't too much fun, either. Lots of people could no longer afford coverage. Then, to add insult to the injury, they were fined... I mean taxed for the sin of having their coverage priced out of their range.
We decided to go with a cost sharing ministry that was affordable and was somehow deemed acceptable by Uncle Sugar. It isn't used for routine services, which is the way that insurance is supposed to work.
The number of people
The number of people uninsured and underinsured fell under Obamacare. The increase in the cost of health insurance under Obamacare decrease compare to before Obamacare. That is the price went up but not as a high of a rate than before the law was passed. Obamacare is actually saving more money than the office than predicted by the CBO. The CBO predicted that Obamacare would lower the rising cost of healthcare and it did by more than was expected.
For there to be a fine people had to make over 225% of the poverty level and not have insurance. That is not having their coverage priced out or range.
Obamacare is far from perfect, but it did help reign in the rising cost of healthcare.
It’s also funny how many red state constituents are demanding that their Republican congressman to not take aca away. Their own constituents value it the most because it is literally the difference between getting coverage and not getting coverage. It is also one of the main reasons aca won’t disappear, lol.