it has been difficult as on top of not being able to remember TITLE or AUTHOR, I can't remember the plot of the story either just a scene
MC arrives at the digs (student lodging house) of her best friend (could be S\O) if I remember right he'd injured his leg.
The scene
for some reason she is in or near the kitchen (stereotypical male student house) bags of rubbish piled up waiting to be taken out, along with discarded pizza boxes some of which may have had 'science experiments' in them
anyway one of the occupants is drunk and won't rake 'NO' for an answer, and goes to grab her
he ends up amongst the pile of bags of rubbish
I think this is the final straw and he is evicted
this is all I can remember that is clear
Vague bits, car parked outside paint scratched maliciously, think that she had some kind of wind fall as car was new and of and expensive range.
Could it be:
“Roommates” by Karin Bishop?
Freeze Frame
Have a good day and enjoy life.
Thanks for the help
It is the MORFs story FREEZEFRAME by EMW
My thanks again to both Bev and mountaindrake for the help in solving the mystery