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Call Of The Light - Dramatis Personae

Call Of The Light


Thanks to reader feedback it was thought that listing all the characters might be useful considering how complex things are getting. So below is a list of characters for Book 3 Call of the Light! Wasn't sure where to put it, but thought a blog entry would be safe.


If you have not read Into The Light or Light's Promise then the list below will contain spoilers!!


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Out of the mouths of babes

After I retired, a couple of years ago and move to a small town in the foot hills of the coast range in Oregon, I got bored and decided to drive school bus for the local schools. Now, while I don't make any real effort to hide my trans status, I also don't flaunt it. As such, I generally look pretty androgynous. That means, long hair, past my shoulders and and my full size breast forms in a bra every day. My hair is usually pulled back at the sides and captured at the crown of my head with a simple brown barrette. Even so, most people clock me as male.

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Looking for a story.

A few years ago I was directed to a non TG story about a Superman type who was having trouble mastering his powers. It also dealt with alternate universes. I sent a link to the story to Erin and we both agree that the story was VERY well written, BUT I've lost the link and Erin can't locate hers. I think I got the original link from Grover, but with all the health problems, moving twice, etc. he'll probably have lost the link as well. Help anyone?

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Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

The next chapter of Tommy is going to be a little late. I got involved with the mess Yahoo caused by dropping their Groups. I'm working on moving a Yahoo group to a new group provider and it's taking more of my time than I thought it would. Tommy will be back shortly.


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Motherhood and children........

Last week, while at work, I ducked out of my office and over to the employee cafeteria - you know, sometimes you just need a few minutes away from your desk and the computer in order to save your sanity. So I decided to get a fresh cup of coffee from the cafeteria.

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I should like to read this once again.

I have no idea of the story's title, or of the Author.

On another planet far away, men are vying for power, and one of the opposition gets zapped with a mysterious device that sends him far away, to another planet, a primitive one. The man emerges on this planet buck naked, and transformed to a woman. In a few weeks she finds that she is Pregnant. Fortunately, she emerges at a temperate time of the year. She learns to kill her own small game, avoid being eaten by a predator, and learns to catch and cook her own fish.

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Just a shoutout to old friends...

I'm still alive and well at 76 and still work 2 to 6 days a week, as needed. I always said I'd reconsider retirement at 75; now I say I'll reconsider at 80. I love to work, especially in health care, as I can make a real difference to my patients quality of life. I still laugh and sing every day; dance too, though a bit slower.


I'm looking for a story

I read it a few months ago. I can't remember the title.

A (new in this school?) boy joins the co-ed cheer squad. On the first cheer day the boys uniforms have not arrived yet so the boys are excused from wearing the uniform to school. He shows up without a uniform and the coach and squad are mad at him for reasons they won't explain. Then he shows up for the game and is denied entry. During the discipline process the coach finds out he is a boy and that is why he didn't come to school in the girl's uniform she had ordered for him.

Any ideas on what this story is?

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Still alive and kicking - I've created a monster!

At the title states, Yes I am still alive and kicking :)

Haven't had must chance to get much writing done, only a few paragraphs here and there. Work seems to be an endless catastrophe or reaction rather than prevention. I also made the mistake of saying something about looking forward to retirement and that opened another can of worms as the higher-ups fear that my knowledge will be lost and now among everything else that it seems only I can do, I must train two others in all the crap that I do.


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Feeling better

Hey everyone,

Just a quick note to let you all know that I'm finally starting to feel better, I'm merely down to sniffling, coughing and a bit of sinus congestion. So still a bit under the weather, but a far cry better than I was doing at the beginning of the week. I'm hoping that I can be somewhat back on schedule by Wednesday now that my head is somewhat clearer and I can think again, or at the very least manage a chapter of I Wish.

Anyway thanks to everyone for your warm thoughts and patience and I hope to be back in full swing soon.

*big hugs*


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Don't Fall For The Bum's Rush... Detransitioning

At times being out and post operative as a transgender woman can be a "Hard Knock Life", filled with desperate emotions.

A genetic woman I know has been a good friend for nearly a decade, and lately she has started listening to "Candace Owens" and her "Walt Heyer" Videos. She is driving me nuts in trying to use his nuttyness to get me to change my life. In my opinion, Candace is in the video making racket to make money, and he's gone round the bend, perhaps into Dementia?


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Yahoo is closing their groups

Everyone should know ASAP that Yahoo is shutting down their groups part of their web. Pretty short notice. There is a site telling everyone how to save all their data if they wish. I suggest one get after it if they have anything they wish to save. Personally I have nineteen years of posting to various groups and picking up information from individuals not found anywhere else.


The Fall of Kruhl - The Lost Girl Awakens

The Fall of Kruhl

By Daniel A. Wolfe

When the lost girl awakens in a strange place, she discovers that so much has changed. Frightened and unable to understand what has befallen her, she confronts her new situation the only way she knows how, head-on.

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Creative inspiration

So I have been asked, about my writing, over the last few years. The most understandingly typical is my original serial.

I have tried to get back into writing, for some time now.

However it appears the fates, are not quite or were not quite in favour of such.

I AM getting my muse back & I have planned and came up with a great deal of story idea’s

Over the last few years, those that have kept in touch and or read a number of my blogs, know my life has been anything but easy, and rather too busy to do anything involving anything solitaire to my enjoyments.

I had writings I was working on, but Hackers & viruses etc, screwed up 2 desktops on me & now 1 Laptop... which thankfully but lass then I desired am paying off a new less satisfactory laptop.

My caretaking days & babysitting has been well vacant from my life, as the grandparents mainly my grandma passed away 2 years ago.

But abuse kept me from myself & I had to flee my home with nothing & spent 4 monthes in a woman’s domestic abuse shelter (under classified contract)

So struggling with poverty, famine etc personally with literally nothing more or less... it has given me more or less any effort for my creativity to flourish or at least put any in any action.

But, that I think is coming to an end, solitude has messed me up but also provided me more push to write again, just as I was like more or less back when I first began...

Maybe that is the rub, solitude is my muse.

I will no longer give time periods on anything... I hate saying anything that hold no weight... I believe you should always fall back on every word you make.

One of the biggest issues, which may seem small, is all the story details, I had wrote out... It was left behind when I fled, so I have to redo that too

So not sure if smart to do this or not, but I would love your feedback on these idea’s, pretty please


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For those who are interested, I have today relocated some considerable distance south - thanks Bev.

Will it work out? I don't know the answer to that one but at least i'm not sofa surfing for a bit.

Thanks to everyone who has shown concern for my welfare over the last weeks and months, I do appreciate it.

Hopefully I can break the downward spiral of both mental state and finances and start recovering my life.

Bye for now

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hey its me !

well its been years since i was here . life has been ..... interesting im a lot older hopefully wiser and have not written anything since go figure does that mean i am lazy or just not interested in writing any more hard to say . hope all here are well . rues


To all who have bought my book(s)

I have been remiss and wish to apologize to any and all of you who have bought one of my books. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

I don't get any money from any of the sales, it all goes to help support Top Shelf. I set it up that way because I live on a very tight budget as I know a lot of you do and I can't afford to contribute money very often, or as often as I'd like to, so this is my way of helping keep Top Shelf online.


Catherine Linda Michel

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Enamored is now live on Smashwords!

That's right, I have another, yes, another book, live right now and ready to sell, sell, sell, on Smashwords!

Enamored: A Transgender Romance Fiction Two pack!

Enamored Cover Small.jpg

If you like my stories "Romeo and Roomiette" and "Little by Little," then this is the pack for you! Enjoy both on your favorite reading device for the low, low price of only 1.99 USD.

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can someone please give me a little input please

the reception to my last two posts is disappointed. And while I did get a nice personal message that the second chapter of Revenge hooked them and they enjoyed it. That helped inspire me further on that
I hoped someone would tell me what they thought about the Star. I do know that may be of the most brutal stories

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A decision has been made

Hey everyone, with my life becoming more hectic by the day, not having a reliable way to create content, my content not having the luster it once did and me not having motivation to write anymore I have decided to retire from writing. I know this may come as a shock to some people but I just think now is my time to retire. If anyone wants to do fan continuations or rewrites of my stories then feel free to do so as long as you credit the original. This wasn’t a decision I wanted to make but it was one I needed to make.

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I am less good at hiding my true feelings now

okay so apparently last week I scared some of the ladies at church. They could tell I was struggling, and so were really concerned for me, to the point they were relieved to see me today still in one piece. I used to be better at hiding my struggles, but I guess I've lost that ability,

That's good, right?

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Call Of The Light - Part 3 is up!

Part 3 of Call of the Light is up! This one took a bit more editing than expected, several scenes needed slight re-writes. But this completes the first half of book 3 of what I've mentally been calling the 'Heaven's Light Saga'. This part bears witness to the attack on Whateley (oh no!) and a small peek into the beginnings of Heaven's history...

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For everyone's concern. It's heartwarming and humbling at the same time. And indeed, thank you for the offers of financial and accommodational support, it really is much appreciated.

Friday night really was a low point, my head wasn't exactly firing on all cylinders. I only mentioned the canal as that's where I was sat at the time, it was quiet and the only place I could find a bench to sit on.

I've got a couple of days reprieve and it looks like I may be leaving GOC for a while.

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The Fall of Kruhl - Serena and the Lost Girl

The Fall of Kruhl

By Daniel A. Wolfe

A young woman, naked and delirious from fever, appears on the streets of Tondzaosha, Idaho while a dark cloaked figure lurks in the darkness. She bears a sword, containing a power the likes of which the world has never seen. This weapon could bring salvation or it could spell certain doom for everyone.

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How To Fire A Full Sized Coal Burning Steam Locomotive

Perhaps I have been kidding myself in thinking I don't actually like men?

I can't actually figure it out. Maybe he could be my Daddy? I never had a proper one. :(

He is actually a Fireman on a Steam Locomotive. You don't actually see the picture when the Video is playing, but it is the little picture that shows before you click on it.

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New low point in my life

Over the years and the last few months in particular my life has hit some low points but tonight is the lowest of them all.

You might recall that I was taking a party of fellow archaeology fiends away this week? Well to be honest that went stonkingly well, no disasters and a group of happy people returned home this evening. I returned to my temporary abode of course only to find that my presence was, to say the least, not encouraged, well to put it more correctly, not appreciated at all.

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Searching for a story

I can neither remember the title or author's credentials

The story is about a transitioning adult MTF, comes out to parents, is rejected, brother molests/gropes at her breasts in front of everyone, she spalshes him with oiling hot water from a mug, I think tea.

Sister and mother all blaming her for what happened calling leaving messages to contact mom, to come back, to apologize, to 'give up this foolishness'. often calling her a psycho.

Meets new neighbour whom is a nontransitional but very passing FTM & practically spark up a relationship

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Way too late/way too early ramblings

I have no real reason to post other than to say thank you to all the authors I've read on her over the last three years. Such wonderful stories. I don't want to start a list because I know I will leave someone off and that wouldn't be fair. Thank you for giving a poor lil transgirl (ha! "lil" like I'm not 6'0") such entertainment over the few years I've been blessed to know of this site. Y'all will never know...


A question about my stories so far and my future plans

I wonder how my stories fit here. So far I posted a story about a prince being treated badly. I have posted a story a husband who is being abused at work by his boss and faces a feminization and a forced marriage to a sadistic mobster with high level connections. And a strong wife who is determined to do anything she can to stop it. I have a lot planed there but it is brutal

I have also posted a recent story about a very abused and manipulated submissive husband who was cheated, and ignored, only there to serve his wifes sadistic boyfriends plaything.

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Thoughts about Author Pages - Especially vanished ones.

This is simply a thought, and it might be more work than the admins and moderators wish to take upon themselves.

After re-reading several older stories, it occurred to me that with many of the authors that have ceased to post, their status is unknown for most people.

Might it not help to add a line to authors pages to give whatever information was last known about them? Active authors, of course, could do something similar. "As of 11/14/1776, I'll be going dark to pursue my goal as a crab fisherman in Maui."

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I have a new (non-TG) book available!

Heya everyone! I just wanted to share with y'all that I've got a brand-new book available on the interwebs! It's called "Grue's Frightful Tales Volume 1," and is a collection of short horror fiction!

It's good! It's cheap! It's creepy, but no more scary than the ghost stories when you were a kid! It's seasonally appropriate! It may or may not mean the difference between me being able to pay my bills in November! BUY NOW!

Melanie E.

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So many

I'm proud to bursting because there are so many damn good writers on BC. After a month or so of near burnout and a huge blow-up with a friend, I needed some diversion and began going back through the writings of some of the best BC has to offer.

So many good stories. Romance, adventure, humor, pathos... in a word, literature.

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Trans Health Display

The walkway from the campus library to the student union was lined with rainbow flags mixed with blue, pink, and white transgender flags. The Pride Week flag display guided the noontime pedestrian traffic toward the busy plaza filled with food trucks, merchandise booths, and tables representing advocacy organizations.

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Sorry about this

Hey everyone,

I'm sorry to say that I won't be posting Syryn's Song ths week. I was already behind on writing this week due to RL issues and general busy-ness, but now I've also caught Martin's cold. That would make it hard enough to focus on the very long chapters that I write for SS, but I also read something recently that has made me turn very introspective and now it's damn near impossible to focus on finishing it before tomorrow.

Sorry again to everyone who was looking forward to it, but I'm just not in the state to finish it :(

*big hugs*


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Fan Fiction from Games or Books

A recent story here reminded me of one from an Author that published one about 8 years ago, and then they disappeared. I do not want to pop any bubbles or offend any sensibilities, so I won't name the Author nor Story Title.

The Pique of my curiosity "peaked" to night so I decided to see what happened to that Author if I could. After searching for too long tonight, I think the story came from a Sci Fi Book as Fan Fiction, or perhaps from a Video Game.

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For Every Writer and Reader

Never liked serials when I was little. All the continued stories on radio, yes I'm that old, and later on TV were a turn off. Growing up on a farm, there were never any given spare hours where a continued could be picked up "next week". Thus I grew up hating continued stories with more than a little emotional passion and it never left as I grew up and older. My SO had the same experience and the same disgust for serials. The only exceptions were those that tied a knot on each chapter, each TV show where if it ended there, it was complete. "NCIS" Even that story grew old after a year.

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Twice Removed will be a bit late

Hi everyone,

I had really hoped that I would have Twice Removed finished on time his week, but a thunderstorm and power outage kind of slowed my progress. It's almost ready though and will definitely be posted sometime Friday. I was trying to stay up to finish it, but I'm just too tired, so I'm going to go to bed and get some rest so I can finish it properly in the morning.

*big hugs*


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Boy's Don't Cry!

Hey guys! I know most of you out there have read the book already, and theres a bunch of sales already on Amazon!!!
But here's the link I think the book link to Amazon there will take you to your appropriate Amazon link.

Oh!!! And above all else, please leave a review we love them, good or bad, as long as its not hateful!

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I'm going to be a hypocrite

When I decided I wanted to share a story I had been thinking about on this site I promised myself I wouldn't whine about the reception it would get. The story has a lot of content that might not be everyone's cup of tea and I respect that. But I had to write it the way it came to me and I even embraced some of the more challenging aspects of my inspiration on purpose, trying to do it MY way and not how I have seen it done countless times before. The irony would be that the story would be couched in familiar tropes and settings. I was shooting for subversion.

Anyway, I knew that the audience would be limited and skewed towards the "lurkers" among us. I think I've made my peace with that. I think. What has surprised me is the silence. I've had a few very enthusiastic supporters DM me and that has been absolutely lovely. But I kinda thought there'd be more comments (none for my last 3 chapters and a total of 4 for my last 5). I thought that by posting it I could learn something about how my writing affects people.

So far, I do see it being read. Not like some of the more popular stories, but again, I knew that going in and at least someone is reading it. So, whether or not you've read any of it, here's a chance to tell me what you're thinking without having it be associated with my story.

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More on Amazon Reviews

I know I mentioned this not long ago on Facebook, but I just wanted to mention again here the importance of leaving a review on a book you bought on Amazon (and I don't just mean All for Love available on Amazon for $2.99 :) ) The reviews really do help and if you enjoyed the book and want to see more of them from your favorite author, leaving a review helps that along. Just like comments here, only more so. My latest book has been out for several weeks and has managed only one review.

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Makeup tips video by 'gender fluid' man

Times are changing. While checking out Cover Girl makeup I found this interesting tutorial on how to use makeup... he has pretty nails too.

Cover Girl did society a boost by using a person that would have been "controversial" just a few years ago. Progress and acceptance are good things.

What are your thoughts on this?

Garrett Hahn shares his tips to contouring and highlighting your face, using the COVERGIRL TruBlend Contour Palettes and Highlighting Palettes.

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PET - new YA novel with a trans MC

From the NYT review:
'At the center of “Pet” is 15-year-old Jam, a trans girl who is loved and protected by her family, and an entire city. Lucille is more than a safe space for Jam. The city represents a sacrifice redeemed, a battle won — but not forever. Emezi opens “Pet” with an evocation of the struggle of good against evil. Once there were monsters everywhere in Lucille. There was a revolution and, in the end, the angels won. We’re reminded of the simplicity of it all: Monsters hurt people, angels can save us. Yet this idea also underlies the novel’s poetic complexity. We all know what monsters are, but, as Emezi puts it, “when you think you’ve been without monsters for so long, sometimes you forget what they look like.”

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5 years and 12 months

I had to laugh at the announcement on my account page. Is there a leap month or some strange time interval going on? Then marvelled at how those months have passed reading here on these blessed pages. It really does pass quicker when one is enjoying one's self. Well worth the occasional passing some change into the hat when needed.


New and Improved You Are a Meany Update

The major rewrite of You Are a Meany is coming along great. I am taking my sweet time so I do not fall into the mistakes I make when I rush myself. I also have a great editor to help me.

I do want to pay back the site for helping me find an editor and also for when I post the blog about the book being on sale. The best way I am able to do that is by posting a free story. It is a revised old one from me. I added a lot to the story so it is just not me catching more of the spelling and grammar errors.

Love N Hugs

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Learning to Heal

Learning to Heal Promo(2).jpg

Chronologically speaking, Ashley had only spent a small portion of her time on the planet in what couldn’t really even be charitably considered ‘less than ideal circumstances’. To someone who had actually lived through that hell, well… let’s just say whoever even considered that comparison should probably get punched in the face.


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tell me what you think of Warrior's way!

Come on over and tell me what you think of Warrior's way and the new characters???!!!!

"Need input!" says johnny 5!

What our your ideas on Penny's armor being made into a modern Roman/ Greek armor set or something along the lines of a Donna Troy from DC armor?

and anything else you can think of!???

come on and leave a comment.... don't make me threaten the lives of Pixies to get your attention!

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Eldertale Updates...

The gist...

  1. The story ‘Eldertale’ (featuring Alexa) has been renamed to ‘The Elementalist’ since I plan to write two other stories within the Eldertale universe
  2. Chapter 2 & maybe chapter 3 of ‘The Elementalist’ should be published between Oct 8-12
  3. I am publishing the lore for Eldertale, but it is not required to enjoy the story, and is unlikely to be enjoyable to most people

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Gender and Body swap book name

I've forgotten the name of a book - I'm not sure if this is where I should be asking if anyone knows the book name?

Basically it's a body and gender swap novel. From memory the female wanted to be male and was acting out with her/his parents. The male who is the MC had no known gender issues. They met while on family holidays and there was some sort of accident that meant they swapped bodies. Because the families lived in different parts of the country the plan was for them to go and live with the others parents.


Nice try. One more time?

Hello out there,

It's been a bit since I posted anything but that's because I've been working on a 3rd Draft on my book Adrian.

I posted the first draft of it here a little over a month ago.

I have to once again say that I really appreciate all of the suggestions and feedback I've been getting.

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