a good book

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I just finished a novel about a family with a transgender child that I don't recall seeing mentioned here. THIS IS HOW IT ALWAYS IS by Laurie Frankel is well written and realistic. I enjoyed it and I think many of you would too.


Out of my price range

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

$10.99 is out of my price range for an eBook. For that price, It would have be 1000 pages. With 41 pages available for preview, (preview normally is 20% of the book) that would make it about 200 pages. About right for a $2.99 price.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann


I read it from the library. I had no idea what it cost. If your library has e-books from a source like Libby it is free.