Blog About:
Well, as I feared, the next chapter of "Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?" is going to be delayed a bit. And there are two reasons, first and not the biggest reason is that the grandkids are here every day (mom and dad are still working). The second reason is the biggest. I got lost while working on the next chapter. I knew where I was, and I knew where I wanted to go, but NOT how to get there. The batteries in my GPS are dead, so it's no help. I'm good at using the stars to guide my travel, but it's been too cloudy here. And I have a sixth sense about what direction I'm going, but I'm senseless.
Hopefully, in the next few days, I'll come to my senses.
GPS failure
Sounds like your muse needs a jump start...
Robyn B
I'll have to get the jumper
I'll have to get the jumper cables out of the car and see what I can do.
Today's conditions are affecting us all, so it is totally understandable. Family ALWAYS comes first, of course. Take care of home, first, and everything else can wait for a bit. I'll brew another pot of coffee and hope the best for you.
Coffee! That's what I need,
Coffee! That's what I need, coffee. Thanks, Bobbie Sue
We can wait, family comes first.
Go meditate, have a chant and try to recenter yourself
But I can't find the sacred
But I can't find the sacred place in the mountains. Maybe if I dig a fire pit in the backyard that'll work.
Kai and Aji have no clue what you're talking about.
GPS, no. NAVSTAR, yes.
GPS, no. NAVSTAR, yes.
Hózhó jí
Perhaps you would benefit from a Hózhó jí (blessingway) sing to restore you to harmony.
Interesting though. And it
Interesting though. And it just may work.