This is a partial reposting/expansion of a blog on my website, but people almost never reply to my blogs there.
Now that Honey Bunny is out in the wild on my website, bcts, and... elsewhere I'm thinking about creating an umbrella story universe for this series of stories. Those of you that have read the story and the other two know all about the Aphrodite, Adonis and Hermaphroditus potions, but there would be other transformation methods introduced as I expand the universe. Using a single hook for an entire universe would get pretty old, very fast.
I have an idea for a ‘Christmas in July’ story with Sammie and Nikki(Santa) vacationing at the beach and another in which Jack Frost would appear. In addition to those, I want to expand the universe to feature other fantastical beings like (but not necessarily including) the tooth fairy, cupid, mother nature, father time, etc, but I can’t think of name that would fit well.
My first thought was something like Holiday Hijinks, but the name seemed so generic and only works for Santa, Cupid and the Easter Bunny. I’ve playing with terms like ‘mythical’ or ‘fantastical’, but these tend to be a little too broad for the scope of the universe. At this point, I have no plans to include the sort of ancient gods, or creatures with which those terms tend to be associated.
If you all have any ideas, I would appreciated the feedback please. I'm really just looking to bounce ideas around, and spark the old creative juices. This may be a case of me overthinking things, I do that a lot.
Everyone have a delightfully demented Monday and do try to stay safe from that awful virus,
Daniel A. Wolfe
Call it the Zowieverse and don't explain why
It may not have any direct literal association with anything in the stories
and might not connote transformation as clearly as SHAZAM!
(which I believe is already taken) but it feels right to me.
'Cuz when I turn into a bunny I yell: "ZOWIE!!!"
~hugs, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Hmmm... How about Gadzooks, zounds, or wowie!? Or perhaps all three? The trouble is determining the proper order...
Have a delightfully devious day,
How about...
... Bitchdacious Deity Universe (or Biotchdacious Deity Universe)?
BTW, I've been wondering for the longest time, if you had any connection with the famous SF publishing company.
-- Daphne Xu
The New Myths Universe?
No, I wasn't lisping.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I hadn't thought of throwing a 'New' into the title, maybe I'll play around with that. Thanks!
Have a delightfully devious day,
Howzabout "Mythterious
Howzabout "Mythterious Changes"
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Staying with the myth theme
Mythconceptions (or is that myth conceptions?)
Myth Conceptions by Robert Asprin published in 1980. There was a whole series of Myth books done about 40 yrs ago.
Have a good day and enjoy life.
If you're looking for a word that fits supernatural beings without the expectations of gods, goddesses and universe-altering events, "archetypes" might work.
Gaian Holiday Respite
All work and no play makes anyone a dull boy!