Now that many of us are six or more weeks into our new, and hopefully temporary, normal of social distancing and lockdowns, I wanted to make an observation.
My early expectation was that being stuck in the house, potentially unable to go to work, and unable to do most normal activities, that most writers would use the time to put out more stories. The opposite seems to be true. I am sure that there are a myriad of reasons for this, busy taking care of children or relatives, busy taking care of a house or home, unable to write due to the presence of other people, just not emotionally prepared to write, loss of inspiration in the current environment, etc.
So, my question to those on this site - authors, readers, or just those who visit, is twofold.
First, for the authors, do you find it harder to write currently, and if so, why? What is causing you to not be able to write?
Second, for everyone, how are you coping? Who needs help from a friend - whether emotionally, financially, professionally, or just needs someone to talk to?
I’m hoping that this helps all of us to deal with our issues a little better by talking about them. After all, a problem shared is a problem halved.
In the hopes that it makes it easier for others, I will go first. As week six of our lockdown comes to a close, I am sitting here thinking about how lucky I am. Yes, Covid-19 went through my family - my spouse, two of my sons, and myself. My spouse and two of my sons had a few rough days; three or four days of fever, muscle and joint aches, intestinal issues, abdominal pains, head aches, coughing, loss of smell and taste, etc. - while all I had was a slight dry cough and loss of smell and taste. All four of us tested positive, all four of us are recovered and testing negative now, and one of my sons and I have both been tested positive for antibodies. We spent 20 days in isolation, but were released some three weeks ago. I am able to work out of the house, and my spouse and I are both still being paid, which makes us luckier than many. My family is safe and healthy, no one is going hungry, and I haven’t totally lost it and killed anyone yet. But I am keeping a shovel handy just in case, lol.
Everyone, please let everyone else know how you are doing, and please, please, please let us know if anyone needs help. If we don’t help each other, then no one will.
my 2p worth
I'm not writing much at the moment. Why? A variety of reasons.
1) I've recently finished an 81,000 word story.
2) I have a lot of work to do in the garden and 2m3 of wood to be split for next winter.
3) I'm in the middle of decorating my dining room
I'm coping fine.
I haven’t had much chance to get outside.....
And work in the yard yet. I did get some raking done, scrubbed the front porch down with my oldest son, and put out the wicker furniture on our front porch. That’s it as it has been too cold and wet - we had snow just 48 hours ago, lol.
This weekend looks like it should be warm and sunny though, so perhaps I can finish raking, cut the grass, and trim the hedges - they have really sprouted over the past few weeks.
I’ll have to look for your new story Hon.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
I started isolation on a down note
Having to put down my dog, and then soon after, having to put down one of my daughter's dogs. I spent the first couple of weeks mostly sleeping, and was saved from suicidal feelings mostly by a lack of energy. But, I bounced back, my manic phase came on, and I've been in pretty good shape since. My biggest worry is that being bipolar, its likely I'll crash again at some point ....
Hope you’re feeling better....
Take care of yourself Hon!
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Stuck at home?
For one I'm not exactly stuck at home. Iowa's Governor never ordered anything more than the federal government's 'no more than 10 people gathered in one place' then I'm considered an essential employee. Although I am supposed to so as much of my work from home as possible, I have an abundance of co-workers that are using that catch phrase "High Risk" to skirt out of doing much of anything other than play phone support. I will say there are 3 others with the same risk factor as myself or higher, and those I am not including in that statement. (Okay enough bitching about the lazy younger generation)
There's only been a very small handful of days that I have not needed to go to the office or one of the 30 school buildings in our district to fix or replace something on our network or prepare various items so teachers and students can have online access.
I will say that the few times I've been home all day have made it easier to write down ideas, but after hours interruptions and, what has been a sad attempt so far, to get ahead of my spring cleaning has not been good for working on any stories.
As for family and friends, no one in the family has caught anything yet. being out here in the midwest there have been some cases but for the most part we are at least two weeks behind in anything that spreads across the nation. There's one woman at work that her and her family had almost a week of very severe flu the week before the stay at home orders came out. Her doctor said it was flu but it does make one wonder if the doctor even checked as this was so early in the pandemic.
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
We spent 20 days......
Literally stuck inside in isolation. We were allowed out on the porch as long as no one was around, and I did actually use the gas grill a few times, but that was it for three weeks. Luckily, I had planned ahead some months prior and we were well stocked with supplies.
Since being cleared, we have been able to get out and around - the grocery store, the post office, the pharmacy, etc., and even a few times just for a ride in the car.
My office is closed, as is the majority of our operations, so I have been working out of the house. My wife is an essential employee as she is the Commissioner of Accounts for our city government, so she has been going into her office daily the past two weeks since being released to go back in. I will probably be headed back into mine around the middle of May as we expect to start phasing people back into work about then. So, back on the road then - Reading, PA here I come, lol.
Be well Hon.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Frustration, Disgust, Monitor Gov and the Public
Busy tracking all the things gov is doing and what the reaction of the public as a whole is. Started three different stories, more stalled in my mind as I watch this disaster play out and trying to understand people's reactions to what those in gov are doing. How the spirit of my nation has changed from nineteen forty to now. Lot of reasons and it was all planned and on purpose. For the largest part of the population their concern changed from us to me as the most important aspect of their life.
Makes it difficult to write so I've been reading more than writing, alternating between what is happening and slipping away inside of a story.
hugs D. Eden, this too shall pass as did Hitler, Mao, Po lPot, Cesare(s and so many others.
Life is a gift. Treasure it..
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
As a confirmed news junkie.....
I usually have the tv on in the background during the day so that I can pay attention to what is going on. Not to mention reading pretty much everything I can get my hands on. It’s a habit I developed decades ago, and it has held me in good stead over the years.
Be good Hon!
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
their concern changed from us to me
Barb you wrote;
Call me cynical but I don't believe the younger generations have ever been concerned with anything but themselves. Of course there are exception but the majority of people under 50 only seemed concerned with what do they get out of it or how does it affect them? And the really bad ones are looking at how it can benefit them.
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
Agree, with a caveat
I would agree, with a caveat.
You are probably right, for the case where said person is single or maybe part of a couple.
Once children arrive, though, all bets are off. Children definitely come first in any parent's list of priorities, even if they don't realize it.
Writing these days
Since I work from home, I still really don't have any more time for writing than I did before. I guess I can squeeze in a hour in the mornings since I'm not doing my usual morning routine.
I'm not stuck inside. Several times a day I go out and get some fresh air and sunshine. I go get fast food for lunch and dinner for me and the kids and about every two weeks go to the grocery store. It's just that there's no place else to go.
I'm currently working on a story for BCTS. I've started research for a potential third and final Texas Belles book and there are several stories on BCTS I'd like to flesh out into a book.
Other than that, I'm bored.
I just bought the first.....
Texas Belles earlier this week, and am looking forward to seeing the second one and buying it when it comes out.
I too have been working out of the house for the past six weeks, and as my entire staff has been furloughed, it has been hectic to say the least. I am covering for 2 managers, an office staff of 12, and a total staff of 52. Not to mention that since nearly all of the employees have been furloughed, I have had to fill in for quite a few other departments as well. The fun part is that I am getting to know quite a few more people in the process.
Anyway, stay safe and well.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
I'm still working on Tommy,
I'm still working on Tommy, but at a slower pace than I like.
So far (knock on wood) the virus hasn't hit us directly. The only thing is the son and his wife are both in jobs that are important, so they're working. And with the schools being closed both grandkids are here during the day. And there are a lot of interruptions as they ask questions about their online school work. I don't understand the new math. ARG! So, it's slowing down the writing.
It has been delightful.....
Seeing each one of your new postings. I look forward to the opportunity to read them every week!
I wish I could help out with your grandchildren - one of the advantages of being an engineer is that math comes very naturally to me. However, one of the disadvantages I discovered while helping my own children as they grew up, was that I have trouble explaining some of the concepts at times. I have an affinity for math and science, and sometimes have trouble understanding why others just don’t get it!
Stay safe Hon!
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Chiming in
We're in lockdown and fortunately so far no one in my family (that we know of!) has gotten this thing. My work has us all chugging away remotely, and I'm quite grateful to be able to keep earning the funds that keep us afloat - without my income we'd be sunk pretty quick. The workload lately has also been nuts, I've had only one day fully off in the last sixteen.
Unfortunately writing has stalled. I'm still spending time pondering the next story and have come up with some good new ideas for it, but sitting down and -writing- hasn't happened. I think working from home has contributed to this because after being at my desk logging in all day and all week, I'm not too motivated to sit down there again to try and write. Meh. It'll happen eventually, and I've been contemplating taking a week off from work even with this lockdown sometime in the near future - if the workload and deadlines can support it. But at the moment stress levels have been too high between work and worrying about family, especially my mom. If she gets this thing we're fairly certain she won't survive it - she can't walk and has been on O2 for years. My elderly kitty, however, has absolutely loved having me home every day.
Entirely understandable......
That you wouldn’t be enthused to sit and type on the computer after being online working all day. My sons repeatedly try to get me to play video games or computer games, they’ve been after me for years.
I spend all day on a computer - when I finish up, the last thing I want to do is sit in front of a computer game all night.
Be safe and well!
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
dont know if i count as author
But im busy with my canoe at moment, doing the resin and fiberglass cloth since i can keep windows open now mostly to air out house.
Now that.....
Is what I call a project!
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
In a slump.
I'm not that prolific a writer anyway, but since about Christmas time, writing has been a chore. I too thought that this forced time off would be a great time to churn out stories. Dig in and finish some of those I've left slide. Currently there are about a dozen languishing on my hard drive.
I have made some small progress on one of them. When I negotiated with Reluctant Press for the rights to publish "Why" elsewhere, they requested something in the neighborhood of 20K words. So I've been working on "A Small Protest", a story I started several years ago about school uniforms being uncomfortable in hot weather and the boys protesting the fact that the girls have a choice between skirts and trousers, while they have no choice but to wear trousers. What they want is to be able to wear shorts in hot weather the same as girls opting to wear trousers in cold weather. But the school dress code doesn't allow it. But a loop hole in the dress code fails to say that skirts are only for girls. 'Nuff said. It's an old trope and I'm not sure that I can get a fresh spin on it. Providing them a story is optional for me, but since I was prepared to buy the copyright for "Why" from them, I feel I should grind out a story for them.
Other than that, I'm not doing much on the writing front. I'm semi retired and drive school bus for something to do. Since the schools in Oregon have been close until fall, I didn't think I'd be doing any of that for the rest of the year. But our Governor has mandated that schools commence "distance learning" so I'm working about 2 hours a day roughly 10:00 AM to Noon. Puts a kink in the middle of the day.
As for coping, my family is doing fine. My grandson had a birthday (19 years old) last weekend and we went to his social distancing birthday party. We brought our lawn chairs, a small camp table and lunch. We all set out in the front yard keeping at least 6 feet between us all. So lacking hugs and big shared birthday cake it was pretty much like any other birthday. It was good to get out.
I go into the big city about once every other week for groceries and what ever other errands pop up. I bought an HDMI splitter and a 10 foot HDMI cable and do weekly church online. I almost like that better that attending church in person because for the first time in my life, I was able to wear a dress for Easter service.
When we actually attend church, I dip deeply into the butch side of my wardrobe. While all of the clothes are off the woman's rack, they don't scream "Women's Clothes". I wear a woman's Oxford shirt - buttons on the distaff side - and women's slacks - no hip pockets or fly, they are pull up. I wear the shirt un-tucked so that lack of fly isn't obvious and women's plain ankle boots. But now, with virtual church, I can wear my most feminine tops an do full makeup. :o)
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann
Writer's Block
I've been having writer's block, or perhaps rampant mental distraction and swirling, for some time -- well before this C19 thing.
I'm also teaching online now, figuring how the darn system works, creating and grading homework and tests, "lecturing" online during my former scheduled class times, etc.
Also sleeping a lot.
-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)
My oldest son......
Is a teacher, so I know what you are going through. He is living with us, so I see what he is going through every day. The only thing that he seems to like about it is that he is able to sleep later in the day. He actually was just telling me how one of his colleagues was complaining about wanting to start earlier in the day; he of course thinks she is crazy, lol.
Hopefully you will get past your writer’s block, but in the meantime, be safe!
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Writing during the lulls
I've been working from home since March 11, and it's been busier than usual. Most days I haven't been able to stop for eight hours, and sometimes more. It's technical support, which ranges from asking "Have you tried turning it off then on again?" (yes, I really say that) to hours of investigation and video meetings.
There are lulls during the workday when I get to work on my current story and make notes for future stories. Those lulls, when they come, are really productive, although I'm pretty sure it will be at least two months before I have something new to post here. That's not the fault of covid, though: it's just the way I work.
When I'm not working, my family wants my attention and involvement. A lot of that is watching TV together, or cooking together, or taking masked walks together. Or house cleaning.
I feel pretty good about the way things are going for me personally, including writing in particular.
Being at home has made it easier to stick with my diet and be constant with exercise. I've lost five kilos, and the trend seems to be continuing. Oddly, I haven't been reading much, but I've been studying topics related to my job that have been on the back burner for months or even years, and now that I'm giving regular attention to them, I'm finding my understanding deepen (finally). It's a relief to take them off the back burner.
I was puzzled by a case of "covid toes" that is gradually disappearing, but luckily so far no one I know has had more than a mild case of covid.
Here in North Portmanteaux (the X is silent), everyone's staying in, or taking precautions when they go out, which I'm glad of.
We've been doing virtual happy hours with friends and family.
I'd LOVE to smoke a cigarette, but there's no way to sneak one nowadays.
Actually, something that sidetracked my writing (in a way) was the "Reluctant Princess" contest. I had three ideas that I may finish later on, but they were all too bizarre and complicated to easily iron out before the deadline. I spent a LOT of hours there, but in the end I realized that I couldn't find a reason to require a princess. In my mind, you'd want to be a princess. Even so, I think I've got three promising situations and some chapters written, but they just aren't for now.
- io
I, too, have noticed......
That I seem to be busier working out if the house now. For the first several weeks, I was not - which actually was good timing as that is when everyone in the house was sick and I had the additional time to take care of them.
After those first few weeks though, I have increasingly busy - and as we get closer to re-starting our operations, I get more and more busy. I enjoy being home rather than having to travel, but I am looking forward to getting my staff back to work, lol. I have always appreciated everything my team does to make my job easier, but having to do everything by myself for the past six weeks has truly given me a new appreciation of them all!
Keep well, and try to get some rest.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
No big difference
My writing has been mostly off for the last 17 month anyway. However, I did put up a princess story.
As for income it dropped to zero - from zero.
Lectures now are online which is OK apart from the courses where you have interaction. Not the same. I deferred one course to next year for that reason.
The "language cafés" have been cancelled so my weekly training in French, Spanish, Portuguese, Swedish, Italian and Lithuanian is on hold.
On the positive side we are only about half the number of students in ballet classes and the substitutes for the older teacher have helped me discover "new areas of improvement". Also, I have time for more classes. On the negative side this means I have sore feet (pointe classes)
I quite possibly have had Covid 19
for twelve hours (symptoms). All the usual symptoms but only slightly (with the excpeption of one which was rather annoying and disruptive).
This was around Easter so I would have stayed at home for the following week anyway.
Just one quick note.....
It has been my experience that most people who “think” that they had Covid-19 did not really have it - especially if the symptoms only lasted 12 hours. Not saying you didn’t have it, but I would suggest that if you have the opportunity you get checked for antibodies.
Several reasons for that suggestion - first, it always helps knowing for sure. Second, if you have antibodies you probably have at least some immunity and can also donate blood. And third, those who only show minor symptoms may not have as high a level of immunity.
Be safe, and stay well!
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Thank you for your comment
I'm well aware that I only "may" have had Covid-19. Testing availability is limited and there are others that have far greater need. I will continue to keep the same precautions as before.
Stay well....
And be safe Hon!
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
same old
I was just thinking this morning that story postings have dropped off in recent weeks. I've seen this in other spheres too, after the novelty of forced 'holiday' time passed and the panic buying ceased, the number of people out and about has polarised to shopping trips or nothing for most people. The big uptake in exercise has dropped back to a hard core of already active runners/walkers/cyclists it's just that people are out at different times in the week/day.
No one here has AFAIK had c19, if we have it's been so mild that we've been unaware of it. I've got seasonal rhinitis and can get exercise induced asthma and i've got a poorly tum this am so it could look like i've got it at times but I don't have the other elements and my 'symptoms' clear up rather quickly when I get indoors and have a cuppa!
For me and this household, things have changed very little, no one goes out to work normally so it's little inconveniences like no clothes shopping, no cafe stops, no travel to visit distant family/friends.
I'm easily distracted from writing, my output is always quite slow and nothing has changed on that score! And I guess i'm lucky that my income is, whilst not huge, unreliant on anyone but me. I have a pretty good idea what that'll be through to July so i'm in a fairly good place in my head. Now I just need to get my muse in gear and avoid the distractions that abound!
Madeline Anafrid Bell
I enjoyed seeing a different perspective this morning.....
As I woke up to multiple posts from the other side of the pond. I too have noticed that things have changed as we have gotten deeper into this health crisis, but here in upstate NY it is going the other way. Weeks ago, when I ventured out to the post office and stopped to fill the gas tank on my car, it was almost like the opening scene from “The Omega Man” with Charlton Heston. The movie opens up with a shot of him driving along the freeway in Los Angeles (my home town and a place I am intimately familiar with), and then the camera pulls back to show that his car is the only car on the road, pulling back further and further, until you realize that his car is the only one moving on the entire LA freeway system.
The point being, that in roughly an hours time, and some 12 or so miles of travel, I saw possibly three other cars. This on a weekday morning in what is normally a very busy neighborhood.
Well, that has changed. As time goes on, as the fear of the virus decreases here, and as Andrew Cuomo daily keeps us up to date on what is really happening in our state - unlike the Orange Asshole in Washington - people are beginning to venture out. Of course, the warming weather is contributing as well, as I am now seeing children outside riding bicycles and playing, as well as the usual teens walking and playing shitty music WAY TOO LOUDLY! Hehe, it’s almost like a normal summer, but not as warm yet. Even this morning I can hear the sounds of cars driving past my house with regularity. Just this past weekend, my spouse and I drove the 15 minutes to Saratoga Springs to visit a warehouse club for groceries, and I was surprised at just how heavy the traffic was. I made a stop at the McDonald’s drive through for a large iced tea, and had to sit in line behind ten or twelve cars. Ronald and Co. at least don’t seem to be hurt by the current situation - there were still ten or twelve cars in line when we left.
It will be interesting to see what happens with the opening of businesses in Georgia, Tennessee, Texas, et al, and whether they continue to see Covid-19 cases trend upwards - perhaps spiking even higher. But hey, at least every redneck will get a chance to get a fresh tattoo!
I enjoyed the latest Gaby volume Hon, and I am looking forward to more of our herione’s life story. I am actually contemplating re-reading the entire series, probably for the fourth time - it has been some time since the last time through it all.
Be well.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Yep, getting busier here too
in the UK.
Take heart... the Shoobies will soon be arriving for the summer. (Te-he)
Banged up
I have had one of those letters from my consultant which puts me in the 'High Risk' category. I'm not (quite) in the 70's bracket but I have an immune disorder which affects my kidneys and my lungs, the last of which was never very good anyway. So, basically, my feet have been nailed to the floor and I can't even go out for walks any more.
Otherwise, it is sort of business as usual. Since being forced to retire through illness in 2006 I'm no longer actively employed by anybody. That doesn't give me lots of time! There's never enough time to do everything that needs doing, let alone the stuff that "would be nice to do". For example, we were about to commission a replacement kitchen...
Writing? I wish! I have plans for the several stories I have ongoing but it has just been one thing after another. Recently I've spent nearly two weeks replacing a network switch which suddenly died (during a complicated rebuild operation on another server) and the expensive replacement (£130) took a long time to understand and configure, after which it lasted barely 30 hours. I suspect it overheated but I really don't know.
Note to friends out there: steer clear of Mikrotik hardware - it is very complicated to set up and constantly phones home to Latvia. If you have a setup where it isn't complicated then you probably didn't need it in the first place.
Thank $DIETY for online ordering! I can fully recommend (in the UK) More Computers as I have dealt with them for two decades and have nothing but excellent service from them.
Ongoing stories, yes, well, they are still ongoing. I even manage to write a few hundred words each day. I fully intend to finish them assuming that I survive long enough. I just hope that everyone remembers enough of the plot to appreciate them when the rest of the chapters finally appear.
It was great to see your post today.....
And I am greatly looking forward to anything you put down on paper - well, type on a keyboard anyway, lol.
As to being able to remember where you were on a story when you add to it, well for me personally, going back and re-reading from the beginning of the story is part of the joys of seeing new work!
Be well, be safe!
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
In response to your survey...
I've essentially been in isolation some several months prior to the COVID-19 outbreak. I am still uncertain if this is a positive or negative thing.
That isolation was essentially self-imposed as I had a considerable amount of mathematical gyrations to consider ( along with sending my suspected results to a lab for testing and feedback to confirm my calculations. ( yeah, I'm a techno-nerd - physicist )
I was so involved in my own mathematics that I didn't even realise the COVID-19 pandemic existed until there were close to a million cases world-wide. I suspected something wasn't quite right when I went to the store a couple of months ago and discovered very few people, cars, movement, etc around. I don't watch TV or listen to the radio so.... almost a hermit I suppose. Still not certain if that was a good thing or bad.
At any rate - my mathematical premises seemed to be right on the money since the experiments tended to bear out my suppositions.
So, here I am healthy -at least in my own opinion.
God Bless you all
Slowed down
bouts with grief and depression breakthroughs here and there
Love, Andrea Lena