I not to long ago started going to a therapist and well it has been interesting.
I tried them before when I was in high school and the one I went to could never real jibe with me I basically figured out what he wanted to hear and told him that defeating the whole purpose of going, it really got on my Parents nerves at the time.
But recently I was seeing my recommended by my psychological medical provider to see a therapist again since they felt I had issues that medication could not resolve by them selves. So I found one that was on my insurance plan and in the area not easy I cant believe how may therapist don't take medical insurance any more. I started seeing the guy and was going about every 2 weeks when he said he wanted me to take this psychological survey test so he could betting asses me and treat me. Well after geting insurance approuval I finally took and got the results recently.
According to his test and talking with me in our secessions I have issues with my father, Big surprise there we have never gotten along.
The thing I was not expecting to here is that I am according to the Test what he would call Gender Neutral, I am niether Very Masculin or Feminine. Witch accoring to him makes me easier to treat since I am sabosidly more stable that way. I almost wish I was one or the other sometimes because me life would probably be easier. One was he described the situation to me is that I can watch a movie like a romantic-comedy and enjoy it just as much as I would enjoy the latest action movie. Growing up I got along with the boys just as much as the girls and that made me not like by both at times, I was weird because as a boy I was not the coodey fearing little boy that could go play sports with the guys or house with the girls. Sometimes I feel that I would have been better off being born female instead of male grtowning up because a girl can be a tomeboy and get away with it for having a lot of male friends in that regard but if you were a guy and hung around to many girls people thought you were wierd. I like to say I am a heterosexual male, but growing up that did not stop the ostrization from family and others. Heck the only one in my family I really feal any kinship with was my mother and and my grandma (her mother) and at times I feal she was cheated by not getting to have a daughter, all she had were sons 3 to be exact. but enogh drabble about me back on the subject at hand.
Have any of you ever had to take one of those Psycological survey test from your therapist and were you surprised by the result or did it make you feel vindicated?
The surveys are of limited value
because most can be cheated.
Here's one for fun to determine 'brain sex'.
a tad surprising
well according to that I scored slightly more towards the female end than the average for women that took that survey (I was expecting somewhere around the 0 mark when looking at the scoring page), although I wonder how much of that might be down to me having weird length index and ring fingers
I have no idea how they decide...
To collate the data, but it said that on the whole I fit right in with the men even though in almost every category I score more female than most of the women.
It seems that they decided I was more male just because I have absolutely NO spatial sense and I have a difficult time coming up with synonyms.
That's garbage. Especially since I'm left brain dominant, which TELLS YOU I WON'T BE GOOD AT SPACIAL TASKS.
Abigail Drew.
Psychotherapy is not an exact
Psychotherapy is not an exact science. All this test could possibly achieve is to give the therapist some sort of starting point for the sessions that follow. They'll help him or her ask the right questions, the ones that'll draw from you the answers that will (hopefully) move you forward.
As for the reliability of these tests, I took one recently online. Apparently I'm 'gender neutral' too. Er, no...
This was not some simple test
This test was 541 questions And it took hours to complete on paper. I know how easy it is to skew most tests I do it all the time to tests when I am in a mood. I mean it is so easy it is not funny IQ tests are just as easy to skew as those psychological tests online but that is just my opinion. Unless you take them seriously and answer truthfully and honestly nothing can help you and I guess that is the important part to these tests.
"Cortana is watching you!"
If you are going to game the tests and lie to your psychologist/psychiatrist then save yourself some time by skipping the appointments and sending the money to me. That way somebody will get some good from it. Hiding things from your therapists is the same as hiding things from your doctor, you don't derive any benefit and it could kill you.
"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin
I have taken 2
of these surveys/tests. one put me firmly male, the other put me as a transitioning MtF, which I am just barely starting. so yeah they can be written and interpreted to mean whatever the particular survey is trying to prove, just like focus groups, or political questionnaires.
the one that found i was male was very limited number of questions, the other was WAY more indepth.
Teresa L.
Psycological survey test
The ones I hate are attached to a Job Application. There is no real answer to them or what they really give an employer. I know of two jobs I wanted and was told the test said they couldn't hire me cause I didn't meet there requirement because of my answers??
the job related ones are a joke.
When I applied to a major retail chain witch will remain nameless the required I take thier survey I quickly figured out to answer what they would want to here for an employee in the working world. You never answer them like you would answer the ones from a therapist or doctor.
I had that job for 4-5 year went through my anual assesment every year as good and kept the job until an injury ruined my back.
"Cortana is watching you!"
The MMPI comes to mind
That is, the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Index. I've taken it at least twice for various job applications. Many of the questions it asks are: 1) Absurd, and are only answered "wrongly" if you are so psychotic as to not realize you are not supposed answer them that way (such as "I hear voices others do not." Nowadays all sorts of people have ear buds and hear plenty of voices...just don't admit it.) 2) Faustian choices that make you choose ridiculous things, neither of which you would EVER do (were the original developers sadists who wanted to torture the test takers? No, I neither hate my father NOR do I wish to have sex with my mother. Get over it!) 3) And patently repetitive. Those are included in the test to see if you are answering consistently. Like I can't remember the last two times I was asked that question in almost the same words!)
I never had the luxury of just putting one on for the test, but I'd love to have had about a half dozen goes at it and made myself out to be anything from a sociopathic serial killer to multiple personality schizophrenic to...well you get the idea.
MMPI II thats the one I just took
The therapist went on about all the research into the test and how careers are built studding and modifying this test.
"Cortana is watching you!"
Those tests can be horribly skewed by testers with gid. We have schooled ourselves sometimes so deeply that the femme part becomes something that is repressed so tightly we test gender neutral or even masculine.
My mother was a professional driver and heavy equipment operator she raised three very non feminine daughters including me. We are all butch on the femme scale but none of us feel this makes us less of a woman!
Ask to take the test again a few months after you transition. Things inside you come bubbling up you had no idea existed.
North Dakota Monophasic Gender Identity Spectrum Placement Test
A test that's in jest:
What borders on pure insanity?
Canada and Mexico.
I snarfed
...my milk, you brat!
Love, Andrea Lena
Just deserts?
Yeah, I took a Psycolgical
survey test as well as an I.Q. test. I have an above average I.Q. and am comfortable as either a male or female.
May Your Light Forever Shine