An online conversation I was just having caused me to remember taking the Rorschach test, along with the MMPI and a whole bunch of other stuff. The Rorschach Test made no sense to me at the time, and I am not even sure that I finished it. One does look like a human pelvis to me but in a purely anatomical sense, not a sexual one. I just looked it up on wiki and have to say that it seems even less relevant than when I was taking a ton of drugs.
Has anyone taken this test and did it make any sense to you? Should we question the sanity of those who think the results mean something?
PS Don't mean to step on any toes here but those who are my friends know to wear steel toed high heels. Maybe I'm just in a Manic phase?
Not since I was released! :<)
Seriously, I don't have a clue what it is supposed to indicate. I've always suspected it was one of those tests that means whatever the headshrinker wants it to mean. The only thing I ever saw come out of them was a nice couple of pages of "The Right Stuff" detailing how the 'astronaut candidates' reacted to having to take them. Very funny stuff, particularly when the docs handed each one a blank sheet of paper and told to describe what they saw.
* * *
"Girls are like pianos, when they're not upright they're grand!" Benny Hill
Karen J.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
I've taken the Rorschach
I've taken the Rorschach Test, not recently but within the past three years. I had fun with it, one of the blots looked like "Road Kill" believe it or not , Road kill is not one of the answers of that particular ink blot. Another looked like a Star Wars Empire Strikes Back creature known as a Ton-Ton, it wasn't on the list of answers for that ink blot either. The person testing me had to take a break in the middle of the test, she had never heard those answers and was not a Star Wars fan.
I also took a Test and Measurements class and learned how to skew psychological tests.
Its not the sanity of the person giving you the test, its how you perceive things compared to a certain number of responses from others. It does not test your sanity just how you perceive certain things.
The MMPI is 444 questions long, the questions are repetitive but reworded to see where you are on the Personality Index.
I spent a week taking every psychological test available to the consumer in 1996. It was eight hours a day for five days.
In reality there are nine major psychological theories, Then each individual who practices psychology or psychiatry adds their own falvor to the mix. I am an Adlerean but i inter mix other theories with it.
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.
Mendelian Personality Traits
The test that I think figured me out the best was one from a website that I can not find now, but will try if there is any interest. It is in my blogs somewhere in the last year or so. It identified me as a Submissive-Compliant. There is a backup personality that shocked me the first time it surfaced. I think Mendel would call it the Weeping Rambo. It manifests its self thusly: "Gosh, you hurt me so bad that now I am crying and now I am gonna tell you off". No one seems to want to meet her a second time. :)
Never taken one but it reminds me...
of a joke about Rorschach Tests.
A man is being shown the cards and to every one he comes up with something concerned with deviant sex.
"You're a pervert." says the tester.
"You're the one showing me the obscene pictures." says the man.
I don't think
they have much relevance in modern psychology which is mostly behaviourist oriented.
Any one taken the Rorschach test
I have and still cant figure out what those blots look like :)
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
At a rough guess...
It's probably about as much use as Phrenology...
Need I say more? :)
I can't help but wonder what a psychologist would think if someone took the test and for every image replied "It looks like an ink blot." :)
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
It looks like an ink blot
I love that answer! To bad I did not think of it at the time I was submitted to it.
Psychological forensic evaluation
I had to submit to the Rorschach inkblot, as well es the Szondi Test and the "Draw a Person"/"House-Tree-Family-Person" test, about 3 weeks ago at the order of the Court of Appeals and in the context of the restitution law-suit I filed against my ex because of her not returning my daughters at the end of the summer break visitation. Right now I am preparing to go to the capital of my country in order to get a copy of the sentence and also the court file (hopefully also a copy of the file prepared by the department of forensic psycology of the Supreme Court). According to a brief phone conversation with one of the clerks, it seems that the court of appeals has legalised the parental kidnapping committed by my ex-wife and ordered the separation of the siblings, since the older one escaped and came back to live with me. It is now allready 5 1/2 months past the date when the girls had to be back. On Monday I have to decide if and how I am going to appeall to the supreme court. Fortunately my lawyer is in the capital over this weekend, so we will meet at the courthouse on Monday.
Gwendolyn, I personally am convinced of the need to question the sanity of those who think the results of the Rorschach and the Szondi tests are objective and to be taken seriously. Even more so in the context of cultural differences between the test administrator and subject (capital vs. interior, urban vs. rural, ethnic, linguistic, culture).
PS Where can we find steel toed high heels? ;-)