but is it the end of summer?
Hello all, I hope this finds everyone well.
It's certainly another nice day here in the West Country but the forecast is heading towards some wet before mid week - well it'll keep people indoors at least!
The second half of the week has been fairly ordinary, on Thursday my ride took in a loop into Wiltshire and yesterday was a return to the Mendips, one could get used to riding without a rain coat on! In between I did a run on Friday, its still hard work but I am feeling less destroyed by it! Finally, today, I spent the morning doing laundry before swapping hats to 'bike mechanic', doing some basic maintenance on others steeds - pretty sure I don't want to return to that as a career though. Otherwise its been a stay at home day, no 'exercise', not even a shopping trip, well a girl needs some rest, right?
In between, ardent blogophiles will have seen that another revamped Gaby book, Wunderkind, has made it onto Amazon platforms - more are in progress and will make their debuts in the coming weeks.
Despite getting out for shopping and exercise i'm still suffering from cabin fever, yeah I know it could be worse but my mental state has been a bit iffy for a while and the loss of freedom to choose what I want to do is making me depressed and combined with idle hands, well I'm prone to do daft things at the best of times....Why am I not writing to fill the hours? well truth be told, I need to be in the right mindset for writing, when I'm in the groove I don't want to stop but with glorious weather the last place I want to be is plonking away on the KB all day.
Then of course there's the on going in head debate about the future, where that will be, who that will be even, after such an extended period of being myself can I go back to pretending I'm somebody else, where do I, can I even, draw a line? There is no easy answer of course, each choice has its own pitfalls, its own repercussions, oh how I wish it was a simpler set of equations!
On a brighter note, there is a fun new Gaby chapter posted today, World of One, our heroine seems to have unlocked her girly genes and now they are running wild!
Well that's it for today,
until next time,
au revoir,
Madeline Anafrid