but there's still a fresh wind!
We've had a few brighter days now, the forecast is about the same for the first week of Spring, a degree or two warmer would be nice though! Yup, tomorrow is officially the first day of Spring, the birds are nesting, the first tranche of colour is decorating the hedgerows and green buds adorn many trees and bushes.
I've been out on the bike of course, on Thursday i took a meander northwards along the Severn Vale before looping back for a seventy miler, nothing exciting but i have downgraded my gear from Defcon 4 to Defcon 3 - a lighter jacket and gloves! Yesterday was another 70 miles, this time eastwards to the upper Avon at Chippenham before sort of following the river back to Cabot Town. It might still be quite chilly at times but just the exchange of dark clouds for blue skies and sun makes the rides so much nicer.
Friday i walked out to our big Sainsbury's - its about five miles, a bit of shopping, a spot of lunch then a bus ride back. I started the next chapter when i got back but didn't quite finish it so that was one of todays jobs, i'll be putting the results of that up on Patreon when i'm done here. I've also done laundry - the first outdoor dry of the year, a trip to the shops and baked a cake - cherry and coconut if you must know. I'll be cooking Bolognese for tea/dinner - hopefully that and the cake will put a smile back on Aunty Bev's face (she's feeling a bit out of sorts atm).
Of course, being Sunday its new chapter day, you can read Fame - Naked now - just a warning, there is inferred nudity but its all in the best possible taste!
This coming week looks to be quite busy - tomorrow, now the ground is a bit drier, its gardening, we have taters and onions to plant and other beds to prepare. I've also got a bunch more Gaby to write this week if i'm to stay on track, i might be pushing it to be ready to publish the next slew of words before the end of the month but i'll be trying hard!
So just to recap, Ch20 of Book 27 available on Patreon this afternoon, Ch12 of Book 24 available here on BC now.
Bye for now, Happy Equinox if thats your bag, i'll be back on Wednesday if not before.
Madeline Anafrid
Frosty morning
here in Hampshire. There was a covering of ice on the seat of my Motorcycle at 06:30 this morning. I went for a cold, (3C) but very enjoyable ride down to Weymouth over largely empty roads. A welcome Bacon butty and coffee was consumed at a seafront cafe. I came home the long way via Shaftesbury and Stonehenge. 220 miles. A lot more traffic plus a good number of large groups of cyclists on the road. Some drivers were getting a bit impatient with them including one Audi TT driver who was right up my number plate. People need to chill.
Ride safely.
It was
Once BMW’s, before that Fords - it’ll probably be Tesla drivers next.
Madeline Anafrid Bell
They already are
as in Tesla drivers. A good number seem to have traded the company 3Series Beemer or A4 Audi for a Model 3. One of the many reasons why I'll never own/lease one. I drive an 400hp EV that does what I want it to and out handles the Model 3. I'm content to cruise along just below the speed limit unless I'm on a road where I can see well ahead. There is far too much traffic on the roads these days to want to speed.
Bacon Butties
are always a good thing!
Madeline Anafrid Bell
I must
go to Shaftesbury again this year, on the good bike, so i can ride up Gold Hill!
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Chapter 10?
What happened to chapter 10? The story jumps from Chapter 9 to Chapter 11.
Red MacDonald
No it doesn't
There was an issue i identified last week where i'd misnumbered ch 3 to 10, chapter 1 actually included chapter 2, something i failed to pick up on when it was posted. As a result, i renamed/numbered the first ten chapters so if you refresh your cache you'll find they are all there.
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Had to Point Out...
...that's "equinox", not "solstice"...
I was
Having a blonde moment - no one else noticed tho
Madeline Anafrid Bell