well except when it wasn't!
Yep, we've been having some 'interesting' weather the last few days, most days have had some wet but there again they've mostly had some sunshine too! The one thing that has been constant are the strong winds, westerly at the start of the week moving to a more northerly aspect today, its been a bit of a bugger when it comes to going out on two wheels.
Thursday looked to be quite good (apart from the wind), i wasn't really feeling much like riding if truth be told, so i set out without a plan, making it up as i went. I eventually reached Chippenham where i paused for tea and chips then instead of a southerly loop to return via Bath, i did the opposite, going up to Malmesbury before making my way back across the Cotswold massif and onto Brizzle. It wasn't very climby, 800 odd metres and they were spread across 121km.
Friday and Saturday - well i had intended doing some writing but somehow it never materialised. Yes Saturday, well the forecast was wet, too wet to go for a decent ride. My head was in free fall, i just about managed a walk and feeding myself each day!
And so to today, Sunday. The forecast looked promising and so i set out with low expectations distance wise but with a goal in mind. That goal was a 'pop up' cafe in the hamlet of Hill, it opens once a month and i've never hit it right - wrong week / day / time - today would be different. I took a steady meander in the morning sunshine, suffering a short shower a little short of my target destination, but it was warm and over in a couple of minutes. The cafe was buzzing when i arrived, clubs from as far away as Caerphilly contributed to a friendly congregation of at least a hundred cyclists, more arriving by the minute. A regular smorgasbord of baked goods awaited us along with the essential tea, all at prices that meant everyone departed the counter with multiple slices of baked goods along with their drinks. On departure the wind was more tail than not which encouraged a route down to the Avon nefore taking a 'scenic' route back to and through Cabotville for 106km with a mere 762m of up!
Now the keen amongst you will have noted that last week's Gaby posting was the end of Book 25, but of course the tale goes on, i'm writing (!) book 28 at the moment. I will be posting Book 26 here for free starting next Sunday.
Thats about it for today, i'll be back midweek,
Madeline Anafrid