Yes indeedy, its almost like summer in GOC!
Well i'm sure many of you are chomping at the bit to read the next Gaby chapter - Fellowship of the Ring! There are plots and sub plots galore as well as a bit of riding so go ahead and enjoy.
What else? Well I've met with my new editor again, hopefully there will be updated versions of Gaby coming on line soon - don't worry, the plot hasn't been altered but some typos and consistency errors are being addressed.
Next - well I've decided that I can just about manage a slimmed down version of the trip to Sweden so I've booked the flights and put together the start of an itinery for my Search for Wallander! Okay, i'll admit it, i'm a fan of Scandi Noir. I'm away the second half of August, I hope to have another Gaby volume out before then.
Trixiebell - BLP's, yeah I've failed to finish up what I have on the go, I really do hope to get you something this week. My excuse is that I used the writing time to do some holiday shopping, I don't want to leave anything until the last minute.
Cycling - so I was a bit annoyed midweek with hitting the wrong button but for the curious here are the bare bones of what I was putting out. Up until the end of June I'd ridden a little over 9000km (that's @ 6000 miles) and climbed @ 100000m - that's quite a bit I think you'll agree, if I can keep the momentum up i'll have some stupid numbers by the end of the year! There, air cleared.
that's everything for today