The Shady Post
Shadowed's Personal Blog From the Depths of Her Mind by: ShadowedSin ![]() |
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My thoughts on the world and what is coming about for the future! Expect at least one post from the Shady Place of my mind at least once a week or once every two weeks when I'm busy.
Dia daoibh mo gcairde! Nó sa bearla, "Hello my friends!"
A week has gone and come again. The blog I usually post near the weekend has been delayed for various reasons. As you all know I'm an "Essential Worker" (cough cough Sacrificial), and most of my customers are pretty nice. Most respect me asking people to remain six feet apart and it has worked thus far. Not a single person at my store has tested positive for coronavirus and no one in my household unlike many in Washington State is sick. We've avoided the brunt of the worse of the pandemic and so far things are good. One problem though is that this does tax me as a person and with my changing "mental diagnosis" I am likely looking at a change-up in medicines as well.
I take about seven different prescriptions each managed a different thing in my head and body. Three are for my transition; three for my various mental illnesses and one to keep my migraines at bay. So far the seventh has been slipping in how well it works. Of course, this has led to a slew of problems meaning that my caffeine withdrawals now result in me getting very painful migraines. I need caffeine though to help function on the worst of my lows which leaves me lacking any energy.
Last week I had two very painful manic highs. In both cases, the mixture of paranoia anxiety resulted in sobbing and worse. It took me about three days to recover from both and not have fixations related to them. Most if not all of my original support system including my gym is closed. I work out still, but I don't have the heavyweights or the machines which allow me to zone out safely. I can go running in town, but I prefer it when it's not bright out and I've had men creep on more than once here in Mount Vernon.
This has, in turn, affected my productivity of things. So - days, where I should have plenty of time to write, are being very rendered into very unmotivated and just tired. I love it.
Now, I plan on getting a good chunk of my work for Scald 2 Chapter 6 done soon. Getting into Grainne's mind has been taxing as of late since this particular Chapter requires a lot of exposition. Plus, there's managing the various scenes from three different points of view I plan on writing for this particular scene. End of the day, as long as I manage what I'm feeling today and the rest of my "days off" should be without too much stress.
I take a couple of meds. One
I take a couple of meds. One for depression, and one for seizures. I'm suspecting that the depression one keeps me awake, as when I've looked back on things, I realized that my insomnia started when I started taking it. Now, my seizure medicine causes sleeplessness as well. LOL! Plus, my coffee consumption is worthy of the truck driver I used to be. I don't dare curtail my coffee drinking as when I was in college, I got migraines, and they still happen from time to time.
Dear Rose,
I've been on antidepressants since '77; in '87 I started Prozac, couldn't sleep and got Trazodone which worked fine and i'm still on it. Trazodone is an antidepressant (I'm told), but I never noticed it; supposedly it takes 300 or 400 mg to have an effect. I started on 200 mg and am now on 100 mg.
Hope this helps, hugs, Renee
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Starting lomotrin tonight!
Starting lomotrin tonight! Prescription number 8 woohoo I love my Targaryen level mind in-balances!
Seriously though guys stay safe and I hope you are all doing well!
"I like to be creative in a fight. It gets my juices going."
-Xena Warrior-Princess of Amphibolis
caffeine withdrawals now result ... very painful migraines
That statement brought to mind my teen years. I remember more than one in my family commenting on getting a "coffee headache". There were four children and my father (Mom was absent) and all of us kids were weened on coffee. My earliest memories of my father were of me sitting on his lap as he spoon fed me coffee. I had to have been less than four years old at the time.
We all were what is classified as "heavy coffee drinkers". That is more than six cups of coffee a day. I don't know where they get the idea that only six cups makes a heavy coffee drinker. But on with the point of this rambling.
I first became aware of the idea of caffeine, or the lack thereof, being linked to headaches when I was in my teens and my married sister stopped by the house to get a cup of coffee. She said she had been out and about since early that morning and was getting a "coffee headache". Reflecting on that statement I realized that I too had had that experience and that I had noticed that all of my siblings and my father had at one time or another seemed to concur that coffee kept headaches away.
Now as far as I know none of our headaches ever reached migraine proportions. I do know that the only pain reliever that will even touch a headache for me is an Empirin Compound... specifically Excedrin. Excedrin contains 250 mg acetaminophen, 250 mg aspirin and 65 mg caffeine. That amount of caffeine is about the same as one shot of Espresso. Also, so long as I don't neglect my coffee regimen, headaches are rare for me.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
My migraines require 4
My migraines require 4 Tylenol, 2 Aleve and 1 Excedrin to dull the pain when they are at their worst. My doctor just suggested I drink caffeine daily to manage the addiction and to also help with my low spoon days.
"I like to be creative in a fight. It gets my juices going."
-Xena Warrior-Princess of Amphibolis
6 cups is a heavy coffee drinker? I'm like 2 12 cup pots. And most mugs are around 1 1/2 to 2 cups, so 3 mugs? Wow!
I actually had to cut out
I actually had to cut out energy drinks cuz they were making me sick from the number of stimulants in them.
"I like to be creative in a fight. It gets my juices going."
-Xena Warrior-Princess of Amphibolis