Sextortion scammer emails

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Today I received two extortion e-mails that claimed to have proof of me visiting a pornographic site and demanded a $2000.00 bitcoin payment within 24-48 hrs, or the content and videos of me from my webcam would be shared with my contact list. They revealed an old password that was previously used as a login to a website to prove they had information from my computer and browser history. The whole letter was B*** S***.

A friend of mine received a few of the same demands over the last few days

This is a complete scam so if you receive something similar ignore it.

This is not only a scam, but it is also a criminal extortion attempt. Victims are urged to report it to the authorities, such as local police, the FBI, etc. Well good luck to that. I tried a number of ways to report it but no one seemed to care, or it was such a hassle that I gave up.

Stay safe everyone.


I get a couple each week.

Bobbie Sue's picture

The only thing to do is delete and ignore. More than likely, they are in China or Africa and there is a good chance that their government(s) get a cut.

I always wonder if they have

Aylesea Malcolm's picture

I always wonder if they have THAT much expertise in placing spyware on to my computer (which is an iPad) and have it work and removed without my knowledge; they need to find much bigger fish to extort.

Wasted talent

Get those too

Frank's picture

Password is one I used decades ago :)



I would say...

laika's picture

I'd tell them go ahead + share this content with my contact list
(especially those bondage sessions in my pink rubber nun's suit...).
They're all a bunch of deviated pre-verts and would be duly impressed!
~hugs, Veronica

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)

Wait! Wait! Wait!

BarbieLee's picture

Please Mistress
I'm a perfert too. Do you have any in a French Maid's outfit? Japanese school girl? Elvira with ships..., whips and chains?
When can we meet? I'm yours.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

nun suit

Alecia Snowfall's picture

I don't think it's a good idea to wear a nun's not good to acquire a Habit.

quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall

And. . ..

. . .you have to watch out for those trying to kick the habit.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)


What must I do to be punished? And I want to borrow your red Goodyear Thing rubber suit. I need it so I can go shopping without catching the Wuhan virus.

They give me a laugh...

MadTech01's picture

When they claim to have images and video I laugh hard.
I disable webcams on my devices. Tape, stickers, or a few snips with wire cutters.

"Cortana is watching you!"

I don't disable them, but I

I don't disable them, but I actually know how difficult it is to hijack a web cam, even one built in.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

I never get those emails.

I guess that means they can't hack Linux machines. Or maybe it's because I don't like to create accounts on most sites.

XKCD on password re-use


Patricia Marie Allen's picture

I got one of those. Interestingly enough the password they said was mine was one that turned up as an exposed password on a site that checks such things for me. What's interesting is that I never used that password anywhere. It was a total nonsense password. All of my passwords have some kind of mnemonic clue that helps me remember it. So I just passed it off when I was warned it was an exposed password. I was urged to change that password. Of course the revelation that it was exposed didn't reveal what site the password was for.

Then this email shows up some months later saying they had access to my computer, had installed a keylogger in it and downloaded my email contacts. (Interesting, since my email are all cloud based.) The usual bull about sending links to the site I was viewing to everyone. I don't know just how they would get a keylogger do that, because for over a decade I've been using some kind of password memory software that makes it so I don't type in any passwords. (The password they had was never keyed in on my computer.) Not only that, it would have been a pretty good trick to have that kind of evidence since I've never used any of my devices to access porn. When I was involved in that kind of thing, it was at adult bookstore arcades. I've since given that sort of thing up and not being conducive to happy marriages or in keeping with my faith that I've since reactivated.

I set a filter and that sort of thing goes straight to my trash folder without me even looking at it. It's been nearly a year since the first one and since my wife's email is in my contacts, I'm sure I'd have heard if something had shown up.

Even if you've been doing such things, calling their bluff is a good idea. If you don't bite and send the bit coins there's no percentage in outing you. What happened to me was that some time ago, I was looking for an email that I thought might have been sent to the trash folder and spotted a copy of that email, at least the same subject line was there. So the strategy seems to be try again later, or perhaps someone else is trying the same scam. They've obviously picked my email off the web somewhere and gambled on the idea that just maybe I've been on a porn site.

My email is given only to people I want to have contact from. If I do log into a site that requires me to submit an email for them to verify, I use an old MSN email that is still active. I go into it about once a year and delete everything that's there. Even the email for this site isn't my main email.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

I do not really see them anymore.

MadTech01's picture

My gmail is decently filtered, same with my icloud. With my work email we got hammered a lot, it was real annoying as the IT person. The spam filters we had for exchange just never could keep up. But when we switched to Microsoft 365 man the spam mail fell off a cliff. Microsoft is constantly adjusting the filter in real time like with gmail and icloud. stand alone filters just can not keep up anymore.

"Cortana is watching you!"

They'll try anything

BarbieLee's picture

All they need is a foot in the door. One's email. reply to their scam so they know it's a live contact, etc.
No matter how much I try I'll never manage to think up all the possible scams coming from S. Africa, India, China, etc.

US ⁢Co⁢nc⁢ea⁢l⁢ed⁢ ⁢On⁢l⁢ine⁢ <[email protected]>
Wed, Apr 15, 8:18 PM
to barbielee

Gist of the message if I send them money they send me a registered number to carry concealed. I like it. No training, no showing my instructor all the handguns I carry and proving at the range I'm proficient with all of them, wheel guns, and semi automatic. No fingerprints, photo required at the sheriff's, paying for a license which needs approval from the state and Federal agencies. In some ways the CCL is as hard or harder to get than the driver's license.
I wish i had known about these people before I went to all that trouble. Send money to? and receive a CCl license number.
Right! By the way people, I still have a few choice spots of ocean front property in Oklahoma. Meet me, Red Dog Saloon, midnight bring gold or silver and the deed is yours. PLUS, I'll toss in a CCL permit number. This is a limited time offer.
hugs people

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Is it really a threat...

Is it really a threat when the people they'd send the information to would more than likely watch the porn with you? Besides all the risque stuff is happening in the bedroom. If they ever caught us in there... well we might as well start our new career as cam models.

This does seem like a good premise for a story though...

~Taylor Ryan
My muse suffers from insomnia, and it keeps me up at night.

Same old scam.

Folks, just ignore this, these emails are bulk generated using compromised password lists that have been around for years and years.

Multiple companies have had their login files hacked, I think the count is several hundred million unique passwords at this point.

Unless you really do use one password for everything, then perhaps you should change that nasty habit, even if you are not a Nun.

When a website asks...

When a website asks for a password, just tell them, "it's nunya business."

~Taylor Ryan
My muse suffers from insomnia, and it keeps me up at night.