Lindsay's blog

Quebec author not guilty of creating child pornography

Some time ago there was a blog post here about a Quebec author, Yvan Godbout, who was charged with creating child pornography because his dark retelling of Hansel and Gretel included a rape scene.

The trial has now been completed and M. Godbout has been acquitted of all charges. The judge in the case also ruled that ruled that certain articles of Canada's child pornography laws cast too wide a net, targeting works of literature that don't endorse or promote pedophilia.

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T-girl children's bikini

I was surprised to hear an item on my local (Toronto, Canada) morning radio program about a father who is starting up a small company to make bikini bottoms for young T-girls, so that his daughter can go to the beach. If this first product is successful, other products will be added in the future.

If you are interested, check out the links below.

The news story that lead to the interview:

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