so last night my right knee decided it was tired of the abuse and tried to leave me. its back in place, but it was frightening, especially since its my left leg that is normally the one giving me issues.
I'm hoping this isnt the start of something serious ...
I can sympathize
I broke my right knee 17 years ago. It took 6 months to heal to a point I didn't need to use any support. In the process of healing, I neglected making it straighten completely as a result, when standing, it won't lock back, so I need to keep constant muscle tension to put weight on the leg. This results in my knee being sore and makes it difficult to walk while the soreness dissipates. Not to mention that every time the weather changes, the point where it broke hurts like the devil. I'm used to this what with all the time elapsed.
However, just recently, my left knee wants to get in on this hurting when the weather changes and it gets a cramp in the tendon behind it when I sit too long. It's particularly bad when I first stand up and sometimes I think it's not going to support my weight when I walk.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Knees... Who kneeds them...
My knees taught me to endure and even enjoy pain... (I always look for the positive side)
I had my first knee surgery at 18, before the advent of micro surgery, had another 2 during the next 5 years, then 5 micro surgeries over the ensuing years, culminating with the 9th and hopefully last, total knee replacement in 2000, 9 surgeries over 30 years all on the right knee. 12 years after that the left knee got jealous resulting in micro surgery, not satisfied it to was replaced 5 years ago. I'm approaching 20 years (August) on the right artificial knee. I was told to expect it to last 5, maybe 10 years at best so I'm well satisfied.
Don't be afraid of the replacements, just be sure to do the physical thearpy
Boys will be girls... if they're lucky!
Jennifer Sue