Malwarebytes, I've used to protect my Computer for at least a year. Now it is saying that BCTS is a not secure site, and telling me not to come here. I've had a similar issue with BBC but it has never caused a problem.'
I have written to Malwarebytes to complain. Now what?
Malwarebytes Responded
So, they had me do a download tool and I ran it and it seems to be OK now. I do not know if the issue was my machine, or if it was something on the site? It seems to be OK now.
They do periodic updates, which you should install. Perhaps that was what was needed. It's a great program.
Repair Tool
I am thankful that their repair tool continues to do various scans and repairs.
I understand nothing about it.
I love Malware Bytes - no probs, no issues
I've used MB for many years and have had no probs. I also use McAfee. MB finds "things" that the other programs miss. I've never had to download anything to make MB better. I have 2 PCs... one is Win 10 and one is Win 8. Both are Intel based.
I have noticed the 'not secure' too but because I trust BC I take no special precautions. Maybe Erin & Assoc. will give insite...
Malware Bytes is a program that scans your drives for evidence of malware: trojans, worms, viruses, malicious apps, tattletales, etc.
It DOES NOT make recommendations about websites directly, nor does it block access to websites. It's like the bicycle on the roof in a fight with the crows: that ain't happening. What probably was happening is that some piece of malware was blocking your access and updating MWB allowed it to remove that malware.
Please do not spread rumors, accusations or insinuations that BC is a source of Malware. Keeping this site free of that kind of shit costs us money, time and lost revenue every month.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I made no accusations!!!
If I had stopped to think about it longer, I would realize that some would put an evil spin on what I said. I am not a Computer Geek, and don't even care how the things worked.
Where did I say that you had?
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.