Covid 19. Don't screw around with this

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Covid 19.

Do >Not< Screw Around With This One.

I have a fire-fighter friend on ambulance duty. He's had people die on him while in transport to hospital, or while he is doing CPR on them.

I asked his Wife to give him all the he support he needs.

USA deaths for those infected running at 1+ %
World deaths for those infected running at 4+ %

I think I'm just gonna have a drink, go to bed, and if I'm lucky, cry ...


Close encounters of a bad kind.

I appear to have perhaps already had the virus but I reacted mildly to it. I haven't been tested and here in Oregon don't expect it, if ever, for some time. I've been closed in for most all of March, and it looks like all of April also. A Nurse from the VA called me today and gave me instructions and to make sure that if I got very ill, I would call 911.

I'm 73, and have had a long feeling run of it, good with bad. Wish I had done so much differently, but it was the best I could do at the time. Figured out too late that most TG folk write stories and that is all.

Much peace to you all.


You are a "prime suspect"...

... for a COVID related death... On the other hand, not evreryone over 50 dies.
If you need to die from COVID for sure, you need to get at least two other ilnesses, like diabetes while having a collapsed lung...
So... You will survive. You will not get out of it that easy!

Reference ?

USA deaths for those infected running at 1+ %
World deaths for those infected running at 4+ %


Any reference for these numbers?


References ...

The numbers above are from a few days ago. I forget exactly where I got them, but were published on the 'net. I did the math ( deaths / cases ) on my own.

We can be sure the numbers will change just about daily, and different sources will disagree, based on what their sources are.

From, retrieved Apl 2, 2020, 7:56 Am CDT (Chicago zone) (12:57 PM UCT):

Location Deaths / cases ........ pct
World ... 48,300 / ~952,000 5.07 pct
USA ......... 3,183 / ~764,845 1.9 pct (Yes, I am in USA)

United Nations World Health Organization numbers differ somewhat:

USA deaths ~1.74%, World ~4.9%

Again, numbers will vary by reporting source(s) and increase over time.

People who are older (I'm 66), or have existing conditions: smoking (anything), lung/respiratory diseases, cardiovascular disease, diabetes are at higher risk of getting sicker from, and dying from, COVID 19.

I'm going to hide in my home.

Every day we delay in our personally getting sick is another day for the health care system to learn how to care for the sick, get more resources (ex: respirators, personnel, support drugs), and another day that we are not part of overloading the system.

(Health care) System overload appears inevitable.


Thank you for the pointers.


No One Really Knows

The true number of infections and deaths will never be known. People with mild symptoms who were never tested and treated but recovered and inconsistent testing protocols are one part of the problem; political manipulations in various nations are another; not all nations are reporting honestly.

It is important that people take proper precautions to minimize exposure to infection and if possible, to get tested at the first sign of symptoms and then self quarantine. Also maintain one's physical and mental health as best as possible.

I accept that I am mortal and that all I can do is take the precautions available to me to prevent becoming infected. I have accepted that it may happen and that given my age and underlying health issues, I may not have a good outcome or even survive. That said, I can't worry about what may happen or obsess about it. A panic response will lead me to bad decisions that will increase my risk of exposure/ infection.

Both of my parents survived the 1918 flu pandemic although they both lost family members; they survived the depression, World War II and McCarthyism. They taught their children- by how they lived their lives as well as educating us- that we, as individuals have control over some situations and not others, but that how we respond in situations not under our control is entirely up to us and that adversity can be an important teacher.

It is my fervent wish that everyone here do the best they can to stay calm and protect themselves, their families and those others whom they hold dear; to ride out this pandemic and learn the lessons that this pandemic can teach us. We can do this and become a stronger community as a result.

US medical system promotes COVID deaths.

When your care to survive COVID would exeed your mortgage... 99.99% of people will not call for help untill it is too late. Many will prefer death at home to trippling their mortgage payments, knowing how much breath support will cost you in US.
Declare COVID testing and care free. You will get much better survival rate.


Enemyoffun's picture

My brother and I got sick on the 16th, with Covid-like symptoms. He finally for ahold of his GP and someone contacted him and told us to remain in doors for two weeks. I started with a cough and it progressed to a fever about a week later. The fever was really bad, worse I've ever had. We're off quarantine now, that ended Monday. Now I'm still coughing up phelgm and crap. It was not a pleasant two weeks, that's for sure. Sadly, the two of us were never tested so we're not 100% sure we had Covid but its pretty likely.

After check

After you have had it you will test positive for that strain of Corona RNA. There will be global testing for this, as otherwise we can not break quarantine and start back up again. Now we are not there yet.