Hey everyone,
I realize that I haven't really jumped fully back into my schedule since recovering frm the flu, but I've been a bit busy and distrracted, especially this week, and haven't been as productive as I would like. I have been able to post chapters of I Wish and MSPD, but I haven't been able to work on Twice Removed or the final chapter of Syryn's Song as much as I would like. I have both partially done as well as a few short stories I've been working on though and will hopefully get back into my full schedule and maybe have another thing or two to post next week. MSPD should be posted tomorrow as usual though.
*big hugs to all*
Slow Going
Take your time and don't rush it :)
Looking forward to seeing....
More from you. Hope you continue to feel better.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
as much as I want more from you
I can wait till you're feeling up to it