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I’m a prisoner in my home with time on my hands.

Over the years, I’ve made the statement many times that there is very little correlation between the quality of writing and the number of hits, quotes, and kudos.

To test this -- I took the last ten stories I’ve posted on BC. . .that still are posted as free stories and listed them in order of the best to worst. They’re my stories, I can do that. Unlike kids, having a favorite story is allowed.

1. https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/72501/texas-two-step

2. https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/13815/if-you-ve-got-m...

3. https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/76095/novitiate

4. https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/56557/have-heart

5. https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/66981/her

6. https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/60818/adventure-treme...

7. https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/69102/lucky-you-betcha

8. https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/72670/my-daddy-was-fa...

9. https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/74080/elicit-behavior

10. https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/67911/prep-school

Now let’s take a look at the Hits, Comments, and Kudos for each.

Story Hits / Comments / Kudos

Two- Step 4659 / 38 / 240

Money / Honey 4173 / 17 / 75

Novitiate 3838 / 26 / 156

Have a Heart 5255 / 12 / 183

Her 2412 / 15 / 172

Tremendous Two 2732 / 13 / 175

Lucky 4438 / 21 / 186

Family Bassman 1446 / 14 / 109

Elicit Behavior 2544 / 16 / 169

Prep 4823 / 31 / 254

The story I ranked at the bottom had the most kudos -- and second most comments. The story I ranked as second best – and easily could have ranked as the best – had the lowest number of kudos. Hits are all over the place with the bottom story having the second most hits.

I’m not saying that authors shouldn’t take pride in their hits, comments, and kudos. I AM saying that a lack of any of those doesn’t mean your writing sucks.

Here’s a simple test. When you get done writing a piece, ask yourself -- If my muse ever asks me to write a similar story would I do it. If the answer is “yes” you probably enjoyed the process and that’s the goal.



Thank you for doing this work.

You have confirmed that it is best to leave off trying to get Kudos and Comments. I think there is a particular type of reader that does the voting; one who responds to certain triggers. It is not the stories that are best to masturbate to either. The popular ones seem to get at a particular place in the readers psyche.

It seems that any mention of God or Belief is a huge turn off. That is sad, but it is unlikely that I will change what I write much. One should write what their heart tells them to write.

When I read, there are some things that are a huge turn off for me, but not for many readers.

Thank you.


I Agree

The subset of five to ten percent of those who read stories here, who leave comments and kudos probably don't represent a true sampling of all readers.

I have not noticed the backlash to a reference to God or Belief but don't doubt your observation.

I also don't believe that stroke fiction attracts more comments or kudos.

Lately we have had quite a number of new stories posted by a new author. Her stories are, like everyone else's, inconsistent in quality. On a range of one through ten I would say that they run from six to nine with the preponderance in the eight to nine area. Yet, several of her stories have drawn a very small number of kudos and comments.

I think she is a gifted writer and knows it.

Yet -- I have to wonder if a writer with less self-awareness wouldn't be sorely tempted to conclude that she could do much better things with her time.

I understand that people think everything on the internet should be free. That's terrific but it just isn't true. If it appears to be free they're probably stealing your data.

The free stories on BC shouldn't be considered "free" either. The authors spend a lot of time creating them. That is expense to them.

Nobody here "owes" anything to anyone else -- except this is a community and communities do have unwritten contracts.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

It's Free Until It Isn't

BarbieLee's picture

Don't worry Jill I'll get to your noodles and comments in a moment.

The honor system is so lopsided but there are those who keep trying. Remember the coin jar beside the refrigerator full of soft drinks. The sign that read, IF YOU TAKE ONE PLEASE LEAVE A DIME. Or the one with the coin jar by the open boxes of candy bars on the counter with the sign If YOU TAKE ONE PLEASE LEAVE A NICKLE. Discounting inflation when was the last time you saw any "honor systems"? Besides places like BCTS?

Times are tough but times are always tough. Everyone has their own personal hell they are living through. Social Studies are no longer taught I have been told. History has been so Politically Corrected I probably wouldn't recognize a history book if it jumped on me. The ME Generation is moving toward socialism and communism as they are spoon fed the idea sharing means they will get to share in the wealth of the rich. It's dumbing down of the masses. I hope and pray I'm gone before then.

Remember the Dot Com Boom and bust? Free disks, free programs, free computer accessories all with the mistaken idea it would drive people to each company's doorstep to purchase. That worked didn't it? For those who weren't there, no I'm not giving you any of my freebies. A lot of companies went belly up.

Where am I going with all this? BCTS is handing out stories on the honor system. Or a Dot Com system. Read what you want, make a donation if you would. It's not working. The ladies who are keeping BCTS open are "donating their lives" to this site. They started it hoping it would become a viable paying business in time. Best I can tell since I'm a little late joining BCTS, they are having to dig in deeper each month to keep the doors open. Several of us have started our own business(s) and if they aren't paying for the operating costs after the first five years they probably never will without a different business approach. Adjustments. There are those who will never make a donation to the donation jar. Only when they buy it from the machine will the pay.

Forward to Jill's blog noodles and poodles and such. Welcome to the cutthroat business of publishing, Sweety. It has always been thus as what is inside the book covers doesn't really count as much as what is on the cover itself and what push one can get from the reviews. I'll try and explain publishing and every other business.

I'm going to give away ten thousand dollars. One hundred dollars to each customer who shows up. So good so far. I'm going to set up a table in the pasture on Saturday and Sunday to advertise my latest publication and give away free money. At the end of the second day I go home without selling a single novel nor giving away a hundred dollars. Why? I had a great business plan. Maybe because it never got out to the public and gained traction. In increments each story is like that. The cover has to get their attention in some way attract them to look at the title. Which is the secon increment to end sales and readership. Both have to appeal to the individual to get them to pick up, open the book. The hard part to swallow, there is no universal cover, or title that will appeal to everyone. One kind of bait does not appeal to every kind of fish. They read the story provided it interested them enough to even give it their attention. Why should they bother leaving a comment? That takes time and thought. Incentive? Almost zero. Return on their time? Usually zero except for positive critique or compliment the author's skills and the flow of the story.

There are some authors here who have received over three thousand hits on their stories and less than thirty comments. That's less than one percent even took the time to mention they enjoyed the story. BCTS is free, the stories are free. There are a heck of lot of authors now compared to fifteen years ago or earlier. Leaving a comment takes time, a payment if you will, on a site where everything is free.

Whether he said it or not, Remember the quote attributed to Einstein about doing the same thing expecting different results. Erin, Piper, ladies are you listening? There are stories here one will never find anyplace else. When BCTS shuts it's doors, a trove of comments, blogs, stories will be lost forever. That is another one of those things I pray I won't live long enough to see.
hugs Jill

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Could Be

It is right on the cusp of when this system started. However Have a Heart was posted before Money / Honey -- and it received more than twice as many kudos.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Doesn't Seem That Way...

The kudos system started in the fall of 2010, if I recall correctly from when I looked it up a while back: somebody (not the author) was commenting about the low number of kudos on an old story. (I hadn't thought the system went back that far.)

Heart was posted in 2015, but Money went up in 2009, although Sephrena put it up again as a retro-classic in 2016. So the number of kudos for Money wouldn't correspond to the number of reads and comments: 16 of the 17 comments are from before fall of 2010.


That Makes Sense

Do you have encyclopedia for a mind? Or, is there another way to know this history?


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

In Researching the Kudos Date...

...it helped that I remembered that I posted a forum message soon afterwards asking whether people thought a kudos ("kudo", back then) should be held to a higher standard than a vote under the old system. (The answer turned out to be no.) So I knew what I was looking for when I went to the Hangin' Around section of the Forums, switched the sorter to alphabetical and looked in the K's. The date turned out to be 10/15/2010, but a note from Erin in that section, introducing the system but saying that it wasn't working perfectly yet, is dated 8/18/2010.

As for your stories, I just went to your author page and brought the two of them up. Sephrena headed the one story "BigCloset Retro Classic 2009-07-01". So I looked at the dates on the comments: 15 from 2009, one from February 2010 and one from 2019. None, it turns out, related to the 2015 reposting. (I thought about going to the Wayback site and checking the reads and kudos as of 2014; had this been a serious research project I'd most likely have tried that.)
