One Hundred
I hope people don't think that I am blowing my own trumpet (I have been accused of this) but I thought that having posted one hundred stories (by my count) on Big Closet, I should open a discussion on what people really like about TG Fiction.
I have said it before, but I write to fill a need. It is a fantasy for me, being able to live a life as who I am, especially if that life includes love - in my case a good man. A fantasy that might just happen, which accounts for the fact that I avoid magic.
However, perhaps my novelettes are a departure from that. These I have published as kindle e-books on Amazon, and one of these has been added to BCTS today.
Neuron Transfer has a small shred of science behind it, as the understanding of the human brain is still largely a mystery, but it does open up a real question about what you would do if you could live as a complete woman. While I ticked the box it is important to understand that this is not mind transfer but memory augmentation. The ultimate question is whether you would use you do-over/mulligan to pursue/rebuild your wealth and power or just seek a life of love and family as Backhouse never really had.
Another of my novelettes is on a similar theme: "Reframed" is about a man who stores his stores his consciousness in a mainframe to escape death and in the post Trumpian dystopia is forced to shift that to the nearest mobile unit - a sex-bot.
In "Genetic Reconstruction" is gene therapy is the science fiction element, used as a cure for hemophilia with results that could only be called predictable in our TG world.
In "Robot Surgeon" the suspension of disbelief follows the more conventional unintended body modification.
"Infiltrator" follows one of my other themes in longer form with the "undercover" device that I explored recently with "Amazon" although from comments that may well have been no so well received.
I detect that there is still a preference for tales about voluntary transitions. For those I am trying to add some (I hope) clever element as I did in "Making a Scene".
What I would like is for my readers to review the 100 stories again and give me some thought on what I am doing wrong (or right)
Write what you like.
I try to write mild romances with no coitus and happy endings. If a story passes my comfort level, I stop reading it. I am more comfortable with lesbianism than gay relationships.
Have fun.
Thanks for the blog post! I
Thanks for the blog post! I've recently started reading your stories and have been a big fan. I'll have to read your suggestions here too!
You get a STTOS reply from me today
(Star Trek The Original Series - sorry, been binge-watching it lately)
Uhura: Captain, we've received a request for aid from Marianas quadrant
Kirk: Don't reply just yet. Let's make her sweat for once.
Sulu: Sweat, Captain?
Kirk: Yes. She makes us wait for her transmissions, broadcasting only every 12 - 24 hours. Sometimes we wait 2 whole days! Remember the time she took a whole WEEK in between posts?! And Bones wouldn't give me anything to take the edge off!
McCoy: Dammit, Jim, I'm a doctor not a fiction-withdrawal-babysitter!
Spock: Nevertheless, logic dictates that an equitable response to this request would be advisable, seeing as our current relationship with the Marianas Peterians is very one-sided: she produces, we consume.
Kirk: **Sigh**. All right, Spock. You win. Scotty, have the warp core read through all the MP stories and prepare a response in the next 12 hours.
Scotty: Cap'n - we're operatin' at near full capacity - I'll give ya all she can, but she can'nae do it in 12 hours.
Kirk: **Sigh ... sigh**
Hugz! - **Sigh**
Sighs are the natural language of the heart.
-Thomas Shadwell
Using Kudos
I really like having the kudos marker so that I can get a general idea of what people like.
But I am not really sure what total hits means. Why do some people click on one story but not another?
Just looking at my last 6 stories "Shampoo" got the largest number of hits but the lowest kudos rating at 2.4%.
"Caring" got the highest kudos rating at 9.5%. A very simple story of voluntary change.
On the kudos measure I think that the highest rated of my stories so far might be "Lumberjackie" so I am thinking of a sequel.
I do like comments and the ability to interact with readers, so the important thing for me is number of comments.
Of the last 10 stories "Talk Show" received the most at 16 comments, but 5 are from me! It was about the style I guess.
After that came "La Chevaliere" and the request for more fact based stories, so I hear that.
I think that I have plenty more stories left in me, so with your support, I will carry on...
Write for Yourself
Enjoy writing the stories and accept that the site has many authors and a massive list of stories accumulated over a long period. My opinion for what it's worth is that tastes change and the reader base changes too, You will already have a number of readers who read your stories and lots who have their own list of favourite writers and don't read every story posted to the site.
You post a lot of stories so just keep up the good work.
Thank you for comment Jules.
I know you are right. Some of my fans say that they read it because It has my name on it.
I do the same, with just a handful of writers.
Plus I don't bother with magic, bodysuits, age regression, bondage and diapers.
And if it looks too long it is not for me. I write it short. I read it short.
But I just want more people to read my stuff.
Perhaps I am hopelessly needy (?)