Sigh, amature writers and laws

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Writers are entering and publishing without truly reading or understanding the legalities of what is or isn't plagiarism. Nor do they understand the repercussions of filing a "that's my story line" lawsuit without researching prior publications. The large publishers did all that expensive legals for their authors. They knew whether they had a legal leg to stand on or not. Now with thousands of instant writer-publishers who read something somewhere about DCM (digital copyright material) they start firing off take down notices to everyone. They become instant lawyers from reading something posted on the net or something a friend told them.
It's like handing the keys to the kid who has seen a picture of a combine and telling him-her to harvest the crop. Those puppies are computer everything now, crop intake is computer adjusted, seed counted, axial flow rates regulated, and hydraulic-computer ground height constantly adjusted. The operators are pilots of a million dollar machine.

Get the picture? If one isn't a lawyer stick with writing and do NOT think about suing anyone or filing take down claims. That said, there isn't anything out there which hasn't been written one could truly claim was an original. BUT if a writer goes shadow writing close to a published copyright story be ready they may want to sue you just because they can. The almost get out of jail free card is if one is NOT publishing for profit or capital gain but putting out stories for free, it's almost impossible for anyone to sue as there was no malicious intent. Tricky word here, I said almost.

Here's the disclaimer to protect my own un huh. I'm not a lawyer and in no way is anything I have written or implied in this blog to be construed as legal advice. Let's clarify further by saying it is my personal opinion.
hugs writers, readers
Life is a gift. Treasure it.

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