Computers Against COVID:

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Turn your computer against COVID.

Your computer can turn its other-wise unused processing power to the fight against COVID. Researchers attacking COVID are turning to us, ordinary people, to supply some of the computing power.

The University of California at Berkeley offers “BOINC”, (, a science manager that runs in the background on your machine, managing research programs to fight COVID. These science research programs won’t hurt or slow your machine (they step aside when you use your machine.)

Go to, look them over, then download and install the BOINC manager. Then use BOINC to select the research projects you want to help. BOINC automatically downloads “work units” for your machine to run.

The Rosetta (University of Washington) and World Community Grid (IBM) projects are doing COVID research. Both are running on my machine right now.

I’ve been running BOINC science programs, no problems, for over 15 years, contributing well over 7 years of CPU time to Science.