Okay, after 8 years I posted the next chapter of my story. As I mentioned in the teaser section I don’t think my writing has improved any, despite practice along with trial and error nothing seemed to get better. You are probably wondering why such a long time between chapters. Well partially due to my disappointment in my writing, and what seemed to push me to at least try, seemed to have decided to take a vacation in Tahiti, not that I blame it I think I would rather be in Tahiti too at times. The overall reason is I felt it was a poor attempt and didn’t gain much interest and there really was no sense in continuing.
I will say I have decided to finish this story only due the fact I hate leaving things undone, and this has gone unfinished for far too long. But the number one reason is someone asked if was going to be, and so this chapter is dedicated to Taxidermist just for asking if it was going to be. I apologize to them too because this chapter is lacking in content. So there it is poor as it is, and despite me not getting anywhere close to what I wanted in this chapter and what questions I had intended to answer. It ends at least the beginning of the story and hopefully gives one of my characters somewhat of a back story as they are an essential part of the rest of the story.
It just creates the need for an additional chapter that I hadn’t planned on. I am not expecting much response to it but as I said I am committed to finishing it. I know it isn’t very good and probably a boring read, as it is mostly conversation consisting mainly of recollection of events. So I am asking you to put up with it and the next four chapters and an Epilogue (which will hopefully tie things up into a package). I do want to thank all the authors here no matter whom, thanks for all that you have freely given so many of you have kept me entertained over the years. I truly understand what you go through to post your stories, and very jealous of those of you that write so well and make it seem so easy.
Thank Goodness
Thank goodness I'm not the only one in a similarly embarrassing situation. It's not exactly the same for me, as I don't have anything posted then apparently abandoned. For me, it means that I have oh so many longer unfinished stories, that I haven't posted -- even though I have postable chapters. (I posted a couple chapters from my BB sequel, admittedly.)
-- Daphne Xu
Well it is nice to know that someone else is in the same boat I am. It must be a pretty big boat because I haven't run into you while hanging out in the lounge. I will say after today I am not going to worry how well it will be received or how many kudos, as in the over scheme of things it doesn't matter. What matters is how you treat others that is how you will always be remembered, not the amount of Kudos. So just post them, be content with them if you are happy with your work. We are our own worst critics and no one will ever say anything you haven't said to yourself. I look forward to whatever you post.
Take Care
Couple Things
I don't like posting story parts, then abandoning the story or leaving it dangling a long time. Also, when I write long story, I have to go back and revise early parts. In fact, I usually have to revise in general.
I might be motivated to finish a story I recently began, a longer of my short stories. Then it's going to be an agonizing couple of weeks while I wait before passing through it again, revising it, and finally posting it. I might cut the couple of weeks down to three or four days instead.
Actually, I have been hanging around. In fact, I'm in that exalted elite who've had a blog entry chopped down for being provocative.
-- Daphne Xu
Ah, so... There are others
Ah, so... There are others who share, in some small way, difficulties faced by myself. Uh, regarding caution at releasing any portion of the material which I have produced over time.
Therefore, I find I must empathise wholly with all of you.
I have some... uh.... well.... a small multitude... um... several dozen stories heavily researched, partially written, with appropriate permissions sought ( and given ) but which I have... not exactly abandoned but which I am highly unlikely to ever complete, much less post.
Why? You might ask.
I’ll tell you. I am my own worst critic.
After spending inordinate quantities of time preparing any of those aforementioned pieces of garb.... er... aforementioned stories, and writing four, five, even six chapters; I stepped back to take a long, hard, dispassionate look at what I had produced, then decided the writing came nowhere near that to which I would consider subjecting anyone. Ergo, the... uh, stories were shelved. Dutifully relegated to a greatly hidden archive buried in the depths of the hard drive of my computer(s). Hopefully never to again see the light of day. Why I did not simply erase them is just one of the questions flowing through my consciousness ( every now and then - mostly then ).
At any rate - as I prefer quality in lieu of quantity, I hope the encoding of those stories, and their relegation to a dusty bin of other... um, material which I hold closely to prevent unauthorised discovery ( for the good of all man- or woman-kind ), shall never be broken. Or, at least, not until I’m long dead and gone - it wouldn’t do to have some of that material follow me into some subsequent life - not that it is perverse or pornographic... I would not write such material nor condone it.
I’m getting off-track here.
Essentially, I wish to say - I understand what each of you is saying and wish to commiserate with each of you in your laments.
God Bless,
Re 'Lost in the Mist of Time'
I've only just discovered this story and I was a bit confused to see the first few chapters were posted in 2012. I was starting to think that they had the wrong year on them but now all is explained. This is a really good story and I don't know why you are so critical of your own writing, although I think we all feel that way sometimes, but it shouldn't stop us posting stories. Being a Celt on both sides, (I was born in Wales of a Welsh mother and an English father who had a Scottish name), the theme really appeals to me. Are you familiar with the late author Nigel Tranter? He wrote many novels set in Scotland which, like this story, incorporate real people as well as imaginary ones.
Having written a number of novels I've posted in this site, I've come to the conclusion that the best thing is to write the whole story before starting to post it; that way it's easy to go back and make adjustments if needed. When I wrote each chapter and then posted it, I often wished I could go back and change things and occasionally I did, but only new readers read the amended version.
I haven't read all the chapters of this story yet but will in the next couple of days. I hope you will go on writing when you get the inspiration and I for one will certainly look out for your name on the author list.
Best wishes, Bronwen Welsh
Thank you Bronwen
This coming from you I take as a high compliment, as I have enjoyed everything you have posted. Yes, I have read Nigel Tranter. In fact I have his Robert the Bruce books sitting in my bookcase. I had more of his works but they were paperbacks and lost most of them when my house flooded during a hurricane. He is very hard to find in bookstores here in America so I have to wait until I go to a Scottish games close by and hope I find some. I consider myself Celtic as well I have a Scots-Irish mother and a Scots-English father whose family also includes some Welsh, and Cornish. I do hope you enjoy the rest of the chapters, and hope you will let me know. I came to the realization today when I started the next chapter, how difficult it is posting one at time, For some reason I end up adding more chapters. My original idea consisted of four or five. Thank you again for your kind words
Sincerely, Fiona Murray