And finally....

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Look i'll get the hang of this daylight thing soon, I promise!

No excuses but Bev wanted a burger, I defaulted to chef and then we chatted and then.... well time sort of runs away right? Anyhow, lets get caught up now I am here.

Monday - now for the last month I've been going for a run on Mondays but tbh, after Sunday's long walk I was barely running on two cylinders so instead I took it as a rest day, my first one this month, as I've been hiking, running or cycling every day! I certainly felt better for it.

Tuesday though was back to the programme, this time a meandering two wheeled route through southern Gloucestershire which still managed to accumulate 109km even if it was a bit light on the climbing rate! Not a bad day and I felt nicely relaxed after the day off.


And so to today, that's Wednesday. The plan was for a shorter, less arduous hike which sort of happened, it was only just over 20km and it was nearly all either urban or on good paths/trails. Essentially I made my way to the Avon Valley Railway at Bitton then followed the cycle route north before diverted to take in some of one of the oldest railway lines in the world, the Mangotsfield Tramway or the Dramway as locals call it. Originally a standard gauge horse tram line serving the local collieries, later some parts were replaced with first Broad gauge steam before ending its days as standard gauge steam - I know, TMI for a lot of you. Anyway, I followed that for a distance before weary feet suggested I should head back to base still @ 5km away! Yes there will be pictures, on Friday, including railway things!


Next we come to the BC posting, as I hinted on Sunday, today you get two chapters, the first part of 'missing' book 2, A Gaby Summer and then chapter 21 of Book 21, Rocky Roads.

I'm uncertain at the minute whether there will be a double post every time or not, i'll let you know on that.

So that just about ties up the start of the week, I'm hoping to make the most of the good weather forecast here up into the weekend!

Madeline Anafrid