I just want to give a BIG THANK YOU! to Erin, Piper, Jamie, Cat and all the others that make this site happen.
The only time most of the come out from hiding is when they are in dire need of funds to meet the financial obligations to keep the site running for the rest of us. Without their unselfish effort and sacrifice WE would not have this site to read the stories we all enjoy.
If you haven't yet signed up for PATRON (which I find extremely easy and painless), written a check, made a One-Time Gift or purchased a Hatbox Membership please consider doing so.
I can't think of a better way of showing our appreciation than making a little sacrifice on our part to ensure the funds needed to keep BC up and running are available each month.
SO THANK YOU Erin, Piper, Jamie, Cat and crew for doing what you do to keep this site available for us to use.
I am relatively new to this site and I am not an author, as you can tell by my blog but I do have experience in trying to do something when you have no idea where future funds will come from and it is quite unsettling.
Those are my thoughts
PS remember you can contribute as little as a $1 per month by using Patreon of course more would be appreciated.