So, things have kind of sucked for me and Martin. Things sucked financially before Covid, but the quarantine killed our one small source of income. Martin got offered a good paying government job and was supposed to be getting training for it, but it seems like s/he keeps getting the runaround about when that training will start after making inquiries at every level ad nauseum for almost a month. So things were looking up oh so briefly, but now seem even more frustrating and our financial situation worse than before when we were living on $70 a week. It's been wearing on both of us and as a result my health has been occasionally suffering and between that and another issue I haven't been able to focus my mind very well the past 2 weeks. I've been distracted, worried, and giving in to things where I usually exhibit very strict self control, so after nearly two weeks of having my head in a fog and not being able to think clearly, I'm a bit ashamed and depressed as well.
Anyway, I woke up this morning trying to regain some semblance of self-control so I'm trying to make myself focus on writing and editing, if only to keep myself distracted from other things for as long as I can and to try to improve my mood. It's been slow, but I'm getting back into the groove and I hope to have then new chapter of MSPD finished tomorrow and be back to my regular schedule this week. Sorry about the delays everyone.
*big hugs*
Me Time
We all NEED some time to relax, re-energize and focus our lives. Take ALL the time you NEED. The site will still be here waiting :)
Thanks EoF
Yeah, I guess I need to work some things out, but It's nice to be able to focus enough to be here and post something at least.
*big hugs*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
sending a herd of huggles
I made them extra huggy, just for you
Thanks Dot
*hugs back tight*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
Take the time you need
As someone who ended her last job last week, and starts her new job early august, I know that I am having to take time to practice mindfulness and expel the harm from a toxic workplace. While your situation is not the same, it sounds like the effect may be similar, so make sure that you take the time to do what you need to to take care of your own wellbeing. If writing helps you to re-centre yourself, then do that. But if it is only going to stress you out, then wait until you are in a place where you are comfortable doing it.
Take all the time you need to do what you need to do
I've been in a similar situation to yours so I can relate to a point. So if you need, or even just want, to take time out to clear your head then by all means go ahead. It's nice that you want to keep updating your stories but, speaking for myself, I would be willing to wait if you need time away from writing.
In any caseI will support whatever action you choose to follow. I hope things turn around for you.