I have just posted "Floria". This will probably my last story posted here and elsewhere. I had posted four other stories that were taken from well known operas. They were "The Queen of the Night", "Anita", "Discovery", and "Mike and Ashley." They had happy endings but I had to do some significant finagling in two of them to make them end up that way' It wasn't going to happen with "Floria".
I struggled with Floria for at least three or for years without putting pen to paper. It finally began to come together just a couple of months ago. Like many operas. there is love, murder, tragedy, and suicide. I couldn't change the story, couldn't write it any other way. If the subject matter bothers you don't red it. None of the violence is related to being transgender. There are just some real bad people.
I am now totally retired, and like many of you am pretty much restricted to home. Maryanne Peters is lucky. She's in New Zealand. My last few stories have reflected some of the issues I have with current world situations. Some of the characters in this story resemble real people, and I didn't have to change a thing.
Sorry to see this post
I can understand your difficulties and operas are usually pretty messy, even relatively modern ones like Madam Butterfly. Nowadays she'd end up pinned to a card in a collector's drawer.
I'm sorry you think you will no longer be writing and thank you for all you've offered us before. I would also thank you for all the lovely comments and support you've given me as an author here and hope that will continue for a long time to come.
All good wishes on your 'retirement.
I'm sorry to see you stop
I'm sorry to see you stop writing. Everything of yours that I've read, I've always enjoyed.
It's rather unexpected to
It's rather unexpected to read you are about to stop writing. You never can tell what will be on your mind after all cudos of "Floria" will be collected. Who knows what future has for you? Maybe you'll fancy short stories instead of multi-volume novels this time.
Your Stories.
I've enjoyed your stories over the years and I'm sorry for not having always been the best at comments. It took me some time to find that you are not listed as littlerocksilver, but as Portia Bennett. I'll bet there is a story behind that. I rather think that you'll keep writing but perhaps not at your previous pace? I've enjoyed your stories and hope to continue that.
Gwen Boucher (Brown)
I have really enjoyed your stories
Even if you are hanging up your ink pot and quill I hope you continue to comment and chat with us here. I have enjoyed messaging with you over the years.
Thank you.
very sad
I hope to still see you here. I will miss the new that might have been while savoring the old that will always be, With much love dear friend!
Love, Andrea Lena
Swan Song
Guys, I'm 78. The muse is tired, and the last four years of US politics have wearied me greatly. I'll be around s long as I can and will continue to support this wonderful site.
I hope you find your muse again
I really like your stories, and hope for more from you
Oh no! So sad ... I've read most of your stories at least twice
... And you are one of the authors who lured me here from TGStorytime. Most of your stories give me 'happy sniffles' the whole way through.
A while back, someone asked for 'happy stories', and yours were among those I suggested.
Looks like I now have to stalk-er- follow you on Amazon.
Thanks so very much for countless hours of reading pleasure.
I'm working on a story (sorry, nothing yet published here) where the protagonist is Guardian to a cat. Cat is is smart, far beyond 'normal' for a Maine Coon. At the end, protagonist will discover s/he is a witch, and Kitty is her familiar. I just plain stole-er- borrowed those two ideas from your Cynthia stories.
Thanks again, so long (never ''goodbye') and fare-thee-well!