TopShelf Blogs

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Sexuality I don't understand.

With the recent disclosure of Paris Hilton, I begin to suspect that lots of people have severe trauma in their lives, yet somehow manage to hide it and pull together a reasonable life. I'm no exception. The mistake I made was to marry a severely damaged partner and eventually our lives caved in. She was an Alcoholic and I changed male to female.

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When you have nothing but time on your hands

So I spent a bit of time last night in the emergency room. At such times, my mind begins to wander... or is it wonder?

For example, What exactly is the Tooth Ferry for? Where does it cross. I thought there was a bridge there.

Do you leave positive or negative feedback when you purchase batteries online?

In Greek mythology, was Chiron known as the Centaur for Disease Control?

Is Irony truely the opposite of wrinkley?

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Cannot send message

I just tried to send a message to someone, and got a message that the attempt to send the message failed, and to contact my site administrator. When I tried to send a message to erin about this, got the same fail message.

So now I am doing a blog entry, as a way to contact my administrator. My apologies for wasting everyone else's time.


Moving pain

So the other day, I had an ultrasound in a place where I have had a pain in my abdomen since I was 17 years old. At that starting point, it makes it well over thirty years that the pain has been on and off.

They did find one. There are a couple of problems I have here, however. I drove truck for many years, and I pulled double flatbeds. This means that I lifted 100 to 150 lb tarps onto the front and back of two trailers each day. Once, five feet to the deck,and once six to eight feet to the top of the load. How did I not aggravate the hernia?

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frozen by fear

so one of the few things my brother and sister-in-law have asked me to do around here is trim the grass in the summer.

But about a month ago, while I was using the electric trimmer, our neighbor swore through his window at me for apparently waking him up. since then, I've been terrified of trimming the lawn, and found all kinds of excuses not to do it.

The lawn now looks like crap, but I feel worse. sighs ….

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Cuddles is gone

I took Cuddles to the vet this morning and got the bad news. The confusion, walking in circles, weakness in the hind legs: possible brain tumor.

And a fair-sized bill to find out if anything could be done -- or not. She was at least 14 and maybe as old as 16, she hadn't seemed happy in at least a year.

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sorry, no stories from me for a bit

I'm sorry to say I'm probably 2 weeks away from having anything new up. A number of events in real life have drained my writing spoons, just when I was making some progress on several ideas.

I hope I will still have readers by the time I have something for them to read ...

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In Limbo

Spending today in limbo. My mom, who was in the hospital a couple weeks ago due to severe stomach pains (ulcers as if turned out) went back in last Friday as she'd become non responsive. Dad called my sister yesterday to let her now and for her to call me. They think Mom has pneumonia, and her lung function was already horrid due to her many other health issues. She's been on oxygen and bedridden now for too many years.

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Looking for a story

I am looking for a story from the Whately universe.
Story concerns a young boy conscripted into a villains army, becomes a shidhe female seductress/spy type, co-opts a group of the villains enhanced followers led by a character called Blackstar?, and escapes to Whately.

If anyone can help point me in the right direction, I would appreciate it greatly.

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Does anyone know what happened to Elsbeth?

Elsbeth was posting every week with Freyja's Daughters and The Lost Queen, two posts a week, then in the second week of April this year she just disappeared. I loved her DarkRealm Universe stories that she wrote six or seven years ago and was thrilled to see her return. These new stories were developing into her best yet, and then.....poof! Does anyone know if she is okay?

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New Chapter of Rairy Contrary is out.

Hello out there,

Book Cover

A new Chapter of Rairy Contrary just dropped!

Thanks everyone for your interest in this story. It's been a while since I've written anything for it but I sat down last week and advanced the story a bit.

I've been spending most of my time working on Adrianne (The second book to Adrian) and I've made some really great strides on it. I'm 40k words in!

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Setting: The Rule of Three Senses

On alternate Wednesdays, I run a little writers' group sharing insights and critiques with other writers. I'm the most experienced there, though not the only one who has made a living as a writer, so often I am leading the discussions and providing some of the things I have learned.

The group is called "Taking Pains" as a reminder that being a writer is a craft that requires attention to detail, and too, an ability to stand up to constructive criticism. Which we try to do a lot of, and as little of the other kind as can be managed.

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Another short

Just put up another short story, one rather lighter and not as 'noir' or heavy as the one from last week (Raquiel). This short can also fit in the Light saga - which I am totally now tempted to start calling 'Dawn of Light' as coined by Nyssa! It may even have a hint of future issues for poor Jordan to deal with... ;)

Hopefully folks enjoy this one! As always, thanks for reading - and especially for any comments!!

- Erisian

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Am I correct

in thinking that the size of tasters or adverts for books are getting bigger - except mine of course and one or two others, and is this fair because it appears that one or two of them would take up half a page of broadsheet and certainly pretty well fill my screen as I scroll down them.

Perhaps I'm getting old and crabby, but it doesn't encourage me to want to post much at all.

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a dream of searching, anger, and something beyond

Last night's dream was … interesting. It started with me in a crowed building, that seemed a combination of a school and recreation center complete with a wave pool. I wanted to get to the water, which I could see behind glass, But I was unable to do so, and asking the crowd of people didn't help. Finally Ieft frustrated, and instead of just asking, I began swearing at people.

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Blame it on age

I’m getting forgetful, I can’t believe it, but it’s true.

I forgot that there’s a “kudos” button here. For at least a year I suspect.

Everyone who has posted a story since last summer please give yourself a point to make up my laxity.


Bad Idea

In Masks XVIII there's the following:

"Scaring someone to trigger their latent powers is the stupidest..." said Tiger, as Middleton sat, further startling him. He leaned forward, aura flickering. "Didn't you idiots learn anything from Tokyo in 1983?!"

This was a reference to a sequence in the Japanese animated feature Harmageddon. For those who may not have seen the movie, I made a music video of this several years ago, and it can be found here:

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Big storm hits Davenport Iowa

We had a big storm roll through Monday just after noon. No tornadoes but wind speeds equal to one. Severe lightning, torrential rains and all that come with a bad storm.

I happened to be home when it hit, having taken the morning off for a doctor's appointment and returned home to have lunch. Watching the wind and rain outside reminded me of hurricanes when I still lived in Florida.

The good part was it left as fast as it came in and within two hours the sky was clear. Although it left broken trees, power poles and over 100,000 without power.

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Barney Miller circa 1975

Those of us who are of a certain age will remember the sit com, Barney Miller. It's about the 12th Precinct detectives. I was watching it late last night and the 1975 episode, Vigilante came on. It features an arrest of a cross-dressing teamster, for an "unclassified misdemeanor." We're all used to seeing cross-dressers in comedy being the brunt of the gag. In this case the cross-dresser was treated with respect and the comedy lines were all about the "unclassified misdemeanor" and the others reaction to him.

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Stolen! -7- on Patreon, Patrons Only

"Try to whimper a little," Bonnie advised.

"You're kidding, aren't you?" I asked, knowing that tears were already running down my face...

Bonnie and Dolly try to fool Earl about just how much of a helpless captive Dolly really is.


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Gender Stereotyping CNN Article

I am angered by the ignorance in this CNN Article. It's all about it being OK for girls to be Tomboys, and just goes on and on. Yet, if a boy tends to be effeminate, many of us know there is hell to pay.

It is amazing that they had the cheek to publish this article.


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Kindle reviews

Yesterday Last week was Erin’s birthday.

She has often said that what she would really love to receive is financial stability for Big Closet.

There is a way you can help!

Almost everyone on this site lives hand-to-mouth. It was stated in a story on ABC News in May of 2019 that 40% of Americans have less than $400 in an emergency fund for unexpected expenses. That was pre-Covid. Clearly that number would be much worse today.

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Floria - Sorry for the Confusion

Several folks commented or messaged that the ending of Floria confused them. Were they dead or were they alive, and if they were, how did they pull it off. Perhaps I was being a bit to obscure. Let me assure you, Geno, Andy, and Floria were quite dead The answer was the name of the establishment where they were going for dinner: The Elysian Bar and Grill. These are Italians, remember.

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NEW ...Vantier a Whateley Tale is up!

Vantier a Whateley Tale chapter 20: encroaching shadows!

Well someone on here blogged about my Vantier stories (Sammi! grin!) and I noticed when some other reader psoted a coment that I ahd not done a chapter in a year!

so 2 years late (my bad!) I post a new chapter for you all to enjoy

and what shadowy danger grows in this chapter!......muhahahahahahaha!

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A Step Too Far

Everyone probably already knows. Trump finalizes rule defining gender as a person's biological sex. Like Deuteronomy 22:5, many are using Harry Benjamin's illogical and so stupidly wrong, rules defining trans. Have I let everyone know in plain enough English how much I hate what that man did to all transsexuals? Thank you Benjamin for all the lives you complicated and those you destroyed for your "Standards of Care". I pray you receive your just reward in Hell. I think Dr. Grazie Pozo Christie, policy adviser for The Catholic Association put it very succulently, transgender are insane.


Rairy Contrary Cover

Hello out there,

I ended up playing around in Canva a little bit and created a couple covers!

The first one is your standard book cover.

Book cover

The next one is pretty much the same thing but smaller for instagram.

insta cover

I like how they turned out. I just wanted to share that with you.

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Wouldn't it be nice?

It's the only holiday in August, my birthday. :) I'm 72.

I'm thankful for a lot of things in my life and one of those is BigCloset which I have been operating, with the help of friends, for almost 21 years.

It's fun and I'm convinced it helps keep me young, despite the occasional stress. :)

I'm kind of passed the age at which I expect birthday presents, but if there is anyone out there who would like to know that they made me smile, they can send a gift through the Hatbox via the links in the right-hand column of this page.

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Pastor Dot?

Once a month, my church hosts a special evening service called "Haven" for individuals on the LGBT spectrum and their allies. Well, the young man who normally runs the service has asked if I would like to lead it for the september service. Thanks to Covid, we'll stream me speaking, so no crowd to get nervous about, but still, something I've never tried before.

Wish me luck, and assuming the service will be available afterward, I'll drop a link.

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Just a thought

I was just surfing around checking old dead links to remove when one popped up for me finally. If I may suggest so boldly, check for stories you haven't seen before cause the link didn't work for quite a while...….nothing new, unless you have not been around since the dawn of time, like me

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I wonder how the pheonix feels when rising from the ashes?

Some are aware that I drop in from time to time, read a bunch of stories, answer some messages. I have been very quiet over the last number of years, I am truly amazed at just how long that has been. I never left though, I just never managed to pull my muse back together or perhaps it has found a new expression in art. I spend a lot of time painting or doing digital art, it's quite relaxing. However, I still read a lot and there are so many capable writers here.

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A milestone for me

August 4, 2020

I'm pleased to see that there has been 5000 views of my February 2018 story "A Woman-less Beauty Pageant: It was the Zipper’s Fault 1".

As a first effort story I'm extremely pleased about so many hits but at less then 850 words I wish I had waited and combined ALL the "A Woman-less Beauty Pageant" chapters into a single longer story. Perhaps someday I will.

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I'm back (I hope) and being bumped

well, my new computer seems to be working, so I'm gonna give that a tentitive yay. But on the boo side, because how prolific we've all been this last couple of days, my latest story has dropped way down, and its at least possible some of you who would have normally checked it out have missed it. so just in case, here is a link:

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Elrod's - Bikini Beach?

Bikini Beach: A Promise to my Mother (title is link to the story and area the rest can be found)

While reading the above story, I was reminded of a story with a similar story line, and with some sites disappearing and some authors DE-Pubbing stories, I thought I'd post this

I'm pretty sure that the story is in Elrod's Bikini Beach Universe (but I may be wrong)

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Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

I just love messages like the two below that were sent by the same person within minutes of each other ...

I'm not trying to hurry you up or anything, but I do find it ironic that when I check to see if a new chapter is up, what comes up in where the next episode will be is "Hurry it up", lol.

Grr, I mean "What's taking so long?"

My reply was ...

" ... it'll happen when it happens. Like a good wine it's only ready when it's it ready.

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Short story

Since the next book in the Heaven's Light saga is taking so long to write I thought I'd start posting a few of the short stories collecting dust to the side. Hopefully folks will enjoy them while I try to get what's in my head for poor Jordan to have to deal with out onto the page. I feel like I need another vacation from work to just focus on writing, maybe I'll do that in a few weeks. The first short, 'Raquiel', is now up.

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Apple Fire

In case anyone hears about it, I live near the Apple Fire, currently burning east of San Bernardino, but it is moving east and north away from me.

I'm okay, there's almost no wind and fire travels uphill, usually; it's already 2000 feet further up the mountain than where I live.


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Being Christina Chase

I'm rereading this wonderful story by Admiral Krunch which is one of my comfort reads. It has lots of laughs and also tears but it ticks all my boxes and I would thoroughly recommend it to those who haven't encountered it yet, but be warned it is addictive being well planned.

Here's a link to part one:

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I'm NOT a Female!

How long has it been since I purchased lipstick? It's been awhile a really long while. My peach lipstick finally ran out on me. Oh I still had a kazillion colors of red but last peach or apricot, or natural colors. Time to break down and pick up another tube. I absolutely hate buying lipstick as the color is NEVER the same as the one we ran out of. Walmart was a joke unless red is one's color. Heck I have three or so dozen of red. I want peach or natural. Walgreens had some and again, yes you guessed, RED, but they also had a lot of gothic shades.



The Fall of Kruhl - The Crystal of Ban-Sher’i

The Fall of Kruhl

The Crystal of Ban-Sher’i

By Daniela A. Wolfe

Amy and Brian are at last reunited in the real world, but their euphoria is short lived when they contemplate the dangers still ahead of them.

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Not Pleased With Commenting Off Site.

I am writing this out of frustration and I hope that my ire is not offensive to anyone. With no one to spank me, there is no telling.

So I bought "Accidental Romance" and just finished it. The writing is excellent and it was a great story.
For me, SRS does not enable coitus. My problem, not yours. There does not seem to be a way to comment on it. :(

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Floria - Most Likely My Swan Song

I have just posted "Floria". This will probably my last story posted here and elsewhere. I had posted four other stories that were taken from well known operas. They were "The Queen of the Night", "Anita", "Discovery", and "Mike and Ashley." They had happy endings but I had to do some significant finagling in two of them to make them end up that way' It wasn't going to happen with "Floria".

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Plagiarism on Patreon

I am reposting this from Fictionmania: A message by Sir Lee with my comment to it:
"Subject: Re: Plagiarism on Patreon
A new user recently began posting stories on BigCloset -- or actually, the first chapters of stories with a link to Patreon at the end. A reader noticed that one story was actually an old one by TG author Samantha Michelle and asked about it. The poster then claimed (in a somewhat broken English) to be Samantha and changed their BigCloset display name to "Samantha Michelle." Yet their other two stories on BC did not seem to be by Samantha Michelle.

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Hello me meet the real me.

Hello out there,

Wow, have I been making some changes.

I've pretty much re-branded myself as Katherine Phillips' Brain on all of my social media. It's fun because I started adding little daily memory slips. A memory of mine is presented and then I snap out of it mid memory. Then I apologize.

I've been interacting a lot on just about every social platform I can. I'm trying to amp up my presence.

I also bought a domain for my author page!

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A little Help Please

I am having a senior moment trying to remember a story. I have been reading dragons stories recently. I read a story in the past, that was similar but different. A young boy was at a ceremony where young girls would join with( I believe its a joining of some sort). The boy sees some major figure show up and he tries to get a closer look and falls in the pit or pushed, with those egg sorts. He lands next to a black one which encompasses him. He is strong and fights and she actually joins with it. I feel like they were some type of winged beings.

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Just seeking advice

I'm reaching the point on my story 'Carla & Julian' where I want to link it to a video posted on YouTube that inspired the story. It is fiction and provides the background to the 2 central characters, one who is transgender and provides an insight to the lives of their families. The film is a wedding day.
Can the story link to the YouTube video without breaching copyright or risk of my story being removed? The main character names are different and I could just add that the story was inspired by xxxx.

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Sam and Del -8- "Why did it have to be possums?" is on Patreon for Everyone

Is Sam beginning to adjust to being Samantha? Or is it just the possums? And who is Sugarpie?


Follow Sam's adventures on the BigCloset Patreon as he finds out just what kind of girl has long hair as beautiful as his?

There are also two cover previews up on Patreon right now, viewable by anyone who wants to see them.

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I guess I'm kinda a pill when it comes to typing. Especially when it involves a blog or a PM. I've been wishing we had a method of using Emojis in blogs and messages. I finally figured out a way to do it, although it's a workaround.

It's a serious workaround, especially in PMs, but it does the job. 1F601.png

Emoji by OpenEmoji

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